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Still the One


I knew I was wearing my navy, sparkly Sperry's, but I wasn't exactly sure what to wear with them. So, as any teenage girl would do, I asked my best friend. Lauren and Harry went out to dinner or whatever( I didn't really care at this point. I was going out tonight with Niall so, yeah), so I had to text her.
She said I should wear my navy and white, polka dot, high-waisted shorts, and red button-up knotted at the waist. and of course, what the whole outfit was built upon, my sparkly Sperry's. I pulled on the shorts and buttoned and knotted the shirt. Now, it was time to pack my bag. I grabbed a cute beach bag I had bought on my shopping spree with Lauren, and put in it sunscreen SPF 50, sunglasses, a coverup( bikini was already underneath my clothes, it was red and the sports bra type, but had a halter top), a floppy sun hat, my iPhone, a wristlet wallet, my Camelbak water bottle, and a few snacks. I normally would have brought a book, but this was a date, so I didn't think that would be necessary. It was five thirty, and I was all ready, so I turned on the TV. Exactly an hour later, I heard the doorbell ring, and turned off he TV and slipped on my Sperry's. Then I opened the door. Niall stood there in a red polo shirt, khaki shorts, and man Sperry's.
"Hi, Niall," I smiled.
"Hi, Jordan. You look really nice," he said in his cute accent.
"So do you!" I blushed.
"So you ready to go?" He asked.
"Yup." I slung my bag over my shoulder and shut the door.
We walked over to the elevator, or the lift as Niall called it, and I pushed the button labeled 1. A minute later, we were walking out the doors, and I spotted Niall's car. It was really cool. It looked like a red sports car, but I'm not that familiar with cars you don't see everyday in America.
"Like my Maserati?" Niall grinned.
"Yeah. I don't think I've seen one before. I've only heard of them," I admitted.
"From the Taylor Swift song Red?" He laughed.
"Yes," I relented.
"Well, then, if you've never seen one I take it you've never ridden in one?" He asked as he opened the passenger door.
"Well, then I'm honored to give you a test drive." He said as he revved the engine.
I just laughed as he drove seemingly fast, but he never went over the speed limit.
My first date in London with a really cute rich celebrity kid on a boat and riding in a Maserati. Is there some kind of record for best first dates? Because I totally think this qualifies for the number one spot.


Sperry's are boating shoes if you didn't know. They come in lots if colors, patterns, and styles. They're actually called Sperry Top-Siders. You can look them up if you want. They're really cute. I have two pairs!


I loved this!!!!! Can't wait to read the next book!

@Savanna and Niall
I'm so glad!:)

I'm loving this story soooooo much!

@Nialls girls

swimprincessj swimprincessj

Me too

Infinite Love Infinite Love