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Through The Dark

Time to Say Goodbye

Cassia POV
I drummed my fingers on the table as I waited for my lawyer to come. Sipping my water, I noticed that I dropped some on my blouse, and wiped them away. I surprisingly lost weight, really fast. I needed to, after all, if I was going to be a model.

I turned on my phone and immediately regretted it because buzzed at least 14 times. I saw 11 calls and 6 texts.

Daniel: Cass please don't do this.

Daniel: Missed Call (11) 12:32 pm

Daniel: Cassia call me.

Daniel: Don't do this.

Daniel: Please come home! I love you. Okay?

I sighed and put my phone down.

Swirling my straw lazily, I anxiously waited.

A woman, dressed in a suit, sat down in front if me.

"Cassia? Are you sure about this?" She asked.

"I'm sure. It's for the better good." I answered.

She sighed, and slid the file over.

" Have these ready by tomorrow. At 8, the agency will be over for pickup." She said, and left the coffee house.

Sighing, I left a tip and exited.

Opening the door to my car, I saw the car seat.

I shook my head.

"You can do this. You need to." I repeated.

It became a mantra. I gripped the steering wheel and pulled up to my apartment.

I handed the keys to valet, and stepped inside the elevator.

I skimmed through the documents as I waited for my stop at the penthouse.

I calmly walked in, setting my purse down.

Daniel walked in with the baby.

"How can you do this?" He asked, his voice full of emotions.

I grabbed a basket, and placed all the bibs and blankets in there.

"Because. I'm starting my career. And you are too. " I stated, nonchalantly.

Daniel placed the sleeping baby in the bassinet.

"But we can do this! Cassia, I really really love this. I never thought I'd like being a dad, but it's wonderful." He said.

I set the baskets down, and walked into the kitchen, and began collecting the bottles.

"I'm not meant to be a mom. Fabiola has raised her, for crying out loud. Where is she? I need her help.." I murmured.

"You don't love her, do you?" He yelled.

"I do! She's just better off without me. I didn't even name her, because I knew I made my choice." I said as I placed the box with the others.

"Her name, is Emma. Fabiola quit, because she was enraged by your decision." Daniel spat.

I sighed.

"I just can't do this. Daniel, I love you. And one day, when we get married, we'll raise a family." I whispered.

His stern gaze softened and he held me tight.

I glanced to where the baby was sleeping.

She had wavy brown hair, and bright green eyes.
She also had dimples, and a chin like Harry.

"It's also because she looks like Harry, isn't it?" He whispered.

I merely stayed silent, and placed a kiss on her head.

"The adoption agency is coming tomorrow at eight.@ I said.

Harry POV

I was lazily strolling the channels on TV,
when a news report came in.

Countless documents flooded the screen.

I stared in shock, only remembering fragments of what the news reporter said.

"Cassia Nolan"



"1 month"


I snapped out if my trance and dialed a number.

"John? It's Harry. How can I adopt my daughter?"


What do you guys think?
I just love how attached Daniel has gotten to the baby.
Don't you?
Please get this story to 10!
• by the way I couldn't post because the site wasn't working.
Did that just happen to me? Two chapters today to make up for it! :) •


THANK YOU! I will be back <3

I absolutely love this story I wish you could keep it going. I can't wait to see where it goes and what happens...

@Harry be like
Well if you feel like it has a crappy ending, then get off this comments page and don't post a damn comment if your just just going to be frikin rude!!! And please don't insult me on my point of view!!! We all have our own point of views and if yours is rude towards the author, don't post a damn comment!!!


I READ THE BOOK AND SEEN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!! THE BEST BOOK AMD MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!(Next to 1D: This Is Us of course.)

Thank you for the support! <3 Don't worry I won't forget to finish it. :)