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His Bandmate

Chapter 29

I flip the pancake over in the frying-pan, shifting from foot to foot as I wait for it to finish. I slept late this morning and is now making pancakes before I have to go to work. I felt like making something a little luxury. I've been sleeping pretty bad these past couple of days and I need the energy. It's been a week since the little get together at Harry's. I still can't believe that I...with... Urgh! I can't even think the words. I've been ignoring everyone since. I've talked to Harry, but hasn't hung out with him. I feel like such a bad friend to him, I can't believe it. I just can't look him in the eyes right now.

I haven't told anyone what I did, not even Lea. Since I can't say it to myself, I doubt I could let the words out loud.

I take the last pancake of the pan and put it on my plate with the rest of them. I turn the stove of and sit down at my table and eat slowly in the silence. It's crazy how soundproof this apartment is, at least from all the neighbors. I can hear the wind outside, but nothing else.

I sigh when I hear the buzzing of my phone. I stand up to get it from the counter and sit down again. I look at the screen and feel a sting in my stomach.

From Louis
Can we please talk?

He's been trying ever since that night. I just can't. I know that he's only playing me, he only wants to make everything right before crushing me again. I can't handle that. I'm better if I just go with this anger thing I've been keeping up. I can stay angry, it's easier. That way I can ignore these feelings inside that I don't want to acknowledge.

To Louis

I answer for the first time all week. I need him to know that it's no use to nag me.

From Louis
Why not?

To Louis

I set my phone down and ignore it when I get an answer. It's hard to deal with him constantly trying to call or text me. I've been pretty good at not react anymore. I mostly just delete the message and go on with what ever I was doing.

I go into the bedroom to find a pair of jeans and a sweater to wear to work. I brush through my hair before putting it up in an high ponytail and put my jacket and shoes on before leaving.

“Can we go out tonight?” Lea ask as it quiets down around four, before the after-workers come to the bakery. Her suggestion usually doesn't interests me, but now it sounds pretty alluring. I need to get out and do something.

“Alcohol?” I ask with a smile and she chuckles.

“Yes, definitely!” She exclaim and do a little happy-dance. “I want to go to Tonic, is that okay with you? They have a new dj.” She say with a big smile. “Besides the drinks are pretty cheep.” She adds and I laugh at her.

“Sounds perfect.” I say and pick up a tray from a nearby table.

Lea ends work around six, but I'm closing so I leave almost eight thirty. I walk home and take a shower before standing in front of my closet. What to wear? It feels like ages ago I went out to a club. I'm not usually that interested in clubs, but right now I need the distraction. And alcohol and dancing sounds like a good idea. I decide on a dark blue dress that sits flush against my body and ends mid-thigh. I put on a pair of heels, but not too high since I'm going to be dancing. I don't want a broken ankle or something.

I hear my phone on the bed and pick it up.

“Hello?” I answer without looking at the screen.

“Hey love, what are you doing?” I hear the familiar voice of Harry on the other end. I smile, I haven't talked to him in two days.

“I'm getting ready to hit town. Me and Lea is going out dancing.” I say and pull a purse from the closet that matches my dress.

“Oh, really? Sounds fun. Where are you going?” He ask as I pull a cardigan over my shoulders. I will leave it in the wardrobe with my jacket when we come to the club, but it's too cold to not wear one.

“We're going to Tonic. What are you doing tonight?” I say as I sit down on my bed, finished for a night out and only waiting before I should go to meet Lea.

“Nothing special, only hanging with some of the lads. We'll see. I've missed you, I haven't seen you all week, you busy woman!” Harry chuckles. I smile but feel a little sting of guilt. I should make up for my absence.

“I've missed you too. Maybe we can do something this weekend?” I suggest and look over at the clock on my nightstand.

“That sounds lovely.” He say and I can picture his dimple smile.

“I have to go, but we'll plan something tomorrow?” I say and walk towards the door, pulling down my jacket from the hanger.

“Yes, have fun tonight!” He say.

“You too.” I add and we hang up.

I walk down the street to the corner of it and wait, looking around me. I see Lea walk down the intersecting street and smile as I see her taking small steps in her high heels. Not smart to pick such tall ones when it's snow out.

“Hiii!” She chimes as she comes closer.

“Hey sexy lady.” I say and she hugs me.

“Well, thank you. You don't look so bad yourself, from what I can see with the large jacket over.” She say and snickers.

“Thank you.” I feel my cheeks flush a little.

“Can we take a cab? It's freezing and I don't feel like walking farther than I have to in these heels.” She ask and give me a small smile. She knows that I don't usually like to take cabs when there are busses or even possibility to walk.

“Sure.” I agree because it is pretty cold tonight.

“So how many guys are there going to be tonight?” I ask Lea with a smile as we sit in the cab towards the club.

“Oh, you never know. Two, maybe three. We'll see.” She say with a wicked grin. I laugh at her, she's such a ladies man. I do understand it because she is gorgeous, so I can't blame the guys. I have taken my turn on being worried about her, but this is who she is and I don't want to be a downer in her life. As long as she's happy, then I'm happy for her.

It doesn't take long before we arrive at the club and I'm a little shocked to see the long line following along the building wall. Oh, no! We're going to freeze to death if we're standing in that line. I take a deep breath before stepping out of the cab, preparing for the cold. I immediately wish I was back in the car. I start to walk toward the end of the line when I hear Lea call me.

“Come on.” She says and waves me toward the entrance. I frown at her but follow. She walks up to the huge guy standing at the front of the line and she says something that I don't hear and smiles sweetly at him. He smiles back and open the door for us. I feel my jaw laying on the ground before following Lea inside. What the hell was that? What did she say to him? I feel a little bad for all the people who's standing outside freezing and we just walk by. Though it felt a little good too, it felt like we were important somehow.

“How did you do that?” I ask her when we stand in the line to the wardrobe. She smiles at me as she takes her jacket of, showing off her red slim dress. The sleeveless dress clung tight over her body and ends just below her butt.

“I just said that we're with the band.” She say and smile wide. What?

“What? What band?” I ask frowning. Didn't she say that there was a dj here, not a band?

“Well, One Direction of course.” She say and I still don't get it. They're not coming. Or are they?

“But they're not here?” I ask, feeling very confused and a little stressed over the information.

“No. But he doesn't know that. I use it all the time, if they think that guys like One Direction is coming, they are thrilled and do anything for you. It's good publicity for them if they do come.” She say with a cocky smile. I am shocked. She really is the devil in red. I shake my head at her as we get in front of the line and hand our jacket to the girl standing behind the desk. We get our keycards and walk toward the bar.

“So what are we drinking?” Lea ask as we stop at the bar and look at the drink menu they have. I don't really know too much about drinks.

“I don't know, do you have any suggestions?” I ask and she smiles sheepishly at me.

“Oh yes.” She say and make contact with the bartender. She shouts something in his ear over the loud music while I look around us. It's a pretty huge place. There are two storage with three bars and two dance floors. The music is blasting and it's pretty filled with people. The dance floor closest to us is almost filled with people dancing. They are pretty safe dances, but I know that the more people drink, the dirtier the dancing will be.

“Here.” Lea say and hands me a shot class with a clear liquid. Shorts? Really? “Just one.” Lea say at my doubtful stare. I nod and we shug the drink down together as a pink and yellow drink gets places in front of us. I make a nasty face from the strong shot and Lea chuckles. She hands the man some money and hands me the drink.

“I'll pay for the next ones.” I say and she rolls her eyes. Lea is one of those people who hates talking about money. Probably because she has never been without it. I take a sip of the colorful drink, it taste sweet and is very cold. I feel a shiver go down my spine as I take a few more sips.

We move away from the bar and stop near a small table, it's tall and in the hight to stand by. I take another gulp of my drink and sets it down on the table. Lea looks around her, probably scouting the place out for hot guys. It's a bit hard to have a conversation over the blasting music, but the atmosphere is good and we both smile.

When our glasses is empty we decide to hit the dance floor. I feel a good warm feeling inside from the alcohol and a slight buzz. Lea pulls me towards the middle of the floor and we start to move. I feel a little uncomfortable and way to sober to let go fully.

That ends though when the next shot and drink is down our bodies. I knew it wouldn't be just one shot, but I don't care. I'm here to let loose and so I will. When I feel a nicer buzz in me I can dance more freely and don't mind the eyes that stares.

Soon we're surrounded by men trying to get our attention, or Lea's. But I think some of them is actually concentrating their gazes at me witch gives my confidence a nice push. I close my eyes and move to the music, letting everything go. I soon feel a tap on my arm and look up to see Lea hand me a shot. I have no idea where she got it from but I accept it and continues dancing when I hand her back the glass. I feel the alcohol move through my body, making it fuzzy and relaxed. I close my eyes and soon feel a couple of arms around me. I freeze a little at the contact. My eyes flash open and I look behind me to find the most beautiful smile. Harry! I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Ahh! What are you doing here?” I shout with the biggest smile on my face. From his shocked expression I realize how drunk I actually am because of my action. I don't normally jump up on him like that. He laughs though and lean down to my ear and shout.

“It was boing at home, so we came here.” He say and point his thumb behind him. I look over to see Liam and Louis stand a few feet back. I lock eyes with Louis but quickly look back to Harry.

“I'm so glad! I've missed you.” I say, my arms still around his neck.

“We're gonna go get some drinks, but I'll be right back.” He say and I nod, turning to dance with Lea, but she's surrounded by two guys practically humping her. I frown and stop moving. Well, this was fun. I turn back and head toward the bar and look for Harry. I find his messy hair and walks toward it. I stop in my tracks when I see two girls obviously hitting on Liam and Louis. They've been here two minutes and have girls falling around their feet. I sigh as I see one of the girl slide her hand up Louis arm. I turn my eyes away and see Harry without a girl, ordering from the bartender. I walk over to him.

“Hey.” I say as I come up beside him.

“Hi. You're done dancing?” He ask as he hands the bartender his card.

“Yeah, well. It's not as fun when my partner in crime is basically having sex on the dance floor.” I say and snicker. Harry rolls his eyes and smile as he hands a beer to Liam and Louis. Louis is sitting on one of the barstools and I can't keep my eyes from noticing one if the girls hand on his thigh. I swallow and feel a sting in my stomach. I don't know if I'm jealous of her because I wish that it was my hand, but something inside me makes me irritated. I look up and meet his eyes. He narrows them before pushing the hand away and I can clearly see the disappointment in the girls face. I turn away and take the beer from Harry and take a sip.

“You're welcome.” He say sarcastically. “I can get you your own if you'd like.” He say and chuckle.

“Why? When I can share your's?” I say, batting my eyelashes at him. He shakes his head and the amusement of my not so discreet flirtation is obvious on his face.

“How many drinks have you had?” Harry says smiling. My eyes search the room, just making sure that I have a visual on Lea. She's still dancing with one of the guys and it looks pretty steamy. Then they land on Louis and another girl comes up to him. I groan low. Why do they all have to be so god damn handsome? Couldn't they all have been ugly? It would make my life so much easier.

“Not enough.” I state and turn toward the bar. “A shot please.” I say to the bartender.

“What kind?” He asks and I frown.

“Whatever!” I say and he chuckles before turning toward the liquid on the shelf. He hand me the glass and I gulp it down before realizing that I should pay him. I feel my cheek flush a little and reach for my purse but gets stopped by his words.

“It's on the house.” He say with a sweet smile and I smile back.

“Thank you!” I say and feel a little flattered.

“Lets dance.” Harry says in my ear just then and I smile up at him and nod. Liam and Louis stay behind at the bar as we walk out to the middle of the dance floor where Lea is. She smiles at me but keeps dancing with that guys. He even looks younger than they usually does. I'm glad.

Me and Harry start to move to the beat of the music. He's a little stiff and I can really notice that he hasn't had enough to drink. I laugh out loud when he almost fall over by a very aggressive dancing girl. She looks like she's fighting more than she's dancing. Harry looks scared behind him and move closer to me. I can't stop laughing. It's probably because of all the alcohol I've drunken tonight. But I feel so good.

My laughing stop the moment my eyes lock with Louis's across the room. Argh! Why is he even here? I feel my cheek flush at the way he's watching me dance, but I shake my head and try to ignore it. I cheer as a really good song starts and jump around Harry with my hands over my head. I can't keep the smile from my face. We keep dancing, ignoring the people around us.

“I'm going to the bathroom.” I shout at Harry when I feel all the liquid moving through my body. I need to pee. He nods and I scurry through all the dancing people towards the bathroom I saw when we arrived. I always make a note to know where the bathroom is when I go out. I open the door with WC on it and enter to a large room with couches and a big table in the middle with a massive vase and flowers. The room is pretty empty beyond that and two doors, one with a little lady on it and one with a man. I walk through the lady's door and see a line with girls waiting for the bathroom. I groan quietly. The bathroom is big though, with a lot of stalls and the line get short quick. Soon it's my turn and I sigh with relief.

When I'm done I wash my hands in the line of sinks and checks my make up in the mirror. There's only a little smudge on one side of my eye, witch I quickly fix and then I'm presentable again. I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom. I stop in my tracks when I see Louis leaning against the wall beside the door back to the club. The small middle room is empty except him. His eyes search mine, but I can't look at him. I feel my cheeks get hot and I can't really make my feet move. I feel my head spin a little from the alcohol, I should most definitely not be alone with Louis. I can't let what happened last time happen again. I can't handle that.

“Can you plea...” He starts but I hold my hand up to silence him.

“No! No. no.” I say firm. I can't do this. Why can't he just leave me alone? I start to move towards the door. I see him push himself from the wall, his hands by his side. “No. no. no. no.” I mumble, more to myself, as I walk through the door. I almost run onto the dance floor to find someone who can save me. I almost hit Harry as I throw myself at him when I see his mess of a hair. He smiles at me, not noticing my ragged breathing. I see the death stare a girl beside Harry gives me, but I ignore it.

I can't comprehend what happened, I think the alcohol is messing with my head. I run my fingers over my temple. Maybe it's time to go home. I look at the watch and find it's already one thirty. I look over at Lea who is groping a guy on the dance floor. I scrunch my nose at the sight. I wave my hand to get her attention and mouth to her that I'm going to go. She nods and give me a sheepish smile. I roll my eyes and smile back. Then I turn to Harry and shout that I'm leaving.

“No! Don't go.” He says and pout.

“I have to. I'm working tomorrow.” I say and shrug.

“Fine. I'll come by tomorrow.” He say and kiss my cheek. I say goodbye and walk to the wardrobe to get my jacket. I decide to get a cab home, even though I feel a little guilty because I've taken a cab more this month than any other.

As soon as I've washed my make up off and changed out of the clothes, I fall down on my bed and fall asleep immediately.

I wake up the next morning by the nagging ringing of my phone. I groan and curse who ever is calling, until I realize that it's my alarm. Right, I'm working today. I sigh and sit up in bed. My head is throbbing but I feel better than I should. I get a long shower that cleanses me fully and after a bowl of cereal I'm fit for work. I feel tired and my head still hurts, but I should probably feel worse than I am. I'm grateful.

I'm even more grateful when Lea walks in at ten and looks horrible. I can't keep from laughing at her messy hair and dark circles under her eyes. She looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep at all.

“Stop laughing so loud.” She whines as she puts her apron on, making me laugh even harder.

“You look a little tired.” I say, making my laughing into a snicker.

“I'm dead. I should have left with you. Those drinks after you left was not okay.” She say and rub her temples. I pat her back and give her a pity smile. “To top that, I have the worst cramps ever. This is not my day.” She groan and lean her elbows on the counter and her head in her hands. I pat her back and freeze. Cramps? I feel my eyes get big.

When the hell did I have my period last?


Hello lovelies!

That wasn't such a shock now was it? :P One of you actually guessed it before. Well, well...what will happen now?

I hope you still like the story. Please comment! I will give you an update soooon if you do!! :D

Thank you for everything! Hope your summer is wonderful!


Please update

Rosie Tomlinson Rosie Tomlinson

Where did you go?

Continue Please! This is my life source.... xD

Louis_bae Louis_bae

Please update soon! Looking forward to the next xhapeter

mickeytee18 mickeytee18

please update

Mett0900 Mett0900