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Just the Friend


“ASHTON!”I squeal and run into his embrace.
“Oh my god. I missed you so much.” I whispered while still hugging him.
“Hey! What about us?” I hear somebody whine behind me.
Ashton lets go of me and I turn around to find Luke, Calum, and Michael.
“AH!” I run across the stage to where my other friends were standing.
I give Luke a big hug and he gives me a friendly peck on the cheek before passing me to Calum who does the same thing.
When I go to give Michael a hug I see he was standing across the stage from me with his arms wide open.
I laugh and take off towards him.
He meets me halfway, catches me and spins around.
Other than Ashton of course, Michael and I were always the closest.
Whether it was our carefree personalities or the way we change our hair color constantly.
“Alright, as touching as that is, it’s time to get our favorite band play a couple of songs!” Lilly was now at the microphone.
Ashton gives me a peck on the cheek before I climb off of the stage and into the crowd of people below.
“Okay so this is one of the birthday girl’s favorite songs so we are going to play this one first!” Calum laughs into the microphone and I smile.
“Here is ‘Try Hard’!” Michael yells and winks at me.
I can’t help but smile as I watch some of my best friends sing for me. They truly are amazing.By now I am jumping in place and singing along as the people around me do so also.
So far, this has been the best birthday ever.
I just can’t wait to go on tour with my four best friends.

“So, are you liking your birthday party birthday girl?” Jake asks as we stand by the punch bowl.
People were dancing to the beat of the music that was now running through the speakers.
The band played a few songs before they got off the stage to roam.
Ashton went to change so I was standing at the back of the warehouse with Jake accompanying me.
“Yes.” I giggle. “Oh, and Lilly said she is gonna kick your ass because you almost spoiled it for me.” I warn him to steer clear of our crazy blonde friend.
“What am I gonna do?” She walks over then glances from me to Jake. Suddenly she hands me her drink and takes a step towards Jake.
“Uh-oh. Better go. Later Love!”Jake backs away from the furious girl and weaves through the crowd.
“Excuse me for a moment. Oh and there is a hunk of hottie coming your way.” She giggles and takes off after Jake.
I turn around to be met with the large hazel eyes of my best friend.
“Hey!” I say cheerfully. Okay so I made have sneaked a drink or two while my parents weren’t looking.
I’m 18 so who gives a shit.
“Are you drunk?” He chuckles.
“No. You’re just blurry.” I giggle.
“Alright so I have become the designated driver.” My best friend sighs.
“Hey cheer up! It’s my birthday!” I squeal.
“Come on. Let’s go find the lads.”
“But my feet hurt.”I whined looking down at my feet.
My feet were clad in sparkly converse that were a size too small.
Ashton rolls his eyes and turns around.
Still giggling, I leap onto his back and he weaves through the crowd of people looking for the others.
After a few minutes we find Michael, Calum and Luke chatting with Jake and Lilly.
They must have pulled those two apart.
“Mikey!” I squeal….loudly. I am a fun drunk.
I slide off of Ashton’s back and sprint towards Michael.
I was almost there when I stumble over…….air maybe(?), and was hurdling face first towards the ground when two giant hands captured my waist.
I had my eyes squeezed shut when I was lifted upright.
“You can open your eyes Dylan.” I hear Ashton laugh.
“Am I dead?” I whisper loudly.
“No.” He chuckles.
“Are you sure?” I say a little louder than last time and reach out my hands.
They make contact with someone’s face.
Ashton. I smile.
I feel up his face to make sure it really is him.
“Um, it would be lovely if you could maybe stop molesting my face!” Ashton grabs my wrists while I hear more cackling from behind me.
I slowly open my eyes to come face to face with Ashton for the like 4th time.
I pat his cheek, grab Luke and Michael’s hands and drag them out to the dance floor.
“No way. I am not dancing.” Michael stops me shakes his head.
“C’mon! Please!” I beg.
“Nope.” Michael refuses.
“I will cry. You don’t want me to cry on my birthday then blame it on you when they ask why, do you?” I black mail him.
“She will do it lad.” Ashton laughs from behind us.
“Ughh.” Michael whines and trudges towards the dance floor.
“You are lucky I like blue hair.”

She looked gorgeous, as always.
I couldn’t help but grin as I watched my best friend drunkenly dance and laugh.
“You better figure something out soon mate.” Calum pats my shoulder.
“I know Cal. I just don’t want to lose her. She is too important. My feelings will go away soon. It’s not like this is the first time it has happened.” I reassure him still keeping my eyes on Dylan. Her slim body was moving back and forth to the music and I couldn’t help but stare. She was extremely fit due to all of the dance classes she participates in.
“I remember the day you came back from one of our breaks last year and you were freaking out because you two had ended up making out.” Calum laughs in remembrance.
Of course I remember that day.
I was at home spending two weeks with D for break.
We were lying on the hill in the park that we grew up next to.
It was my last day at home and I had promised Dylan that I would spend the whole day with her, not like I wouldn’t have done that anyway.
“Is your favorite color still rainbow?” I laugh as I remember that she had told me her favorite color was rainbow because she felt bad for picking favorites.
“Yes! You remembered!” She gasped still looking at the blue sky full of marshmallow-like clouds.
“Of course I remembered Angel.” I chuckled and turned my head to look at her.
She was already looking me.
“What?” I ask her in confusion and she shakes her head and looks back up at the sky.
“Alright my turn to ask a question right?” Dylan asks me.
“Yup.”We were playing 20 questions to catch up.
“Who was the last person you made out with?” She giggles at her own question.
My face heats with embarrassment.
“I haven’t actually made out with anyone yet. I mean I kissed my ex girl friend a couple of times but nothing farther than that.” I confess covering my crimson cheeks.
Suddenly I felt a weight on my torso-ish area.
I uncovered my face to see Dylan sitting on me with her legs crossed Indian style.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed.” She giggles and pokes my dimple.
“Why not? It’s embarrassing.” I admit.
“Because I haven’t made out with anyone either.” She chokes out as her pretty cheekbones turn pink-ish as well.
“Omigosh! You know what that means?!” She gasps in her cute American accent.
“What!?” I pretend to be excited as her as I grin.
“We are both loners! We should be loners together!” Dylan bursts out laughing.
Not being able to contain myself, I laugh along with her.
With her being on top of me, she bounced around as I laughed which ultimately made us laugh more.
After that we sat in comfortable silence for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes before my mom texted me that she had made Dylan and I dinner and that it would be ready shortly so we should start to head back.
I sat up and Dylan stood holding out a hand to help me up.
Grabbing it, I get up but as we walked across the top of the hill, she stepped in a rabbit hole and tripped pulling me down on top of her.
I was looking into her gorgeous eyes and without thinking of the consequences; I crashed my lips on to hers.
After a seconds hesitation she kissed back.
My lips moved in sync with hers while I hovered over her in the grass.
I honestly didn’t know what I was doing but I couldn’t stop.
I could taste her cherry flavored chap stick lingering on her lips as sparks ignited through my body.
After a minute or so her hands went up to my messy hair, making it messier in the process, as I slid my tongue into her mouth exploring every inch of it.
When we finally broke the kiss, both Dylan and I were breathing heavily.
“Woah.” We both whispered at the same time.
We haven’t spoken of it ever since.
It was the best and worst kiss I have had.
Best kiss because her lips were perfect and she set off fireworks behind my eyelids when I closed them but worst because it is most likely never going to happen again.
Well that she would remember anyway. We have kissed a few other times but we were drunk.
I looked over to the dance floor once more and I could see her eyes on mine.
“Come dance with me!” She mouthed as she pouted.
Laughing, I set my drink down and made my way over to Dylan, my best friend…

My Angel.


Yay! Thanks for getting it to 5 votes! Get me to 7 and I will post another one tonight! I love you all so much! So here is the next chapter and I am glad you are liking it!
Remember- comments motivate me :)
-Gabi <3


I am seriously in love with this story!

CassandraAnne CassandraAnne

Here you go lovely, sorry for the long wait <3 enjoy :)

HeyItsGabi HeyItsGabi

Omg omg we NEED chapter 21

Kriti Kriti

As much as I love Louis... I am so team Dashton. DASTHON FOR LIFE

Internet Kid Internet Kid

Nooo!!! Louiss!! I ship Dashton!!! I loved the chapters but aggg DASHTONN<333

Tommo_Be_Like Tommo_Be_Like