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Baby I Loved You First! (Harry Styles and Niall Horan Fanfic)

Chapter 68

(Nicoles POV)
Me and Zayn walk into the house and we go upstairs to get changed. After we are done changed and no we did not change together. We walk around the house to find Mia. We check every room in the house that I know of. I shrug my shoulders as I give up. Zayn takes my hand and leads me to a room that I didn't know about. We walk downstairs holding hands and every one is down here. Its the basement. When I see Harry, he glances at me and Zayns hands and sighs. I say to Mia: "Um can I talk to you Mia?" She nods and gets off of Nialls lap. We walk upstairs and she asks me: "It looked like you enjoyed the kiss?" I blush and she says: "What is up with you and him anyway?" "Well, Me and him are very close but it seems like we are getting too close." I say to her.
She nods and asks: "Do you still like Harry?" "Yeah a little bit." I say. She nods and we both walk downstairs again. I stand against the wall and she goes over to Niall and she sits on his lap. I look at Harry and he is patting his lap. I pretend that I don't see that and I look the opposite direction. I look around and every one is staring at me. Did someone say my name or something? Harry gets up and takes my hand. We walk in the other room that's down stairs. He is sweating and shaking a little bit. I sit on the bed and he begins to say something then I stop him by saying: "Your breaking up with me arnt you?" He looks at me confused like and sits next to me. "I will never!!" He says to me and I smile. He asks me: "Why arnt you talking??" I get knocked out of my thoughts.
I say: "Because Im thinking." He smirks and says: "About you and Zayn?" She looks at me shocked and confused. She glares at Mia and I say to her: "Its fine Nicole, I know that you kissed him." She says: "Omg Im so sorry Harry." He hugs me and I hug him back. I close the door. I spin around and I say "Shall we?" He grabs me and pulls me towards him. "Already got it in mind babe." He says and kisses my neck. I moan and I wrap my legs around him and he walks over to the bed. He kisses me and I kiss him back. Right when things start to get hot. Louis opens the door and says: "Don't be too sexually!" I pull apart and I throw a pillow at him. He ducks and it hits Liam. I get Harrys shoe and I throw it as Louis and it hits him in the balls. Me and Harry start laughing our asses off.
We walk out holding hands and we sit on the pool table like every one else is. Well Harry sits on it and I sit on top of his lap. Louis comes in and walks up to me. He whispers in my ear: "Your gonna get it later on." I mouth to him: "Bite me bitch." He laughs and walks away. The funny part is that I talk to every one except Liam. We need to talk more often. I'll start a conversation with him tomorrow. I love talking so much!! A image from the music video of Louis pops in my head. I giggle in my mind. That image was screwed up. I whisper into Harrys ear: "So your not mad that I kissed Zayn?" He shakes his head as a no. I whisper again to him: "Would you be if I kissed him right now in front of you?" He nods. I think: "Fuck I cant do that now." All of us then chill for the rest of the night.


Hey guys!! No more Niayn moments (Niayn= Nicole and Zayn. :'( Narry forever! hahaa spazz. I wont update tomorrow because I have too much stuff to do. Sorry guys! and the next chapter is 69! Woop XD Vote, Subscribe and Comment! Thanks. :)


i love the story but things unnecessary happen too quickly and when the people talk you make them say 'omg' and 'lol' and stuff, thats really more for texting. BUT YEA DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE THE STORY

HoranHug21 HoranHug21

The first chapter is really good but i feel like Harry escalated way to quickly. lol

HoranHug21 HoranHug21

OMG GUYS!! I FOUND OUT NICOLES TWITTER!! @5SOS_4Aussies. Follow her and tweet her to make a new chapter!! :D

LiamPayneIsHot! LiamPayneIsHot!


Your welcome. :)

Thanks for letting me know:)