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The Exchange

It's Okay

Harry's Point of View

The walk to my room felt like it took ages to get there. I really don't want to pass Alyssa because I know she's either been listening or waiting for me to figure out what her dad has said to me. I don't think I've ever been so scared of one person in my whole life and I never thought Jack would be the one to scare me.

I snuck pass Alyssa's door and entered mine quickly, grabbing a bag from my closet and opening my drawers. This sucks, it sucks a lot. I pulled out a few pairs of jeans and a few shirts but my brain refuses to function much more than that. I need my tooth brush I suppose and maybe some socks.

"What are you doing?" Alyssa walked in and shut the door behind her. She crossed her arms and leaned back against the door with tears in her eyes. Her face was back to the ghostly shade it was a few days before and her body seemed just as frail.

"You should open the door, we're not allowed to close doors anymore," she rolled her eyes and opened it so only a mouse could peek through.

"Why are you packing your things Harry? Where are you going?"

"It's okay Alyssa," I sighed. I hate that this is happening but I have no choice.

"Where are you going?" she said a little bit louder as she walked towards me. Before I had the chance to say anything she took the shirt I was packing and ripped it from my hands, throwing it to the floor. She then grabbed my bag from my bed and swept it away. I watched it hit the wall and leave a small green mark against the blue walls. Her anger was so built up I waited for her to get it all out.

She closed all of my drawers and shut my closet. When she was finished rearranging my room to normal she sat me down and refused to let me move.

"Alyssa," I said as she picked the green bag back up and dump the close out that I had neatly folded. She grabbed piece by piece and threw them back in my drawers. My shirts ended up with my socks and my jeans ended up sprawled in my closet.

"Alyssa, baby," I stood up and pulled her into my arms. Her head buried into my chest and the tears falling from her eyes seeped through my shirt, "I'm only going to Niall's love. I'm just going to stay there for a few nights."

She looked up at me, still pressed against my chest and I tried to smile. This isn't ideal but it's better than moving home. I'd do anything to stay here, even if it meant living under someone else's roof for a few days; maybe weeks. I won't tell her that yet.


"Do you know what the rules for this house are Harry? Hmm?" he asked quietly. I know he doesn't want Alyssa to hear this and I don't either. I can't even imagine what's going on in his head right now but I don't think I want to."

"I'm sorry, we didn't know how to tell you. We didn't think we'd even like each other the way we do," that's the biggest lie I've ever told. I've loved Alyssa since the first day I saw her in the airport. The first night at dinner when she told Erin and Megan to grow up because they're too old for me; and I'm using her words in the clean version.

"This exchange program wasn't for you to take away my daughter's innocence. It was a learning experience and you took advantage of that."

"Mr. White," using his last name feels more appropriate, "I love your daughter more than anything in the world. I'd never take advantage of her."

He could see how offended I was by his absurd comment and moved on to another point.

"Well I don't know what we're going to do," Lily whispered something to Jack and they mumbled for a few moments. I can't leave, I can't be sent back.

"Mr. and Mrs. White," they looked at me in surprise. This was supposed to go their way, "I understand if I can't be here anymore, I get it. But please don't send me back. I'll go to a different school or stay at someone else's house but please don't send me back."

I looked towards the stairs indicating that I'm thinking about this for Alyssa and not myself. If it were best for me to move back home that would be one thing but it's not. She needs me.

"She's been so happy since I've been here and I know I've made a difference. She's sick," she's going to kill me, "she needs help and I can give it to her."

"Sick?" Lily questioned me. I closed my eyes and tried to word it so I wouldn't screw things up too bad.

"She's been depressed. She doesn't understand that you guys love her. I've showed her that you do," not exactly but I have made her happy, "I've made her happy and she's not so depressed anymore."

"Has she hurt herself?" Lily became frantic and turned this interrogation to a new level. I nodded my head yes and regretted every moment of it.

"But she hasn't in months. Not since October and that's when we began dating," as far as I know. Who knows what happened when I left. Or the night I kissed Maddie; I don't know about that night either.

"And you're sure of this?"

"Yes. She needs me, she needs you guys."

The room became quiet again except for mumbles. I felt like I should be in an interrogation room. From the looks of it Jack is a great interrogator. While he is stern, Lily is desperate.

*end flashback

"Are you fucking kidding me? You told them!" I knew she'd be angry but they should've known a long time ago.

"Alyssa, they're letting me stay. You should be happy."

"First of all," she stood tall with her arms crossed in front of me, "they have no right to know any of that information. Second, it was not your place to tell them! And," emphasis, "you shouldn't have used that excuse to stay! Is that what I am to you? A project? You 'love me' because you want me to stop cutting?"

"No! Oh my god, no Alyssa," I stood up and reached for her but she backed away, "Alyssa, that's not it at all. You know I love you. I was just pointing out that you've been happy since I've been here," I tried to put on a smile and took another step forward, "haven't you been happy?"

She sighed and dropped the drama that she'd usually cause.

"I'm going to Niall's for maybe a week but we'll still see each other at school. We'll be able to go out on dates," I scooted closer and took her face in my palm along with pulling her lower back against me, "we'll hang out here and we’ll hang out at Niall’s house. And the best part is, we won’t have to hide it.”

She gave me a half smile so one dimple was visible, “but we won’t be able to have sleepovers anymore.”

“Baby, we’ll figure it out,” I traced her face with my thumb from her forehead down to her chin and took in her beautiful eyes, “it’ll be like a normal relationship that any other kid at school would have,” I hate the idea but it’s better than not having a relationship at all.

“Harry,” Jack walked in and we both back away from each other. He sighed and rolled his eyes, that’s where Alyssa gets it from, “I called Niall’s parents and you can stay there for the remainder of the time.

“What?” shit. I nodded and tried to stay strong for Alyssa.

“And Alyssa, we’re going to start going to therapy. Harry will probably join some of the sessions but we’re going to make an appointment soon.”

She opened her mouth to yell back but I grabbed her wrist causing her to look at me. I shook my head and she seemed to calm down as I rubbed small circles on her hand. I looked at Jack and he noticed the difference I gave Alyssa. I know that doesn’t mean I can stay here but it’s okay, we’re still going to be together.

“This door stays open from now on. We’ll pack the rest of your things this weekend and you can take it to Niall’s.”

“Dad, please,” Alyssa begged. This is tearing me up, it’s hurting so much but maybe this is good. A normal relationship will be good. And it’s only a few more months. A few more months and we can go to the same college and be together. We’ll get an apartment and everything will be perfect.

“Dinner will be ready soon, get cleaned up,” Jack walked away leaving the door all the way open. She collapsed in my arms once again but I know she’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.

Alyssa's Point of View

The only noise at the dinner table was the clinging of forks and knives. Occasionally Luke would slurp his drink to cause a disruption but for once it effected no one. Not even mom said anything. Tonight was leftovers; no one wanted to cook so we had cauliflower, potatoes, and tilapia.

I have homework, a lot of it but this is Harry's last night here. Tomorrow after school he's moving everything to Niall's guest bedroom and I'll be Alyssa the hermit again. I'll have to see a therapist and shit but maybe if I do this I'll feel better. Maybe I've needed this.

"How's school going Alyssa? Since you've been back?" it's Monday. I've been back for exactly one day.

"Do you want the truth or do you want the 'it was fine' version?" she sighed without making another sound, "okay, let's start this therapy session early."

"Alyssa," Harry said quietly from across the table. Challenging them isn't that big of a deal, the only thing that's important to me is Harry and they're taking him away from me.

"Okay, how was it," mom smiled. She thinks it's going to be all dandy.

"Well," I finished my last piece of cauliflower and began, "I got to school and a lot of people stared since I got hit by a car and everything. The only people that said anything are the friends that I didn't have until Harry came into the picture. Then I had class with this bitch named Amber," I buttered my bread and continued. Everyone else had stopped eating which made me happy; I finally have their attention, "you know, the one I used to be best friends with? Yeah, I forgot to tell you but we're not friend anymore because she told the whole school I have herpes and then her brother tried to rape me, but anyway," my family stared like I have three heads, "she started making fun of me about random things including Harry. I yelled at her and had to move seats. Later that day she found me, slapped me, and then laughed in my face."

Harry didn't know that part, "then I came home and I made out with Harry because he's my boyfriend," Harry and my dad both choked over their water and Luke laughed while mom sat in more shock."

"That's enough Alyssa," I was surprised when both my dad and Harry said it at the same time.

"No, I think she should keep going," Luke laughed but I decided I crossed the line at the mention of Harry.

"Anymore questions?" I asked sarcastically directing it at my mother. She's hurting, I can see it.

"So do you understand why I need Harry? Do you understand why I've been so much happier with him here?"

"He's not staying here and that's it. We're going to therapy to sort all of this out," I sunk down into my chair as my down continued to lecture me. Why can't he be my dad rather than a detective. As much as I want to hang around so I can be in the presence of Harry I can't sit here anymore.

"You know," I sat back up and set my fork down, "I'm surprised it's taken you this long to see the discomfort I've had for the past four fucking years. You ask me how school is every fucking night and I have the same answer. I speak when I'm asked a question and that's it. How could you not tell I've been upset? Why do you think I wear these fucking bracelets all the time?" my mom's hand was glued to her mouth as my language continued to grow fouler every minute while my dad's face was beat red.

"And Detective Jack White, when you decide to be my father rather than a detective come talk to me," I threw my napkin down and dropped my plate in the sink before heading up the stairs. I heard my dad stand up but my mom stopped him from coming after me. I hope he feels bad, I hope he feels really bad.


What's your opinion? Do you think Harry's move is okay or would you rather him still live with Alyssa? I'll give you my personal opinion when I get some more subscribers and comments :)


I'm not sure yet! I'll have to see where it goes because it will be a little different.

Irish Gal Irish Gal

Will you be doing a sequel for the new version?

Hannah! Hannah!

The sequel was taken down a while ago because it wasn't going very well...the new version will be on Wattpad soon if I have a few comments letting me know they want it!

Irish Gal Irish Gal

I would read the new version

Hannah! Hannah!

I can not find the sequel for The Experience. Do you still have it and where is the new version of this story?

Hannah! Hannah!