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Is this love? Or disaster


Mika Williams, a literary editor, resigns from her father's publishing company, due to her coworkers' jealousy of her success, claiming that she is simply riding her father's business. she applies for a position at Herald Publishing, but instead of her preferred department of literature she is placed in the famous visual book department, Emerald. She initially considers resigning, especially because she finds her new boss, Harry Styles, intolerable and unnerving from the very beginning; however, Harry inadvertently convinces Mika to stick with the job by calling her "useless," her pride forcing her to stay in order to prove her worth. Later, Mika learns that Harry's old family name was Mattes, an old schoolmate from high school that Mika fell in love with and confessed to.


Harry styles

Harry styles

In high school he was the cool guy every one loved or liked him, 8 years later he's a manager in the visual novel department still cool and even more sexier

Jessica Morgan

Jessica Morgan

Went to collage with Harry is the head of the sales department

Mika Williams

Mika Williams

When she was in high school she was cute innocent and had a huge crush on Harry Mattes (now Harry styles) but 8 years later she's cold and jaded

Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louie

Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louie

Editors at the visual novel department


  1. C1


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