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Death Wish

Chapter 6

Zayn holds Harry in his arm, he stares at his friend unconscious face. His face was pale and his lips are blue. His hair was brushed against his forehead, Harry's skin was clammy and the vomit was leaking out this mouth. Zayn reached over and grabs his phone Perrie was still on the other line.

Zayn quickly hung up the phone and calls for helps, time was running out.

After a few minutes has passed and there was knock on the door, he put Harry on his side and go over to the door. The paramedics were there: they rushed over to the unconscious Harry. They went to his neck to see feel pulse before doing anything else, when they successfully found it they went working on trying to save him. The paramedics than put a neck brace on harry than puts him on the stretcher. They ask Zayn if he as coming with Harry. Zayn nods his head and proceed carrying them to the hospital.

Later that morning Louis went over to Zayn and Harry's room. He knocks slowly, but got no answer. Louis stands there for awhile, he grabs his phone from this pocket and dials Zayn's number.

"Zayn where are you? I was knocking on the door and there was no answer."

"I'm at the ER with harry, He has alcohol poisoning." He said.

Louis stopped in his track in total shocked, He knew that Harry was drinking too much, and he was mixing his drinks. Louis felt bad for not catching on what was going on with Harry. Harry was unresponsive ever since they left the club. Louis quickly told Zayn that he'll be there with Paul and the other boys. He runs over to Paul, Naill and Liam room tells what happen to Harry. They all quickly get ready and head over to Harry.

After reaching the hospital, Paul asks the nurse where harry was. She told them room 219, she points to the room. Paul asks how was he doing as The boys ran over to Harry room. To find Harry sleeping with a tube up his nose.

"Harry!" Louis cried out. "This is all my fault, I should've caught on that something was wrong."

Louis walks over to Harry looking down at him.The other boys stand by the end of the bed and Zayn was on the other side. Harry slowly opened his eyes. Paul walks in and explained to the boys what happen to Harry and what was going to happen, he needed to stay overnight to make sure everything was ok. Guilty Louis stand look down at Harry "your up".

Harry didn't say a word and stared at Louis for a while, then he looked at Zayn and close his eyes.

"Harry what's wrong?" Louis ask

"I'm sleepy and your talking so loud, please shut your face." Harry opens his eyes and looks at Louis. "It's not your fault... ok... I shouldn't have drank so much. So don't blame yourself... lou." He gave him a weak smile.

"I think we should cancel all the shows for this week, so Harry can get some rest." Paul said with a deep voice.

The boys nod their head in agreement and Paul goes outside to make the phone calls.

"Can I get some water?" Harry asked.

Zayn passes the water to him, he took a sip but within minutes Harry throw up on Zayn shoe. Zayn sighs lightly. The doctor walks in and sees the mess, telling the boys to wait outside so he can check on Harry. All the boys sit outside while Zayn went to the bathroom to clean his shoes. Zayn phones rings and it was Perrie, he totally forget about her. He quickly picks up the phone.

"Hey baby"

"What the hell is going on!? Is everything ok?"

Zayn's p.o.v

I explained to her what had happen to Harry, and why I hung up the phone on her. Then it all hit me. I have stomach cancer, I forgot, all this drama with Harry made me forget about my problem. I think it was time to tell her the truth, I need to tell her why I've been getting so sick, and tell her I missed the most important surgery ever. I hit my head knowing that was I suppose to be in London right now.

"Zayn you still there?" Perrie asks sweetly.

"Yea,umm Perrie... I have to tell you something important. Please... like don't get mad... ok"

"Ok, I won't, what is it"

It was time, just say it Zayn... Tell her...

"Ok, I-I."

The words couldn't come out, I couldn't hurt her, but I had to clearlfly I wasn't cheating.

"Zayn... what is it?" he voice was getting angry.

"I love you, Perrie"

Oh for god sake, I'm a coward...


Sorry I took so long :)


omgg its so intense

bellabee09 bellabee09

Sorry i took so long ...I honestly Didn't know what to write

Redmist21 Redmist21

thx so much I've been checking everyday!

bellabee09 bellabee09

please update asap!!

bellabee09 bellabee09

Update soon I want to see what happened to perrie!!