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“Sorry to say this everyone, but you will need your textbook every day.” Moans sound across the room as if Mr. Mitchell just told them the worse news they have ever heard in their lives. “I know, boo hoo. Guess what? You’ll get over it! Alright, open your books to the first chapter.” Pages began to flip to find the first page when the door to the classroom opened. “Ah Mr. Styles, late to the second day of class. What a fantastic way to begin the year!”
Harry begins walking toward our desk and replying, “Sorry, sir.” Before placing his stuff on the ground and sitting in his seat. “Where are we at?” he whispers, not making eye contact.
“First chapter.” I reply just the same and turn my attention towards Mitchell for the rest of the class time while he talked. He filled the time up quite nicely, having us take notes already, which I admit kind of sucked.
Mitchell did stop about 10 minutes before class has ended though. “Alright, so I realize I didn’t give you a lot of time yesterday to get to speak with your partners. So, for them last nine and a half minute of class, I want you to get to know the person you are sitting by. I want you to have 10 facts each that you can share with the class tomorrow… Get chatting!”
I rolled me eyes as he walked to his desk and slightly turned toward Harry. “So, how was your morning?” I asked, whispering low enough so that table around us couldn’t hear.
“It was, uh, good.” He answered with a shy smile and tinted cheeks.
I shook my head. “Harry Styles, please tell me you didn’t have sex in your car!” I whispered a little too loudly.
“Shhh! Of course not, you know me better than that!” he said, panicking.
I shrugged, “Do I? Maybe I could put that you’re a …” I moved my hand over my mouth, “you know.” then winked, “on the 10 facts paper.”
“You are not funny, Kelly.” He looked towards the front of the class and shook his head while I laughed.
“Psst, Harry!” someone whispered from behind and a crumpled up piece of paper landed on the desk.
Harry turned to look and I did as well and saw Zayn sharing a stare with Harry.
Zayn and Harry had been friends for a while, he’s actually a very sweet guy from the couple of times I’ve talk to him, very handsome too. He wore a short sleeved red shirt that showed the tattoos covering his right arm, the others on his body were well hidden. Then he wears black skinny jeans and a pair of black vans. He was almost effortless perfection, and boy was it attractive.
Harry reached for the paper and opened it. I guess I must have missed some form of communication that had gone one between them. I watched Harry read the letter, his eyes widening a bit before looking at me, to Zayn, then to me again.
“Uh.” Harry says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay, I’m going to tell you something, but I’m not supposed to tell you what the note says. Do not make any faces that would make them think I told you.”
Them? Who’s them?
“I’m supposed to ask if you like anyone in this class or some stupid shit.” He rolled his eyes already writing on the piece of crumpled paper.
“Zayn wants to know? He has a girlfriend.”
Perrie Edwards, that’s how I had known Zayn and that he is very sweet and also that he is VERY in love with Perrie. Yes, I think he is gorgeous, but I would never think about actually trying to be with him. Perrie is also one of my good friends, probably one of the sweetest and funniest girls I’ve met.
“No, Liam wants to know.” Harry’s face almost showed no emotion, and I’m sure my face was red.
“If I like him? Liam would like to know if I like him?” I ask, trying to make sure I am following correctly.
Liam Payne was also gorgeous, you know when you go to schools and there are like, no attractive guys? That oddly wasn’t the case at this school, which was fine. I casually glanced at him sitting towards the front of the room. Liam wore loose ripped jeans and a white t-shirt; he leaned back in his chair while talking to Matt, his partner. His hair was up, and he had a sort of beard growing. I’ve known him for a while too; he’s gone here since Kindergarten and let me just say, he had gone through awkward times and I definitely did not think he would look as hot as he does now.
As much as it probably seems like I am only attracted to looks that is not the case. I’m kind of picky when it comes to guys, and having good looks isn’t going to be the decision maker as to whether or not I like you. He is in my advanced English class though, so I know that he’s probably smart, so.
“Yea.” Harry said.
“I don’t know him… I mean, I’ve never really talked to him so,” I shrugged not finishing my sentence. “Why?”
“I’m guessing it’s because he fancies you.” He didn’t seem too happy about it; in fact he didn’t even look at me as he threw the paper back to Zayn.
“What did you write?”
“I just wrote that I don’t know you well enough to ask you a question like that.”
Ding Ding Ding
Harry collects his stuff and stands up. “I’ll talk to you later.” He says before leaving the class with Zayn and Liam.
I took a moment to collect myself before I walked out of the classroom and began towards my English class. The halls were crowded, but my class was only half-way down this hallway. If I hadn’t brought my books it would be a different story because I’d have to go all the way to D Hallway just to get them.
As I approached the classroom, I took my seat next to my Leah in the second row of the classroom. There was a PowerPoint on the projection screen in the front of the class with today’s agenda on it. It says today we will be writing about our favorite book for the first 40 minutes of class, and then the last 15 will be peer editing. Great, peer editing, my favorite. HA. Not one bit to be honest, I hate peer editing, and I hate the fact that I’m given a limited time to write a paper.
As the bell rang and everyone was in there seat, the teacher walked to the front of the room. “Alright, so today we are going to do one of my favorite assignments this year! You’re going to begin by thinking about your favorite book. Write whatever comes to mine, and write it however you want, poetry, free write, as an essay, I don’t really care about that and it doesn’t have to be long. Just put yourself into what you are writing about, make me feel how it makes you feel. I love it because not only do the student who peer edits and I learn about you, but you get to know yourself.” Mrs. Wagner was a thin, elderly woman. She has hair that reached her shoulders and flipped inwards. She wore, uh, comfortable clothing: loose pants, a short sleeved shirt, and some sandals, sensible ones. She wore glasses, and some rose colored blush was swept across her cheeks, then to top it off, a warm caramel colored lipstick. Her voice was sweet, kind of high, but it wasn’t super annoying or anything.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Wagner.” I looked over to Liam who had his hand raised as he spoke to the teacher, she nodded towards him. “Uhm, how exactly does this assignment help you know yourself?”
I bit my lip and looked at the teacher, waiting for her reply. “Does anyone else have the same question?”
Everyone in the room raised their hand, including myself, and then we lowered our arms once she nodded.
“Uh,” she moved over to her little stand to check her roster I’m assuming. “Kelly?”
I felt heat run through my body when she called my name and I was suddenly nervous. “Yes?”
“Do you like to read?”
“Uh, yea if I find the right book.” I answer honestly.
“And what is the right book?”
“Something that captures my attention from the beginning, and isn’t too detailed to the point where you forget what the actual book is about.” I shrug my shoulders.
“I’m guessing you didn’t like reading Jane Eyre freshman year, did you?” she smiled.
“Not at all.” I laughed.
“You like romance novels?” she asked.
“Uh, yea I do.” I could feel all the eyes in the room on me as I revealed more and more.
“Why do you think that is then? Have you ever thought about it?” she inquires.
“No, I haven’t. I guess, that maybe, I’m fascinated with the idea of love.” I reply, in deep thought as I replay her question over and over in my head.
“The idea of love?” she asks.
“Uh, yes.” I was ready to be done speaking now.
“Liam, is it?” she turns back to look at him, as does the rest of the class. He replies with a simple yes ma’am. “Does that answer your question?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Okay, get started!” she claps her hands and begins walking to her desk.
I reach down and grab a piece of paper from my bag and start to scribble down words.
Terrified, Lost, Broken, Hurt, Loved, Okay.
Life. You live and you learn from everything tossed your way. Sometimes feelings show up more than others, and more than you would like. Pain, for example, can be excruciating. Curiosity can overwhelm you. Knowledge can tear you apart, but so can the unknown. Thinking negatively can make any person mad; make any person think that they are just a grenade, ready to be set off at any minute. In the end, everything leads to one thing. Death. For some it’s a scary topic to think about, like it is for me. The fear of not knowing how, when, or maybe even why is what I hate most. What the scariest thing for me when it comes to death is, that I won’t change someone’s life in a positive way. I’ll just be a memory in the back of the mind of a person who knew me. Maybe they’ll think ‘She was sweet.’ But I want more than that, way more than that.
“5 more minutes.” Mrs. Wagner announced.
I wasn’t exactly too happy with it, mostly because it was short and smudges and erased words were scattered about the paper. I didn’t want to try to fix it now, though, so I just read over the paper. It doesn’t seem like it would really make sense to anyone other than me, but that’s okay.
“Kelly,” Leah placed a can on my desk. “They’re numbers to see who you’re partnered with.” I nodded, pulling out a number and then placed the can on the desk of the male beside me.
Once that can was past all the way around the room the teacher stood to speak to us again. “Raise your hand if you’re a one… you two peer edit each other’s papers.” She repeated this, I waited until she called the number 7 then turned to see who else was raising their hand, and of course, it was Liam. We exchanged a small smile, and then put our hands down as she went through to number 13. “Alright, go find your partner.”
The room became loud as people began to move about the classroom, and as they moved, the desk next to Liam’s was open. I reached for my stuff and walked back towards him.
“Hello,” he smiled a bright smile as I sat down.
“Hey.” I breathed, not exactly nervous to be around him, but nervous for him to read my paper. “Uh, here you go.” I quickly handed it to him and he placed mine in my open hand.
As I glance down, I was almost shocked to see only one sentence in the middle of the page.
Tell me, will my last 20 pages be missing as well? I didn’t understand. I glanced at Liam, who was still reading the words on my paper, so I looked at his again, and again?
“Okay?” he whispers, turning to me. “Is your favorite book The Fault in Our Stars?”
I smile at his guess, “How did you know that?”
“That’s mine too…”
I thought about it, and looked at the sentence again. “When he asks if the last 20 pages are missing.” I state.
I bit my lip and looked back to the smiling Liam, before I felt my phone in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the text from Harry.
Need to talk to you after school .x


Do you prefer longer chapters at least once a week, or shorter ones?

Also, sorry I'm not creative when it comes to words... as in their 'papers'.

Thanks for reading and being so sweet .x


asdfghjkl c-chap-pter 37 c-can't breat-th

samie_horan samie_horan

I LOVED this story!! It was soooo cute!! I hope you update soon!

This was the freaking cutest chapter ever! Oh my goodness!

Emmy2320 Emmy2320

Loved it! That's all I can really say. And I know, I want to kill everything because of school :(

Yea my cousins was the day before mine so we open them together. And the present from our guardians long story was a huge box so it was really a surprise.

Rebecca_A Rebecca_A