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You Can't Resist Me For Long...

Chapter Twenty Six•°•Disguise


"... and then Josh took me for a wonderful date where Liam and Sophia was-HEY!!! We can all triple date!!!! Me, you, Liam, Josh, Sophia and Zayn!!!!" Racheal went on excitedly. Yesterday, her and Josh double dated with Liam and Sophia while I was on my own date with Zayn. "Wait. Guys look, everyones scattered everywhere in the hall way." She stated. We looked up and indeed saw everyone in the middle instead of right on their lockers. "Wheres the 'kings'?" We looked around and got no sign of them.

"Maybe their skipping." I shrugged going to my locker. "Um.. excuse me" I said to a girl who was right by my locker, flirting with some guy. She turned around and glared when she saw me.

"ew. Why are you talking to me?" She sneered, making the big pink bubble pop with a smack. She chewed still looking down on me as if I were shit.

"You're blocking my locker." I said slowly as if she wouldn't understand me.

"Well then be patient and wait. Maybe you'll get a doggy treat!" She said the last past sarcastically.

"Move BITCH! Get out da way! Get out da way BITCH, get out da way!!!!" Racheal sang, glaring at the girl. The girl froze, recongization in her eyes as she looked at my friend.

"Oh sorry." She fakely shouted, scurring off.

"Really, that song?" I questioned with a smile. Racheal laughed shrugging while I put in my combo. "Ya know, those for hours I have with the 'kings' are now gonna be REALLY boring..." I grabbed my chemistry book, already knowing math was gonna suck. No Harry or Niall to entertain me from the boringly mean Mrs. Erin.

"Why don't you text Zayn." Racheal suggested. I face palmed feeling stuid that I didn't think of that.

hey, where r u and the others?

I swear, I didnt choose that name. Zayn took my phone again last night and put it in like that.

Harry place. Miss me already sweetcheeks? ;)

oh yeaaah totoally. I just cant make 1 day with out you babe
y r u at Harrys?

aw i could get the boys to kidnap u ;) and bc we didnt want 2 go to school. Harry has the most food. And i owe Nialler Nandos

nah unlike u i want good attendace and when they kidnap me, its crazy. I g2g ttyl Zayn :)

any boy comes up to u and flirts, slap him sayings its from me. Have fun x) bye sweetcheeks ;)

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone in my pocket. I followed Liam and Racheal to our first boring class of the day.


"Mrs. Erin." The intercom spoke loudly in my oh so boring math class. I laid my head down on my arms, watching the two kids in front of me passing notes while giggling like little kids.

"Yes?" My teacher paused with her actions of writing on the board. She looked at the speaker while putting down the explo marker.

"Can you send Marciline Royals to the office to go home please?" I frowned wondering why I was leaving so early. I didn't have a dentist appointment that I knew of. Cautiously, I grabbed my things avoiding the envious stares.

"Page 310, numbers 5 to 50 even." my teacher instructed, handing me the sheet. I nodded and walked out to my locker. Quickly dialing the combo, I grabbed my things and sped walked to the office.

"Hello Marciline." The secretary said. I looked around trying to find my parents but the only people I could see was a girl who wore a blue button up shirt with a tight black skirt. Beside her was a nerdish guy who wore huge glasses.. "Marcel and Veronica here are taking you home. Goodbye love." The two rose with smiles.

"Cute as a button!" Marcel beamed, bopping my nose. He winked an emerald eye at me before facing Veronica. "Let's go. C'mon Marcy."

"Yea sweetcheeks. Lets go." Veronica said hooking her arms through mine. She winked a familiar hazel eye and we walked out. I followed the two weirdos out to a familar hummer. They got in the front while I hopped into the back.

"Dont you know not to trust strangers." A voice beside me scolded. I almost screamed when I saw Louis wiggling his finger at me. Nialls irish laugh echoed in the car as he climbed up next to me from the trunk.

"And I thought you were smart" the blonde teased.

"Why are you two doing here?!?! And who are they?!?!" I asked confused.

"Well one is a cheeky flirt and the other is your boyfriend." The two began to laugh again, slapping their knees as we drove. Veronica turned around wit half her face falling off.

"C'mon sweetcheeks. You don't recongize your own boyfriend?" My mouth fell open as it all registered.

"Zayn?!?!? Why are you dressed up as a girl?" I asked. Niall laughed again slapping Louis across me.

"Cause just because were 'Kings' as you call us, doesn't mean we can just walk in and take you away. Our friend Lou Teasdale helped us dress up. And I'm the girl because Harry thinks I was the only one who would look good in it." I joined Niall in the laughing cause it was kinda funny.

"So what're we doing?" I asked.

"NANDOS!!!!!!!!!!!" Niall screamed air pumping the air. I smiled and leaned back, waiting for the chaotic food expirence yet to come.


And we danced all night to the ____ ____ ____!!!!! Finish the blank :D
omgf Niall officially got a tattoo on his wrist guys... im so dead right now... hope u liked it and THANKS FOR THE VOTES AND COMMENT!!!!!!!


Holy flip the views and votes! Thanks guys!!!

I will stay tuned for CHapter thirty five :))

Aamna Malik13 Aamna Malik13

This is one of my favorite fan fiction that I have ever read; I love it!

Pleaee update!!!!

@so crazy 4 1D
Everyone but me is going on spring break!!! Lucky...

LottieDa312_Xx LottieDa312_Xx