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Through The Dark

We Can Try

Sophia's POV

Harry Styles was honestly messing with my mind.

For the past week, I've slept in his room.
The first night that Perrie and Zayn finally left, I was actually preparing to go home. I'd ready hailed the cab and placed the bags by the door. I was sitting on the couch reading The Fault in Our Stars, when Harry came downstairs and told me with those pleading green eyes his you-know-you-want-to-or-I'll-make-you stare and suave accent saying Sadie this and we're touring soon and etcetera. Of course, I gave in and cancelled the cab. But, as I was sleeping, Harry comes into the room at the God Forsaken hour of two 'o clock saying Sadie was crying and wouldn't stop. So I shuffled up the stairs and up to his room where I rocked the baby for half an hour before falling asleep shortly after she did on his bed. And the two nights after that. These last four ones he just stands at my door, hand out stretched and into his room.

Not only that, but the kisses. I mean before I fall asleep, SMOOCH! A kiss on the forehead. Or after I happen to make a good meal, a kiss on the cheek. Just last night, he somehow summoned up the courage to kiss me right on the lips while we lay in the grass outside with Sadie.

What bothered me the most was the ignorance. If one if the guys came over, he only called me "Sophia" and only talked to me when he needed to. When we were alone, it was "Phia".
If we went to buy eggs or milk at the market, he just linked arms with me and would hold my hand if a app was around.

I was feeding Sadie in the kitchen, some sort of apple purée thing. Harry only bought her the best, but the best was the oddest. Yesterday it was ochango, an orange cherry mango mix.

"Come on. Open your mouth. Ooh that's my girl!" I cooed as Sadie ate the purée.

Harry walked into the kitchen and served himself a glass of milk and some Oreos. He sat on the counter and scrolled through his phone.

I wiped some stray goop from Sadie's chin.
"Harry? Can we talk?" I asked.

He set his glass in the sink and rubbed his palms on his pants. "Sure, love."

I turned to face him.
"What are we doing?" I asked.

"I think you're feeding Sadie and I'm sitting on the counter." Harry grinned.

I groaned. "No, Harry. I mean you and I. As in us."

He frowned, but smiled again.
"You see, I like you."

I chuckled and fed Sadie another spoonful.
"No shit, Sherlock." I muttered.

"Language, madam." Harry tsked, wagging a finger.

"Harry. I'm being serious." I stated.

"Right. So. I like you." He said, putting his hands in his pocket.

"I-I think I do too." I murmured.

"You think? Or you know." He said.

"Mmm. Know? Yes. I know." I replied.

Sadie giggled while she played with the Cherrios I placed on her high chair.

"I want to try this out. We can try. I know it." Harry said, walking closer to me.

"So that means no more secret kisses, or holding hands when no one sees, or ignoring me or-" I began to say.

Harry placed his palms around my face.
"No more." He whispered, before pulling me in for a kiss.
I went up on my toes, hooking and arm behind his neck.

"Hey guys. I hope you don't mind Zayn and I coming. Oh." Perrie said, walking into the kitchen .
Zayn came in with a tray of smoothies.
"Oh. Damn." He said with wide eyes.

I blushed and covered my face with my hands. Harry placed an arm at my shoulder and pushed my hands away. He was smiling, but blushing too.

"So you two or for real?" Perrie asked with an excited look in her eyes.

I looked up at Harry. We still never came to a conclusion.
He looked at me smiling, then back at Zerrie.

"Yeah." Harry let his arm fall down and pulled me in front of him so my back was to his chest. He placed his head on mine and stooped his shoulders while holding my hand. I was quite shorter than him, actually.

"Sweet baby Jesus. Whoo Hoo! Turn up! Wait I'm gonna call El." Perrie cheered, grabbing her phone and dialing.

"El? They're for real!" Perrie said, grinning. She flinched as El shrieked. She listened intently. "Sure. She's right here." Perrie handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked. Eleanor laughed like a maniac.
"Perrie and I knew this would happen! My OTP came truueeeee! Babe, start the car! You guys are so cute- Hurry Louis! We need to go to Harry and Niall's place. Tell me everything, Soph! No wait. I'll be there in a sec. Close the-" Eleanor said before hanging up.

"So I have a feeling I should make some food?" I asked.

Perrie helped me make some pasta and sauce while we chatted.

"When did he ask?" She asked as she stirred the ingredients in a bowl.

I tossed in some curly noodles, laughing.
"Actually, we were talking, then he kissed me, then you asked and he kinda affirmed it."

"When's your first date? I'll watch Sadie. I swear she's Zayn's second love..." She said, wiping her hands and picking up Sadie, bouncing her up and down in her hip.

"I don't know. I'll have to talk to him. Maybe tomorrow?" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

The door opened and El ran in dragging Louis behind her.
"Oh my God! You and Harry are dating!" She said, singing the word dating and ending it high.

"No biggie." I said, draining the noodles.

"No biggie? It's a biggie alright. You will be stalked and followed and criticized and lived and dissed and rinse and repeat. To be a 1D GF you must need," El pretended to flex," A super amount of confidence and strength. If fans don't like you two, they will attack." She said, lowering her voice to sound like a macho man.

The three of us laughed.

Niall ran into the kitchen.
"Geez. I'm starving." He said, opening the fridge and pulling out a yogurt.

"The food will be ready soon." I told him.

"Cool! I'm going to steal the little one." He said before scooping up Sadie in his arms. He and Sadie were closer than any other of the guys.

"El? Can you bring the guys in to eat?" I asked, while Perrie and I served the plates.

Eleanor came right back with the guys. Liam came too because he had wanted to visit.

As I passed out the plates, the door opened and Luke and Ashton ended up joining us as well.

We sat in the living room, sitting on stools, couches, rugs and stacks of books, as well as amp someone turned over.
This is how we liked this.

Deep into the movie The Heat, the doorbell rang.

Harry looked at me, eyebrow raised. Everyone was here, except Calum and Michael who took a trip to some rock music festival. Those we knew already knew to walk in without knocking or ringing the door bell.

Niall put the baby on Perrie's lap and opened the door.

His face became a mix if emotions as he looked at the stranger standing at the door. Everyone turned to see how it was. Harry gripped my hand. I turned and asked Perrie who it was.

"The sole reason you're here." She said.


Let's hope this works!

Check out Loganmashups on YouTube. He makes pretty sick remixes with 1D. :)




THANK YOU! I will be back <3

I absolutely love this story I wish you could keep it going. I can't wait to see where it goes and what happens...

@Harry be like
Well if you feel like it has a crappy ending, then get off this comments page and don't post a damn comment if your just just going to be frikin rude!!! And please don't insult me on my point of view!!! We all have our own point of views and if yours is rude towards the author, don't post a damn comment!!!


I READ THE BOOK AND SEEN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!! THE BEST BOOK AMD MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!(Next to 1D: This Is Us of course.)

Thank you for the support! <3 Don't worry I won't forget to finish it. :)