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Hey guys

Hey guys I am sorry I haven't been updating I have had way to much homework. And social life. And cheerleading for the football team. I think I have too much on my plate this year. xx Whoops.

But hey I will update three times today. And tomorrow I will try but it is my birthday. And I get to hang out with my boyfriend<3.

But comment and the first three comments get a story today and I will try to give the rest of you guys one today, tomorrow, or the day after. because no homework tonight and tomorrow I take the PSAT... !!

But comment. ILYGSM<3

BTW that means I love you guys so much <3




It can always wait though, becasue it have finals right now too /.\ I understand.

With Niall.
Christmas break with a fireplace? (Not cute like Night Changes...pffft.)
Games, cookies, laughs and giggles. Cute:)
If you needed it, my name is Ariel.
If you need more, lemme know!

Just let me know what you want.

Harry_Styles_101 Harry_Styles_101

I could use an imagine! :) I love reading them!

Oh okay. Good luck on your finals :) xx

Sureee. Just wait till I get home or tomorrow I have so much homework. Finals are this week /.\