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The Exchange

This One

Alyssa's Point of View

"Where are we now?"

"This is Chatham Manor." I walked Harry down the grass path and we looked at the gardens and through a screened in summer house. "This small building was made in the 1940s and people would come outside and sit on cool summer nights. It's a bit rusty now but I'm sure it was beautiful at some point. But this brick house," I pointed and he looked around the stone wall protecting it, "this was built between 1768 and 1771. It's held a lot of famous people like Robert E. Lee and George Washington."

My smile continued to grow. I love this and I love sharing it with someone. Marilyn isn't really in to the whole history thing but Harry listened carefully and asked many questions.

"The civil war happened around this time and the owner had many, many slaves. Look over there." We walked to the edge of a hill and could see all of downtown. "The river you see is what we were swimming in the other day." When he returned his eyes back to mine he asked,

"Where to next?"

I laughed, "the paint shop. I want to paint my room." I know he's excited to paint but this intrigues him. "I promise we'll visit more sites later but I want to paint."

We took a few pictures and then walked back to my jeep. This is so exciting.

Harry's Point of View

"I think I want blue. Not too dark but not light either." I held up a sample and couldn't decide. Alyssa paused from her train of though and looked,

"I like that one." She pointed to the blue in the middle,

"That's what I was thinking too." She continued to look and I asked the heavy set woman to help me find the tub of paint.

"Here it is sir. Do you need anymore help?" I turned to Alyssa,

"Hey, do you need any help?"

"No." She said, not looking at me. I smiled at the woman who was balding,

"Yeah, that'll be nice."

We walked towards Alyssa, "You aren't from here are ya?" Her accent wasn't like Alyssa's. It's southern. I think that's what Alyssa called that kind of accent.

"No, I'm from the UK."

"Oh, I see. That's so cute!"

I looked at her confused.

"Moving here for your girlfriend that is. Are you engage, oh I'm sorry! You may even be married!" I laughed at her remarks. I guess my tattoos make me look older and Alyssa already looks older than she really is. We are picking out paint together.

"He's none of the above." Alyssa continued to debate over the two shades of yellow. I chuckled. She's going to be a great mum one day. It's like she has eyes on the back of her head and ears like a dog.

The woman looks embarrassed, "Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"I can't decide between these two yellows. But I also need this blue, this green, and this orange." They are all light shades. What is she trying to paint?

"Are you sure you need all of that paint?" She quickly glared at me.

"Yes Harold. I do." I put my hands up to surrender. When she's in her element I should really just stay away.

"Why don't I grab this paint for ya'll and I'll be back for the yellow." The woman walked away with the samples and Alyssa held up the paint.

"I like that one." I pointed to the second to lightest yellow.

"Maybe, I don't know." She sighed like the world's about to end. I put my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder looking at the colors with her. "What do you think you're doing?" I stayed as is.

"Looking at the colors with you."

"Well I suggest you look at the colors from somewhere else." I released myself and chuckled until I saw Amber and Lauren laughing from the check out line. Damn. Alyssa is so concentrated on her colors that she hasn't noticed and I really hope they don't come over here. Thankfully the woman with three buckets of paint returned.

"I'll take this one." Alyssa handed her the paint sample as she set down the buckets out of breath.

"Thanks." I said immediately following Alyssa's lack of emotions. When she walked away I turned her towards me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, fine. I just hate making decisions." I looked around her and saw Amber and Lauren were finally gone. Thank god Alyssa didn't see them.

We put the paint in the back seat along with paintbrushes and plenty of other material Alyssa insisted we get. She said, "It isn't my money. I don't really care."

I sighed at her remarks. I feel so bad for her. I've never met someone who despises their family so much.

"So what happened with Megan and Erin when you were sleeping?" She gripped the steering wheel.

"Nothing happened. They woke me up and taunted me like usual." She tried to seem like it didn't bother her but I can see right through her lies.

"Don't lie to me."

"Then don't ask me things that's none of your business." She snapped.


"If you're hanging out with me to try and fix me then fuck you Harry. I don't need you to try and be my hero."

"Woah, Alyssa. I'm not trying to fix you." Maybe a little bit. "I like hanging out with you, I care for you, I don't want you to get hurt."

"You're too late Harry. I'm hurt, I'll be hurt for a very long time so be my friend and leave it at that. Marilyn knows the drill, you should just realize now that I am who I am and I'm not fixable.

"Will you tell me one day?"

"Tell you what."

"Why everyone treats you like shit?"

"No." I think no really means yes. Or it means maybe. No just doesn't mean no for Alyssa.


I love history if you couldn't tell. Chatham is a real place by the way. If you're interested just Google it!

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I'm not sure yet! I'll have to see where it goes because it will be a little different.

Irish Gal Irish Gal

Will you be doing a sequel for the new version?

Hannah! Hannah!

The sequel was taken down a while ago because it wasn't going very well...the new version will be on Wattpad soon if I have a few comments letting me know they want it!

Irish Gal Irish Gal

I would read the new version

Hannah! Hannah!

I can not find the sequel for The Experience. Do you still have it and where is the new version of this story?

Hannah! Hannah!