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Through The Dark

Meeting my Future Pt. 1

Harry's POV
Sophia and I sat side-by-side inside the waiting room of the adoption agency.

She bounced her knee, smoothed out her dress, and fiddled with her necklace.

"Nervous?" I asked.

She smiled weakly.

"I just. I don't know if I can do this." Sophia whispered,
dropping her head in her hands.

I patted her arm.

"We'll do this together. No matter what." I assured her.

She perked up.

"Promise?" She said, sticking out her pinky.

"Promise." I agreed, wrapping my pinky against hers.

"Harry Styles? We're ready for you." The adoption agent said.

I stood up and held out my hand to Sophia.

She grasped it tightly, and we followed the agent into
a room bright with windows.

"I'm Jeanette Morris. I'll be helping you with your case." The blonde lawyer said, shaking our heads.

"And these, need to be signed." Jeanette said, and placed a six inch think pack of documents and contracts.

I spent the next twenty minutes signing and filling out the necessary information.

"Done. All 346 pages." I sighed.

Jeanette spent a few minutes reading over the packet.

She placed them in a file.

Jeanette pressed a button.

A mic maybe?

"We're ready." She spoke.

"Copy that." A voice responded.

The door opened and a lady came in with a small pink bundle.

"This, is your daughter." The lady said, placing the small pink bundle in my arms.

"She is two weeks old, and weighs 8 pounds and 4 ounces." Jeanette said.

I lifted the blanket away.

My little daughter was snuggled up against me.

She had slight curly hair, like me.

I watched as she opened her mouth like a no, and yawned.

Her small fingers gripped mine.

"Aw." Sophia cooed, putting her hands over her heart. Her cheeks were tear tracked.

As careful as I could, I placed the baby in the crook of Sophia's arms.

She smiled at me, and sniffled.

"As you know, Ms. Nolan did not decide on a name. Have you chosen one?" Jeanette inquired.

"Sadie Marie Styles." Sophia murmured, absorbed on the face of the baby.

"S-a-d-i-e." I put in.

Jeanette typed on the information.

"Sophia, since you aren't married to Harry, underage I am not authorized to put you on as her mother. If you would like, we can arrange for you to sign papers as well." Jeanette spoke up.

I was about to affirm Sophia's official parental rights when she spoke up.

"No. It's good." Sophia replied.

A heavyness settled over me.

She didn't want to become Sadie's legal mom?

"I don't need papers. I love her just as much." She smiled.

"Alright. Well, your driver brought up the carrier and stroller. It is waiting outside. It was a pleasure to work with you." Jeanette said. I shook her hand.

I followed Sophia out to the hallway.

Pulling a blanket out of the diaper bag Sophia had packed, she settled the sleeping infant in the carrier and tucked the blanket in.

"Harry? Can you help me lock it to the stroller?" She said, carefully lifting the carrier.

"Yeah." I said.

I carefully grasped the handle and lowered the carrier into the stroller.

I grasped Sophia's hand, and pushed the stroller into the hallway where the elevators were.

I maneuvered the stroller into the elevator.!

Sophia and I smiled at each other.

The moment felt right.

I leaned in and placed my lips on Sophia's.

Her ear lips were warm and soft.

I felt her place her hands on my chest.

I thought she was doing it for affection, but she pushed me away.

Confused, I was about to speak, but the elevator doors opened, and Sophia took charge and pushed the stroller out.

We went outside and the driver pulled up.

Sophia detached the carrier and opened the door.

With a sigh, I folded the stroller and the driver put in in the trunk.

I sat in the back, separated from Sophia by the baby.

We sat in silence, only speaking to the driver.

We pulled up to the Plaza.

It was packed with fans, held off by barricades.

Sophia lifted the baby out and nestled her on her chest, and covered her with a blanket.

We put the sunglasses on, and faced the fans.

Six security guards flanked our sides, cutting the view of the baby or Sophia's identity from the fans.

We made it safely through the lobby, and to the elevators.

"Harry." Sophia whispered.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Why are we whispering?" She whispered.

I pointed towards the baby covered in her arms.

"She let through the fans. I'm sure she's ok." Sophia spoke in a normal voice.

"I know. About the kiss... It was too soon. I'm sorry but it just felt right." I stated.

Sophia nodded.

"Did.. It feel right? I mean... Why did you pull away?" I asked.

The elevators opened and Sophia and I walked side by side down the hallway.

"Um. I pulled away for a reason. And uh. I think we need to review our uh. Situation." Sophia said.

We walked inside the suite.

A crib was awaiting to do its job.

I had requested for one, and it was already here.

Sophia handed me the stirring baby, and I placed her in the crib.

We we watched as she fell asleep again.

"First thing's first. I will set up all the things we need for the baby, and you prepare a call with Simon." Sophia stated and got to work on arranging the bottles and diapers and such.


Plot twist in mind.. :)
By the way if you want to see a two week old Sadie, she is now a character!
Gawd. I just live the baby.
Is it weird? Bc she's not really real?



THANK YOU! I will be back <3

I absolutely love this story I wish you could keep it going. I can't wait to see where it goes and what happens...

@Harry be like
Well if you feel like it has a crappy ending, then get off this comments page and don't post a damn comment if your just just going to be frikin rude!!! And please don't insult me on my point of view!!! We all have our own point of views and if yours is rude towards the author, don't post a damn comment!!!


I READ THE BOOK AND SEEN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!! THE BEST BOOK AMD MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!(Next to 1D: This Is Us of course.)

Thank you for the support! <3 Don't worry I won't forget to finish it. :)