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The Exchange


Ada's Point of View

Vizzini napped on.
Fezzik shook him gently.
Vizzini did not wake.
Not so gentle this time.
"Oh I see, you're dead," Fezzik said,

Harry stopped reading and chuckled.

"Fezzik isn't very smart is he?" I smiled and laughed as well.

"Nope, not very smart at all."

Harry's arm was wrapped around me so that I was leaning against his chest as he held the book. He decided that he wanted to read this chapter and I didn't argue. Hearing him read is so attractive. He's also really good at it; he really expresses the characters.

He continued on with chapter six in Buttercups dream. I loved this part.

"Your milk is sour" and Buttercup said, "Oh, I'm sorry," and she shifted to the other breast and the child said, "No, this is sour too," and Butter cup said, "I don't know what to do" and the baby said, "You always know what to do, you always know exactly what to do,you always do exactly what's right for you, and the rest of the world can go hang....

Harry stopped reading for a moment. "What is it?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Nothing, you just remind me of Princess Buttercup." I looked away. I remind me of her too. That's why I love this book so much.

"Well that's nice. Are you going to finish the chapter?" He chuckled and continued the last 45 pages. Unfortunately I didn't make it through the whole thing though. His voice helped me doze off.

Harry's Point of View

"Alyssa?" I set the book on her side table and removed an eyelash from her face. It's only ten in the morning and she's out. I guess I did wake her up at 8:30 so we could read. I just needed to know what happened next.

I tried to stay as still as possible but I wanted to take another look at her wrist. I slowly peeled her hand from my chest and looked. There are two deep cuts and two very noticeable scars. She must go over the same marks each time. I sighed and really hope I was not the reason he cut after the first day of school. And I still don't know what Amber did.

I heard a loud bang from the other side of the door and jolted. "Alyssa! Get up! Mom wants you to come eat breakfast!"

The door began to open and I quickly ran into her closet. It was both Erin and Megan intruding into her bedroom.

Erin sat next to her and Megan hovered. "Come on princess." Erin said sarcastically as she ran her hand down Alyssa's face.

"Go away." She flipped over and Megan pulled her pillow from under her head,

"Seriously, get up. Mom wants you to come eat with the family that you're unfortunately a part of."

"Don't be so nice Megan, she's a little freak that nobody wants. Haven't you noticed how she has no friends?"

They both laughed as Alyssa stayed in her spot. Before they walked out and headed towards my room Erin pushed her so hard that she almost fell off the bed. I think it startled her more than anything. I tried to stay calm until they were gone and then I ran into the bathroom before Alyssa saw me. I leaned over the sink and took a deep breath. What has she done to them?

How can they be so cruel? Why is everyone like this towards Alyssa? Is she just an easy target or did something happen?

I sat down at the kitchen table for breakfast and Alyssa joined us a few minutes later. I could tell she had cried but it wasn't extremely noticeable like it has been in the past. It probably had to do with her peppy attitude and cute overalls.

"Hello darling." Alyssa rolled her eyes at her mums comment and grabbed a bowl. "I made french toast for us. You don't have to eat cereal."

She continued to ignore Lily and poured some Captain Crunch. Megan and Erin continued talking amongst themselves and Luke stabbed at his french toast, still not fully awake. I guess Sunday's they eat breakfast together. I suppose they do have some family traditions, they're just a little dysfunctional.

"No thanks mom. I'm going out today and I will see all of your lovely faces at dinner." She smiled and took her cereal up to her room." Where ever she is going she's taking me with her.

"Alyssa," I said through her door, "can I come in?"

"No." I heard from the other side. I think she just likes that word. She was probably one of those babies who said no to everything like it's the only word they know.

I disregarded her wish and walked in.

"I could have been changing my clothes!"

I laughed, "I'm sure you wouldn't have minded." She took the last bite from her cereal and set the bowl down. "Aren't you going to drink the milk?"

"No, that's gross."

"You're just going to waste it?" She handed me the bowl.

"You can drink it, go ahead." I took the bowl and chugged the milk. When I was done I wiped the milk mustache away and Alyssa laughed. "That's disgusting."

"So, where are you going?" I set the bowl on my lap as I sat next to her. I'll ask her about what happened with Megan and Erin later. Right now I just want to do something.

"Probably some of the battlefields. Do you want to come?" I looked around her room, "What?" she asked.

"Oh, I just wasn't sure if you were talking to me or someone else." She smiled and once again rolled her eyes.

"Do you want to come or not?"

"I'll go put my shoes on!" I quickly tied them up and looked around for my phone. Two missed calls. Ughh, go away Lexi, I thought to myself.

"Ready?" She leaned against the side of my door with her arms crossed. I grinned and she bit her lip, trying not to smile.

"Did they get you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"My dimples? Did they make you blush?" She smiled and then I noticed the dimples she had. I guess I never really paid much attention to her cheeks. I've always looked into her profound blue eyes.

She simply said no and then I followed her down the stairs to her car. She turned on a country station and Taylor Swift was playing. She sang the words to Red as if I wasn't with her. I sang along and when she looked at me we both "dimpled" each other.

Dimpled. Yes, I like that made up word.



I'm not sure yet! I'll have to see where it goes because it will be a little different.

Irish Gal Irish Gal

Will you be doing a sequel for the new version?

Hannah! Hannah!

The sequel was taken down a while ago because it wasn't going very well...the new version will be on Wattpad soon if I have a few comments letting me know they want it!

Irish Gal Irish Gal

I would read the new version

Hannah! Hannah!

I can not find the sequel for The Experience. Do you still have it and where is the new version of this story?

Hannah! Hannah!