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Broken Hearted

She's not there...

Everything was black, I felt numb, but far away I could see a bright white light. I walked towards the light when suddenly I felt like I was struck by storm. It was windy and everything was bright making my eyes hurt. I saw someone walking towards me but I couldn’t tell who it was, I squinted my eyes to see if I could see the persons face. As I walked forward to see the persons face, I saw that it was a woman with long hair that blowed gracefully with the wind. As I looked more closely I recognized the face......... It was my mother.

She came walking towards me until I could see her long white dress that flowed all the way to her feet. I couldn’t speak I was frozen on the spot. She gave me a warm and loving smile while grabbing my hands. She opened her mouth but nothing came out…
I was slightly frightened when she closed her mouth, but I could hear her speaking without moving her mouth. “Annabella, I was sent to tell you that it is still not your time to come with me… You have to go back”

“Mama I don’t want to go back! I want to go with you…”

“Darling, you have to go back, Harry needs you…”

“He can find someone better than him, someone that can love him the way he deserves”

“Belle, you are the only one that can love him the way he deserves. If you leave him, he’ll get lost…. He won’t know how to live without you”

“Maybe it’s for the better that I leave”

“It is your choice, but the only thing I know it that you are not going with me. I love you bells… Tell your sister that I’m very proud of her and that I love her” her words made me confused but I didn’t say anything because as soon as she finished saying her words she lifted her hand to her mouth and blew air as if she was blowing a kiss. As she did that it like I fell off the face of the earth… or wherever I was. I fell down a tunnel until everything went black. Suddenly I was back to my normal body again, I tried moving my fingers and was eventually successful. After I tried opening my eyes but couldn’t, so I tried slowly and finally my eyes opened but it took me some time for my eyes to adjust to the light. After about ten minutes, my body became less stiff.
But I still had to make a big decision, I saw a clipboard at the end of the bed. I grabbed it and checked that the next time that someone would be checking on me would be in about half an hour. I made my mind up and I would try to escape from the hospital so that Harry can live a better life without me. I took all the cables and needles that were attached to me and made my way to the bathroom where I found a bag full with my clothes. I got changed into this:

I found a piece of paper and a pen on the shelf that was in the corner of the room. I was writing a letter to Harry explaining why I was doing what I’m doing…


I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you. I know that we have been through a lot lately but I just want you to know that I forgive you and that maybe in the future, you will also forgive me for everything that I’ve done to you.

Tell Beatriz that I wish the best for her and Beck. Tell Beck he will always be my Bam Bam…

Tell my sister that I love her and that I will never forget all the things she’s done for me…

Harry I pray that you will have better luck and hopefully find someone better than me, someone who won’t put you in danger…

Just please promise me that you will always love me… I'll be able o live happier that way

I love you xx


I took my forever necklace that Harry once gave me and put it on top of the piece of paper and left a kiss printed on the paper and then is when I realised I was sobbing quietly.

The only way that I was going to be able to escape was jumping out the window, luckily it wasn’t that far down from the ground. When I was safely on the ground I heard a crash coming from the window I had just jumped down from. I kept walking trying to find the exit of hospital car park. As I was walking on the footpath I came past a giant window. Then I realised it was the waiting room and everyone was there. Beck, Beatriz, my sister and…… Harry.

The doctors were running while Harry tried desperately to get an answer to what was happening. I saw the doctor give Harry what I had left, he read it and fell to the floor crying. Beatriz went numb in Becks arms while crying, in all honesty Beatriz was like my sister, she would always be there if I needed something and I would always be there when nobody else was. It was as if we were chained together.

I heard a siren go off, that’s when reality hit me. They were going to find me if I didn’t leave immediately. I was about to walk to the gate leading to the road outside the hospital when I heard the door open, revealing a distressed Harry, desperate to find something…… or…… someone. My sister followed him outside while trying to calm him down. I hid behind a small wall that was attached to the building, so they wouldn’t see but I could still hear them.

“We’re going to find her! She probably still is in the hospital, she-“ well my sister had a point I was still practically still in the hospital but was interrupted by Harry before she could continue.

“She’s not there! She left because of me! What if something happens to her? It will be my fault, her wound could worsen!” I had totally forgotten I had a wound at the bottom of my back.

Harry went running right past me while I prayed to God he wouldn't find me, which luckily he didn't, my sister followed him while I made a run for the gate leading me to my escape…


Not as good as I hoped but hopefully it was good enough...

What do you think will happen next? Comment your thoughts!!

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Please don't let ner die !! Then Harry will die !!! Update Update Update Update !!!!!!!!
so crazy 4 1D so crazy 4 1D
Please don't let ner die !! Then Harry will die !!! Update Update Update Update !!!!!!!!
so crazy 4 1D so crazy 4 1D
Thx for updating please update some more and such a great plot if I might add ;p
Louis_boobear143 Louis_boobear143
I literally just started reading this today and am already extremely excited for you to update!!!