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One Direction Funny Imagines 2


Hey guys its me again and since the first story acting up on the chapters I decided to make a part 2! Yea so its still me and stuff! So I hope you enjoy my season 2 funny imagines!


Or else:

I'm just kidding but i'll probably be looking like this at my computer screen:


Harry Styles

Harry Styles

Liam Payne

Liam Payne

Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson

Niall Horan

Niall Horan

Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik


  1. Niall Class

  2. Yep just like them...

  3. IT IS COOL?!

  4. Yes we do...

  5. Uhhh....

  6. Changing

  7. Harreh?!!!

  8. Oh signings

  9. My summer...

  10. Potatoes

  11. Just being me!!

  12. There isn't!!!

  13. Ummmm....

  14. Our wedding

  15. It was him...

  16. I think not...

  17. Shush..

  18. Oh no...

  19. LOL!

  20. They do want it back!

  21. Cubed of course!!!

  22. My love life

  23. Its true

  24. We won't

  25. Are you serious?!

  26. Flying

  27. Yes please!!

  28. I look....

  29. Would you....

  30. I'm Sorry What?!?!

  31. They do?!

  32. You know...

  33. Moments...

  34. Not you Harry...

  35. Please let me be!!

  36. Yea right!!!

  37. Yes I am....

  38. yes you have to...

  39. I know I do!!!

  40. It's Okay Harry...Most People Like That About You...

  41. Damn Right!!

  42. Baby Lux, Did I pass?

  43. Yes Yes It Is

  44. 'Juan' Thing

  45. Soft Kitty

  46. Celebrity Man Crush

  47. Already Doing It

  48. In You Sleep...

  49. The Killer

  50. SOON.

  51. It kinda does..

  52. I bet he will!!

  53. Yea right?!

  54. Divas....

  55. Suuurrre

  56. Draw my life!!

  57. Dear gosh...

  58. Calm Down

  59. Sit down?!

  60. Breakfast please?!

  61. And then theres me...

  62. Each! One!

  63. Cra-uuuhh

  64. REPOST!!!

  65. No you didn't?!

  66. They are?!

  67. It did..

  68. I am one...

  69. I'm just...

  70. Meeting One Direction

  71. How I Imagine...

  72. Hi to you too

  73. He does..

  74. Sorry...

  75. You did..

  76. Its Activated

  77. My tongue...

    Peachy_beachy shoutout

  78. Come and get it nananana

  79. Don't you ever...

  80. But there's me...

  81. Do you?!

  82. Yummy...

  83. No wonder...

  84. Home alone...

  85. Ahhh children..

  86. Wow...

  87. OMG!!

  88. Please...

  89. Cool story...

  90. Me too...

  91. It is....

  92. Seriously?

  93. Why...

  94. Oh. My. Gosh.

  95. Zerrie ENGAGED!!!

  96. Oh Harry...

  97. That's it...

  98. She is?!

  99. Yes you are?!

  100. Narry Girls

  101. Pepsi Commercial

  102. All On Camera

  103. 'Just' A Band

  104. 'Juan' Direction

  105. Sums it up...

  106. Are you sure...

  107. Potatooooooooo!

  108. Niall's 20

  109. Next Door

  110. Being Niall's Girlfriend;

  111. Directioner Musical

  112. idgaf

  113. YOUR TALKING TO ME???????????!!!!!!!!!!

  114. cometomomma

  115. I LOVE HER!

  116. Talk Dirty To Me

  117. Ahh... (sorry I haven't updated) Chapter

  118. Ahh... (sorry I haven't updated) Chapter


You used a " VAMPIRE DIARIES " clip in " Bitch Mode Activated "

Miss Direction Miss Direction

hi everyone. i just made a story and i wanted you to check it out. it is called frozen love.

Estefania Estefania

Lol loving these!

Morganhood12 Morganhood12

@they_killed _Kevin!
its alright :{P

Lol chapter 87 i think that all the time one timer I just got out of the shower and I have one of liam and his mouth is wide open and I was like “oh liam pleases like you haven't seen tits before" lol I know I'm a freak...

Rachael123 Rachael123