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The Exchange


Alyssa's Point of View

Every movie I've ever seen, every book I've ever read, and every news story all say the same thing. When something as crazy as a near death experience, such as a car accident happens, you see your life flash before your eyes. You see a white light or you see what could have been. Me? I didn't get any of that.


"Liam? Liam?!" I shouted as loud as I could though it only came out as a whisper. The
car found its way off the road but I'm not sure what caused it; everything happened so quickly. I growled, trying to life myself off of my seat belt.

When he didn't answer I looked down at my own body. The car was upside down and horizontal making it practically impossible to do anything. All I could feel was the blood rushing to my head. My arms dangled near the dashboard but I couldn't go much farther than that. The circulation around my neck was being cut off but that was the least of my worries. I tried not to look but I knew my leg was broken; the numbness gave it away completely. The worst part is knowing that when my adrenaline slows down I'll feel every ounce of pain. I could feel warm blood trickling down the side of my face but I couldn't do anything to stop it; I'm stuck and so is Liam.

Liam's head was resting on the steering wheel with his eyes closed. Blood covered his forehead with glass bits wedged in. I should have just drove myself and none of this would've happened!

I looked around for something to help, anything but all I could focus on was the car horn. It worried me when he didn't move away from the sound; he's knocked out cold. I could tell he was being strangled by his seat belt as well when his face turned from red to purple slowly.

My thoughts carried on out loud, "I've got to do something. My phone, where's my phone?" I tried my best to unlatch my seat belt but I couldn't reach it. I looked to the door but opening it would only bring in the cool air. We're so far down from the road no one will find us. My eyes rimmed with tears but I held it back, I'm going to figure this out.

"Liam! Come on Liam!" I whimpered. Not only is the horn still going off, which actually may be a good thing--someone may hear us, but the radio decided to keep playing Christmas music. Fucking Christmas time.

I looked around for anything that could help, anything that could somehow let me down so I could get help. The snow was giving us some light, helping my eyes to adjust faster. Then I heard something, Liam's phone, his phone was buzzing! I reached as far as I could into his pocket and gripped it tightly, checking his pulse before I called anyone. It's beating slowly but that's better than nothing.

"No! Not a password!" I almost threw the phone before remember you can call 9-1-1 even with the password.

"9-1-1 what's the emergency?" I spoke quickly to the women, starting to cry as I told her what was happening. She continued to talk to me, letting me know everything would be okay and the police are on their way but one of my closest friends is next to me practically dying and I'm feeling quite lightheaded myself.

*end flashback*

The beeps continued, letting me know I am alive along with more Christmas music. God damn, seriously, why the hell is this music everywhere I go?

"Alyssa?" my dad spoke. I went against opening my eyes hoping he'd leave me alone but I was shaken a few times. I guess I'm not in a coma.

"Alyssa, baby? Are you up?"

"I will be if they turn that damn Christmas music off," he chuckled as he sat on the uncomfortable bed I was placed in.

"How are you?" when I was able to open my eyes fully I looked around at my beat up body--my left leg in a cast, my right arm in a sling and gauze wrapping different parts of me to prevent more bleeding.

"Great," my voice came out groggy, "I'm just about ready for that half marathon," he laughed at my sarcasm and brushed a piece of hair from my face. "What time is it?" I can tell it's still dark but after I fainted I lost track of time, "and how's Liam? Oh my god, Liam! Where is he?!"

I shot up in my bed and felt a surge of pain rush through my frail figure. Panic struck me hard, what if he's not okay? My dad gently laid me back down as I took a few deep breaths. Once he settled and cleared his throat he spoke up, giving me what I needed to know about Liam.

"He's fine sweety, well, as fine as he can be. He has a few broken ribs, a fractured wrist, and a pretty bad concussion but he'll be okay."

"Is he wearing a sling too?" I smiled, maybe we can be twins.

"Yeah, and he wants to see you. I told him maybe in the morning," he looked at his very expensive gold watch, "it's three thirty though, in the morning."

"Wow, it's already been that long? How long were we stuck?" so many questions wandered through me but the one thing that stuck out the most was Harry. I'm sure he'll try to contact me soon. I think it's around eight thirty where he is but he'll be up soon.

"Can I ask you something dad?" I can't tell Harry about this, he'll freak and want to come back right away. That can't happen though, my parents will be curious as to why he has to get back here for me.

"Shoot, and no, I'm not going to ask them to change the music," I giggled before bringing up something I should have long ago.

"Did you ever like someone but you felt like you weren't allowed? Like you would be judged if you told anyone," he furrowed his brows as I picked at a loose string on my hospital gown. He shook his head no making me dive right into the situation.

"I like someone daddy, and it's not Liam," he took in a deep breath and sat up straight. I don't know what that means but I continued anyway, "he umm, well, I don't know if I should like him."

"Do I know him?" his response was fast and hard.

"Daddy, I don't want an interrogation. I need a father right now," I spoke stern but soft. I need my dad, not a detective. His face calmed at my words and he sighed deeply before letting me continue. "You do know him, and I think you like him a lot. I'm just scared you'll be mad."

I should've talked to Harry before doing this but I need to have this conversation before he finds out from someone else.

"Who is it Alyssa? Is it that Niall boy or Zac?" I giggled again,

"it's Zayn dad. But no, it's not them."

"You can tell me sweety, I won't be mad," he chuckled and looked away, "as long as it's not some boy covered in tattoos and piercing. I can't have my daughter dating a delinquent."

"Harry has tattoos," my thoughts went in panic mode, what if he is truly against Harry? I thought he liked Harry.

"Yes, well that's Harry. He's different," he patted my leg and smiled, waiting for me to elaborate. when I didn't and he noticed the distraught I'm feeling isn't just from the accident he tilted my chin to his eyes, curious. I don't normally talk to my dad about this stuff, or my mom, or anyone but it needs to be done. I'm just so scared.

"Excuse me, sir? I have to take her vitals again," the petite nurse smiled and he got up for her to take over.

"Why don't we talk about this in the morning? I'll come back and you can see Liam."

I smiled hesitantly and nodded. I really wanted to have this conversation with him but it'll be okay, at least it's partially out there now.

"Hey, wake up," I opened my eyes to Liam poking me on my side. He was covered about the same as me except his head seemed more wrapped up. I moved my body over slowly as to not hurt myself even more and let him sit next to me. I touched his face softly hoping he wouldn't flinch as my fingertips grazed over the spot where a few glass shards dug into his skin last night.

"I'm sorry," managed to slip my mouth. Highlights from the night before clouded my vision.

"Alyssa," Liam's eyebrows furrowed as far as they could possibly go, "this isn't your fault. And as much as I'd love to blame myself, it wasn't me either."

"What happened?" he sighed before moving me over a bit more and laying next to me. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at the sheets, trying to scratch away a pen mark that was left behind.

"There were a few deer coming towards us so I slammed on my breaks while at the same time another car was coming down the road. They were drunk and somehow ended up swerving towards us. They claimed the deer were coming at them but really they were drunk out of their minds," a tear slipped from my eye--Liam catching it before it hit my chin.

"It's okay, really. As long as you're okay," he smiled, reassuring me everything would be okay. I don't know how he does it; his car was just totaled, he's in the hospital on Christmas Eve and now he's watching me be a pansy. I couldn't think of anything else to do so I hugged him. I hugged him tight and cried into his shoulder. I've pushed myself to death multiple times but at those instances I was in control. Last night wasn't my choice, I didn't get to chose if I lived or died.

"Alyssa, you saved our lives," Liam whispered into my ear as I continued to hold him close to me, "you called 9-1-1 and you were the one to lift my head so I could breathe again."

My grip loosened, I don't remember all of that happening. I just remember calling 9-1-1 and then fainting. Liam grabbed me a tissue and I wiped the mixture of tears and snot from my face. He reached for the remote and flipped on sports; of course.

"Does Harry know?" I whispered, hoping not. I can't reach him because my phone is long gone in the woods but I don't want him to know. It's best that he doesn't.

"I think one of the guys called him when they found out."

I closed my eyes again, squeezing them tight.

"I don't want him to know. He's going to want to fly back and see me. It's Christmas, he can't be worried on Christmas."

"I'll get Louis to tell him everything is fine, don't worry."

My head nodded for me but I'm not convinced. If it were the other way around I would be on a plane in no time. I need to talk to him, I need to before he does something stupid.


This is kinda short and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I suppose it's a semi filler but it does have some purpose! Bare with me, I have so much coming up over the next week! once I hit 247 subscribers I'll update!


I'm not sure yet! I'll have to see where it goes because it will be a little different.

Irish Gal Irish Gal

Will you be doing a sequel for the new version?

Hannah! Hannah!

The sequel was taken down a while ago because it wasn't going very well...the new version will be on Wattpad soon if I have a few comments letting me know they want it!

Irish Gal Irish Gal

I would read the new version

Hannah! Hannah!

I can not find the sequel for The Experience. Do you still have it and where is the new version of this story?

Hannah! Hannah!