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Through The Dark

Trust Me

Sophia's POV

"Sophia." someone said.

I rubbed my eyes open. I fell asleep on the ride home from the awards. Zayn looked at me.

"I would carry you inside but I'm afraid Perrie has knocked out. Do you want me to call Harry?" He asked.

"Oh. No it's alright. I can walk." I said.

He got out of the car and held a hand out.
Grasping his hand, I climbed out of the car.

"Thanks." I said, yawning.

"No problem. Close the door?" He said, carrying a dozing Perrie bridal style.

Closing the door, I walked up to the flat.

I left a bag of Clothes here, so I decided to change into them.

Sitting on the floor of the bathroom, I scrolled through Twitter.

Just yesterday, I had about 300 followers, close friends and family, coworkers, and some the people I met at the recording studio.

"No way." I whispered. I now had twenty thousand followers. Thanks to the awards I presume.

I smoothed out my shirt and stepped out of the bathroom.

I looked up to see the door to the guest room click shut.

"Zerrie beat you to it." A voice said.

I turned to see Niall burrowed In a blanket on the couch.
Liam slightly snored on the opposite couch.
"And your room?" I asked, setting my bag down.

"Elounor." He said sighing.

"Where do you come up with these names?" I chuckled.

"The fans. You and Harry are Sarry." He slurred.

I swallowed. "You're drunk."

"Duh." He said, grinning. "Da ale takes da pain away."

I kneeled down in front of him. I placed my hands around him, groping.

"Whatcha doing, lass."

"Looking.. For this." I said, pulling out a bottle of rum from between the sheets.

"Oops." He grinned, shrugging his shoulders.

I went to the kitchen searching the cabinets.
I filled a glass of water and walked back to Niall.

I placed the aspirin in his hand and helped him place it in his mouth. I handed the glass and watched as he drank the pill.

I turned the TV off and the lights.
"Goodnight." I whispered.

"Sophia? Come here." He whispered.

I groped through the dark and knelt beside the sofa.
"Thank you." He whispered.

I ran a hand Through his fluffy hair.
"You're welcome." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before standing up.

Now, where the hell do I sleep?

"Hey." Someone spoke.

Light flooded the the hallway and I blinked to focus on the person talking to me.

"Hi Harry." I said.

"You need to sleep. Come in." Harry said. "We can sleep together."

I tensed up quickly.
"No. Not like that. As in sleep. Soph. Do you trust me?" Harry asked, stepping forward and extending his hand.

I could catch a cab. Or walk home.
I pondered for a second. This doesn't only mean staying in his room safely. It means trust. The vital important between relationships, whether friendly or romantic.

I swallowed and stretched my cramping fingers before placing them in his hand.

"I trust you." I said.

"Good." He said, smiling. "She's almost asleep. Won't stop fussing."

He led me to a corner of the room where it was set off for Sadie. She lay squirming in her bassinet, squealing every so often.

"Can I?" I asked. He nodded.

I leaned over and picked the baby up.
I moved side to side, and she instantly fell asleep.

"She.. Fell asleep?" He asked, astonished.

"I guess women are better than men, Styles." I smirked.

"So.." He ran a hand through his curls. "How do you wanna do this?"

"I don't know." I whispered. "You don't need to sleep on the floor."

"Oh. Okay." He said, shifting onto his right foot.
"I'm going to uh.. Change."

"Alright." I said.

He picked up a bundle of clothes and went into his bathroom.

I sat on the bed, and burrowed into the covers, keeping Sadie safe and not smothered in blankets.

I felt my eyes on the verge of closing. I kissed the sleeping baby on her head and closed my eyes.

I felt the bed dip behind me.

"Goodnight, Love." Harry whispered.

"Goodnight, Harry." I yawned. To Assure him I trusted him, I reached over and squeezed his hand. His hands were warm and his fingertips calloused from the guitar strings. He squeezed back, but never let go.

I awoke to find Harry literally scooping Sadie and I.

What was even more interesting, was that he was awake.
I shifted to face him.

He blushed. "Sorry. I didn't want to wake you."

"it's alright." I assured him. "Kept me warm."

Sadie awoke and began to whimper.

"She's hungry." Harry said, sitting up.

I too too sat up and cradled the baby.

"Here. I will feed her. Can you start on breakfast for everyone?" Harry asked, scooping the fussy baby out of my arms.

"Sure thing." I said, following Harry to the door. I went after him and closed the door behind me. Perrie, El, Louis, Zayn and Liam were in the living room.

"Good morning." I said smiling.

"Hey." Everyone said. They were all watching the TV.

"What is it?" Harry asked, walking over behind the group. I followed him.

It was a recap of last night's award show. The camera focused on the guys as they walked down the stage from their performance. The camera zoomed in on Zayn as he hugged Perrie and mouthed "that was for you," in her ear.

Zayn wrapped an arm around Perrie as they watched.

On screen, Louis hugged El.
She giggled as Louis said something to her after they watched that part.

Back to the screen, the camera angled farther to see Harry walking towards the table and I getting up.

I watched as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the mouth.

"I didn't see that last night." Perrie spoke up.

"Me neither." The others chimed in.

I blushed and walked to the kitchen.
"I'm going to make breakfast." I said, avoiding the awkwardness and stepping into the kitchen.

I leaned against the counter, sighing.

"So, did you guys sleep together?" Perrie said.

"Perrie! What are you.. Sorry you scared me." I exclaimed.

"Answer the question." El chimed in.

"Yes." I groaned.

The girls squealed.

"Was it good?" Perrie questioned.

"Oh god. We just slept together in his bed." I said, rummaging through the refrigerator.

"With Sadie in there?" El gasped.

"Oh my god. We didn't hook up. We just slept as in close your eyes. With Sadie in the bed." I said, pulling out eggs, milk, bacon, and flour.

"Oh." Elounor said, helping me pull out a pan.

"That's still cute. Seriously. I think I ship you two." Perrie said, beginning to whisk eggs.

I lay the bacon on the skillet and watched it sizzle.

"So, are two dating? For real?" Eleanor asked, placing small circles of batter on the griddle.

"No. I don't know. I mean we've kissed a couple of times. But, I kind of kissed Niall too." I admitted.

Meanwhile, in the living room.

"Did you two, you know.." Zayn asked.

"Did we what?" Harry asked, feeding Sadie a bottle of formula.

"You know.." Liam said.

"What?!?" Harry asked, irritated. He wiped a stray bead of formula that spilled onto the baby's shirt.

Louis stood up and imitated humping.
"Did you do that?" Zayn said laughing, pointing at Louis.

Harry's face paled. "No! We didn't. We just fell asleep."

"Look at his face!" Liam said snickering.

"Guys. I wouldn't do that. I swear." Harry protested, bouncing the baby on his knee. "Besides, this little one was there."

"So, if she wasn't in there, you would?" Zayn said.

"No. I mean maybe if she liked me back or something. Probably not." Harry said.

"So you like her?" Louis questioned.

"Who likes who?" Niall shuffled in, rubbing his eyes.

"Harry likes Sophia." Liam said.

No one noticed the expression on the blonde's face. He lolled broken. He changed his expression before any one noticed.

"Breakfast is ready!" Perrie chimed.

The five guys crowded into the dining room. The three ladies came in with plates of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and coffee.

"I don't know how you Brits, excuse me, Brits and Irish eat your breakfast, but this is American." Sophia said smiling.

Everyone was seated and began to eat.


I'm posting the next part of the day tomorrow. :)

for Harry & Cassia shippers, Sophia and Ashton shippers, Harry and Sophia shippers, and Sophia and Niall shippers,
I will be teasing each OTP for the next chapters to make it fun.

This was for the Harry and Sophia shippers.

The question is, who will be the real OTP?


By the way. Thanks to the person who voted #45. This story is now a 10.0 lol. I love writing this and hopefully we can at least get on to the 10th page of the popular stories tab.

I think we are near or at 30k views.
Either way, thank you all! <3


THANK YOU! I will be back <3

I absolutely love this story I wish you could keep it going. I can't wait to see where it goes and what happens...

@Harry be like
Well if you feel like it has a crappy ending, then get off this comments page and don't post a damn comment if your just just going to be frikin rude!!! And please don't insult me on my point of view!!! We all have our own point of views and if yours is rude towards the author, don't post a damn comment!!!


I READ THE BOOK AND SEEN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!! THE BEST BOOK AMD MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!(Next to 1D: This Is Us of course.)

Thank you for the support! <3 Don't worry I won't forget to finish it. :)