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Five Lovestories

Chapter Ninety-Nine, "Brutally Cheesy"

"Dad, is it you?" I asked into the phone.

"Oh, hi honey! How are you?"

I rounded the small pile of clothes on the ground as I pressed the phone closer to my ear. Bim was sitting in the usual couch, playing on her phone. My glance went from her to the door again, I needed to focus on what to say.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." I mumbled.

"It's going to be so great to see you again soon!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, about that.. I just met this.. this guy, and.. and.."

"Do you wanna take him with you?" Dad asked with what sounded like a grin.

I quickly looked back at Bim who was doing the "is he saying yes?"-look.

"Y-yeah.. That's actually exactly what I want. Would that really be okay though?" I said and
slowly found my way back to the couch Bim was on.

"Of course, sweetie! As long it's only him, I think we can fix a spare-room for him."

"Well.. thank you!" I said with a surprised tone. "Really, thanks! I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

We shared a few words before I hung up. I still looked surprised when my unfocusing eyes met Bims. A warm laugh bubbled up from my stomach as I started to speak.

"That was so easy." I said. "I didn't even had to beg, not once!"

"I guess going to college was a good thing at the end of the day." She winked and I playfully hit her shoulder.

"I should go, I gotta meet Zayn."

"Use protection." Bim said as she was riffling thorugh the pages of a magazine.

I laughed before I closed the door behind me.
As soon as I was at Zayn's, I threw myself on him and kissed him by his big surprise.

"What was that about?" He asked amused and carefully put me down on the ground again.

"You got my parents premission to come! You should consider that amazing, actually." I smiled.

"That's so great! Now all you have to do is to pack your things." He said and stroked away a few hairstrings out of my face.

"Tonight. Now, we have something even harder to do.." I said low.

"Oh, yeah?" Zayn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, not that.. yet." I grinned and put my arms around his neck. "We gotta get permission from Niall too, and you know that's not gonna be easy.."

Zayn sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. Let's just go down and get it over with.."

I nodded and took his hand.
Once we were downstairs, I spot him immediately. Crap.

"Okay, look, Zayn.." I said and stopped him from walking. "We can't act like a couple. It'll piss him off, wether he agrees to it or not. I just.. I don't want you to get the wrong impression.. I still love him and all.. I just think we could use an extra couple of days, you know."

He looked at me for a few seconds without making any kind of expression, but he eventually nodded and squeezed out a smile.

"Yeah. C'mon, let's go talk to him." He said and led me there.

Niall was standing with his back against us in the line to the little cafeteria, wearing training-clothes and carrying a big training-bag. He quickly swiped his hair backwards and licked his lips.

"Though workout?" Zayn asked with a crooked smile.

Niall turned around and a big smile took place on his face.

"Nah, on my way. Hey, I was going to call you.." He said with his adorable accent and took a step closer to me.

"Yeah, we need to talk.." I said and his facial expressions quickly changed.

"Yeah, man.. Why don't we follow you to the gym..?" Zayn suggested. "Right?" He asked towards me.

I nodded and we all started walking, a bit awkward.

"Okay, Nialler.." Zayn started.

"Wait, what?" I interrupted.

"Oh, it's just.. it's a stupid nickname.. not relevant.." Zayn mumbled.

"What is it you guys wanna talk to me about?" Niall asked to get back on the subject.

"Look.." I said and stopped both of them. "Me and Zayn.. we haven't had the best week, and it's just.. I'm going home for Halloween, and Zayn hasn't anywhere to go, and.."

"So you asked him, on my week? Is this some unfair and sick way of telling me that you choose Zayn?"

"Wait, what? No! Absolutely not!" I assured him and walked closer to him. "Just.. please? We have been fighting and there has been trouble with Louis and Bim, and.. he went away on our last days.. Can we please get a second chance?"

"It's not my problem that you had some issues this week, and why do you even.." Niall interrupted himself and scratched his hair. "You'd rather have another week with him than me?"

"What?" I whispered, totally ignoring the fact that Zayn was standing just a few metres away.

"You got over Harry so fast, why can't you.."

"I did not get over Harry fast. I still haven't." I said with clenched teeth.

Nialls angry mood suddenly seemed to have disappeared, and he sighed.

"I probably wouldn't be home this week anyway, so just.. just please? You will get your week, I promise! It's not like I don't have feelings for you anymore.. I still love.."

"Fine." He said and dropped his hands to his sides.

"R-really?" I asked.

"Yeah. If you'll excuse me, I have a time to keep." He said and started walking away.

Zayn, who had been leaning against the blue-colered wall, came up to me with his hands down his pockets.

"So.. what did he say?" He asked.

"He let us." I said low.

"That's great!" Zayn said with a happy tone. "Hey, why aren't you happy?"

"It's just.. he's really mad, Zayn.. what if he.."

"No, not what if. Just.." He said and took a hold of my hands. "Just live for the moment, okay?"
It was brutally cheese, but he was right. I laughed a little, though.


Hi guys! I am officially back from my little drought I had there for a week or two. I'm ready to really continue this story now, since things are carefully starting to happen now.. Or, well, as you know.. things have already happened, but the things that will happen now.. it will slowly start to lead us till the end! Even though I'm not saying that the end is near, it's not, but we're getting there! Also, I'm sorry for the short chapter. It was all I had time for today, but I'll write more tomorrow. Love, A.

Do you think Niall is really okay with this? Or well, obviously he's not, but like, how do you think he'll be like when they get home? Still "okay"?

Do you think anything will happen at Kath's?


Yes, I felt so too. But hey, if you wanna check out my new fanfiction, please do! It hasn't as good updating as this one had, but it's only because I want every chapter to be inspired, good, and well - perfect. I've only written one chapter but I'm working on my second. x :)

stolemyheart stolemyheart

Yep! It's not like it's a bad story or anything because I think it's amazing! I just kind of felt like it just sorta dragged on. x

I'm really glad you told me that! x

stolemyheart stolemyheart

I understand that you were kind of drifting away from the story to be honest this was the first story I started reading on here and yeah it is still super good I just kind off lost interest too. You are still an amazing author though !

:( x

stolemyheart stolemyheart