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Rushing down the steps, I refused to say anything to anyone. I just searched for the right tools. A bobby pin in my hair, all I needed where a few more tiny items that could help me pick the lock. Pulling out the hardware draw, I spotted a tiny screwdriver, and a few paperclips beside it. Just what I was looking for. Quickly stuffing it in my pocket, I rush back off to that locked door, but I collide into Nash.

“Where ya running off too?” Nash eyed me down a bit, wondering as to why I was in such a hurry.

“Salsa makes my stomach go insane, and I realllyyyy need the loo.”

“Oh jeez, I know. Go on.” He nodded slightly, but what was off was it was like he was granting me access. Like somehow telling him where I was going was reassurance. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to anyone.

Reaching the door, I stopped a bit, and remember the security camera. How could I forget. Shit.. Wait. There’s a blind spot. I moved over a tad, and pressed my back onto the wall. Based on the camera and it’s angle, I have about a foot of space to unlock the door, and to slip in unnoticed. Sliding down, I inserted one tail of the bobby pin into the bottom of the keyhole and pushed it in. Flattening out the paper clip, I quickly curved it so it could fit into the top of the keyhole, and its gives me an easy way to turn the lock swiftly without having to jiggle, and hope it pop open.

Glancing back at the lock, it wasn’t top of the line, but it was pretty durable for a house lock. Praying a little to myself, I stuck in the small screwdriver and twisted it a little until I heard a click. Yes. Standing back onto my feet, I slowly eased open the door, and slid in to find what I didn’t want. Hayes.

Jesus.. I muttered to myself taking in the sights of him as he lifted his head up a tad. His face dirty with dried up blood, his hands tied behind the chair, mouth wrapped a few times with a thick cloth, and his feet tied to the legs of the chair. Yet his eyes flickered with some sort of joy when he saw me at the doorway.

Producing another muffled sound, I quickly pressed my fingers to my lips signaling him to be quiet. I glanced around quickly and picked up the weapons I could find, stuffing one unknown gun in the area in-between my lower back and jeans, the other I kept in the front of my jean. Next to where the guns once where, was a sharp knife, which I used to my advantage.

Running quickly over to Hayes, I cut open the ropes, and untied him. How could they do this to him. I know what I was doing was wrong, but I can’t help but think back to when Hayes helped me escape the house, and how he warned me. I should’ve known that everything wasn’t going to be peachy..but I wasn’t thinking straight ….But now….now I am.

“There’s a blind spot on the camera. If you slid alongside the wall you’ll reach my room. Don’t go in it, go into the walk in closet, and climb out. I have a few extra keys…Under the area above the tires, keys are taped on. Grab it, heat up the car unnoticed and I’ll meet you there as soon as I can. GO.” I quietly warned him, and he went on his way. Shutting the door behind me, I fixed my shirt so that the guns were no longer a prominent bulge, and walked over to my room.

Maybe I can climb out the window…Yea. That’s a good idea.

I just need my wallet, my keys, and if I can find my bag, I’ll take that too.

Spotting it laying on my bed, I rushed over to it opening it slightly to make sure everything was in it.

“What are you looking for?” A stern voice spoke loudly.

The voice taking me by surprise, I turned to see Harry by the doorway. Shit.

“I…uh..I..it’s personal.”

“What’s fucking personal?…” He scoffs but continues. “You know what’s personal too? That door that you were standing by. I don’t want you fucking near that door. You need to stop being snoopy Lia.”

“Don’t speak to me with that tone Harry.” I warned.

“I can speak to you in whatever tone I feel necessary. That door locks business you need no part in. Care to explain what’s personal to me?” He questions, his rage slowly creeping behind the all too personal question.

“WHY are you hiding things from me? THIS BUSINESS that I’m not supposed to know of is why what happened to me, happened. So don’t you dare tell me I shouldn’t be part of it. I should damn well know what the fucks going on.” I shouted back at him.

“YOU DON’T NEED TO FUCKING KNOW ANYTHING! You’re already in over your head….” Pausing a bit, he huffed out, and lowered his voice. “I don’t want you to get hurt…there’s just files of gangs that were involved in there, I’d rather you not see that. Okay.” He smiled lightly, but he was lying to me. With a straight face on.

That’s when it struck me that I wasn’t anything more than a game to him. I was just like Scarlett…The only thing I would gain from this relationship was a scar just like her. If he could lie to my face about that…then I could only imagine the lies he’s told me before. But I can’t lash out on him, I just have to escape, and discover the truth on my own.

“I’m sorry, I acted out on you, I just…uh…it’s personal because I have my..you know gift..of the month.” I lied, trying to act embarrassed as I pulled out my emergency tampon and pad, and his face flashed with relief.

“You could’ve told me that Lia.” He shakes his head walking over to me.

“Well it’s awkward talking about my lady problems with you.” I simply state, walking over to the draw near the window. The draw has extra ‘lady problem’ items, but I only pull out a few. Glancing at the window, I can tell it isn’t thick and I can easily kick it through to get to the car below.

Turning back around I put a few in the dresser near the door, just to get Harry’s mind off the locked door, and back to this.

“Why are you putting them in there?” He questions.

“So if I have to go, I can just grab one, and go.” He nods quickly, walking over to the window, simply staring out, no emotion. Just plain staring. Here’s your chance Lia, I quickly grab my bag, and take out the gun that was nested in the front of my jeans, resting the tip on the back of his head. Pulling back the hammer on the gun, he tensed, and stood still.

“Move out of the way slowly, and I won’t have to kill you.” I spat, and he obliges.

“So is this what you’ve been planning all along?” He speaks, still moving over slowly.

“No. It’s just I figured I’m only part of your little game, and the fact that you lied to me in front of my face makes me think of how many times you’ve lied to be before and I was oblivious. I don’t need to be scarred like Scarlett in this game you’ve set up for me.”

“Is that what you think…that I don’t love you…that I didn’t do everything in my power for you? You don’t get the big picture..”

“It’s isn’t what I think it’s what I know Harry, but you didn’t get it either. I didn’t want the big picture, all I wanted was you. I guess this is our reality check.” I shook my head, and took the gun behind my back out shooting at the window, before turning to kick the rest of the broken pieces out. Yet as I climbed out Harry latched an arm onto me pulling me back in.

“STOP LIA..stop running away from…don’t do this.” He growled out, while I knocked my head back into his causing him to groan out in pain.
“I will do this, and you can’t stop me. Just remember that I loved you when you thought no one else did. I wish you knew that.” I replied, while jumping down from the balcony, and onto the hard pebbled floor. It hurt, but I quickly got up, and rushed over to the car swinging the passenger seat open, before our car jolted, and we sped off into the distance.





Please update

Oh thank goodness!

I have a few more chapters in mind! I could never let it end like this! </3

Aww boo! Now I'm crying again. Please, please, pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssseee let there be a miracle! :( it can't end like this :'( :'(

I may just be doing a double update right now! <3