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Just a Fool

Chapter 8: Im Gonna Need A Drink

The black SUV pulled up in front of Funky Buddha. We got out and paparazzi snapped pictures. Niall held my hand pulling me through the crowd.

Wonderful. Just freaking wonderful. They got pictures of me and Niall walking inside hand and hand. How the hell am I gonna explain this to my parents once it hits the tabloids.

Word leaked all the guys would be at the club for Andy's birthday bash so people had been camped out all day hoping they'd get an autograph or picture.

We got inside and I jerked my hand away "Niall! Your trying to start rumors!"

"No im not! I'm sorry I just didn't want you to get lost in the crowd!" He apologized a million times once we were inside.

I could never stay mad at Niall. He was just too adorable and always pouted just the right amount to get me to smile. Honestly, if I'd met Niall before Liam I think things would be different. He was a really sweet guy. He bought me flowers the other day because I was having a bad day and that meant a lot to me. But he wasn't Liam. Liam had my heart.

Last night after leaving the club I met Liam at the park next to my building. We swung on the swings until 6am. He told me I was the best thing that ever happened to him. He told me he saw me in his dreams, in his future. We walked hand and hand around the park. I've never felt closer to anyone in my life.

I followed Niall, Louis and Ele to where everyone was. Andy smiled ear to ear, "Brittyn! You came out on a Saturday! I feel so special!"

I hugged Andy, "Happy birthday darling!" He held onto me for quite awhile and I thought that was really strange. Then he said in my ear, "Im sorry."

Huh? "What are you sorry about Andrew?"

"You'll find out soon enough." He stroked my cheek with his thumb. What the hell is going on?

I shook it off and hugged Harry. He'd been standing there so patiently waiting his turn. Harry hugs were almost as good as Horan hugs. Harry and I chatted a second about my exam I had been worried about all week. I passed of course but I was really worried about it. Harry had helped me study. He knew I'd pass. I owed him a drink for helping me.

I turned around to head over to the side bar when I saw them. I stopped dead in my tracks. Frozen.

Liam was sitting on a couch next to a beautiful brunette. He had his arm around her and they had their foreheads together talking and smiling.

I almost fainted. What in the hell? Who was this skank with my man?

I couldn't make a scene since no one knew about Liam and I so I straightened up, picked my jaw up off the floor, and walked by. Cool, Calm, Collected. He saw me. I felt him look right at me.

Good lord, im gonna need a drink!



Hope that one was better than the last lol

Xoxo Ana


Incomplete is the sequel to this. ive got a few stories. just click my name and you'll see it.
stacybrookexo stacybrookexo
hormoniall hormoniall
Ive been racking my brain all night. i dont wanna end this story i just dont know what else to write lol but im definitly gonna think of something.
stacybrookexo stacybrookexo
Leave a gap in time. Make them grow up, change, let Niall and Brittyn's relationship evolves and then bring a twist to it. A blast from the past that would bring Liam and her closer?
mazza-mazza mazza-mazza
Do a sequel of u want but u don't have to just a thought