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My incomplete story

Chapter 4

~Harry’s pov~
I held Niall’s hand on the way back to the car. We’d been dating for a couple months now and everything was perfect. Before we stepped into my old Ford Niall kissed me on the lips and blushed a deep red. I stepped into the driver’s seat and turned on the ignition. We drove to my flat and when we got back Niall raided my refrigerator. I was well happy that Marcel had hit it off with Ellie. She is well hard to get with and there goes nerdy Marcel and wins her within a day! It took me years to find the key to that heart of hers and there he goes. I’m impressed, really impressed with Marcel. My phone vibrated so I checked it.
I’m awful! I’m so mean and bad! I made Ellie cry!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did you do?
I asked her if she liked me and she went through this big story which made her cry!!!!!
Don’t worry, we dated before and she never did that which makes you different and special.
Yeah? Right? Pfft! Nah! Okay, GTG Ellie is waking up!!!
Bye! I slid my phone into my pocket and switched on the TV. Niall came back and lay on top of me. I know this sounds soppy but I love him so much.
“Babe?” he said and I hummed in reply, “why did you never tell me you had a twin?”
“Because I never knew until last week.” I replied.
“Okay, I’m tired.” And with that he fell asleep almost instantly on me. I sank into a deep sleep too before waking up and it being the next morning.
After about half an hour of drifting in my mind, my phone rang and I got a message from Marcel.
Help, I can’t make Ellie stop screaming!
What?? I’ll be right over with the others!
I woke Niall and showed him the texts. He was confused at first and then I explained that we have to go over and help her. He placed his shoes on his feet and held out his hand. I took it and we went to gather to others.
~Ellie’s pov~
I’m with my friend Millie, I am eleven again. She’d suddenly moved next to Twinlakes. We’re on that ride where you go up and suddenly drop down. But when we drop down, the ride falls to pieces. I scream at the top of my lungs until I roughly hit the ground. My body feels limp, something warm trickles down my face and something snaps. I can’t lift my head and an abdominal pain spreads through the left side of my arm. Everywhere is blurry with the one eye I can see through. The place that keep me captive carries on getting darker and before I knew it, I am numb, and in the dark.
I woke up to Marcel shaking me with his large hands. He lay under me hushing me. Something sour fell from my eyes but I couldn’t think straight. Screams escaped my dry mouth and I was shaking extremely roughly.
“MAKE IT STOP!” I shrieked the words that were coming out of my mouth couldn’t be controlled. I couldn’t feel my body but suddenly I was not on my side anymore, I was sat on Marcel who was also sat upright. My head’s buried in his neck and he was rubbing circles on my back.
“Sh, sh, sh,” Marcel repeated and every so often he would kiss me either on my shoulder or head. There was a loud and immediate knock on the door and Marcel shouted, “Its open!” before continuing the calming. The door smashed open and Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis stood there with a panick painted upon their face. They all gasped so I must have been a monstrous sight. My screaming had stopped and the tears began to slow. My breaths began to become less needed and deeper. I managed to weakly move my arm to wipe my tears and Marcel sighed.
“What’s wrong?” Louis asked either me or Marcel. I was too weak to answer so Marcel responded instead.
“She was upset and then she fell asleep and then she started screaming and crying and I couldn’t get her to stop so I tried to comfort her and she’s better now.”
“Okay, so what do we do now?” they all wandered around the room until I finally got enough strength to say,
“I don’t mind, stay,” my voice was a low cackle and I blushed a deep red. Niall looked out of place and uncomfortable as he sat down on the leather sofa opposite the Television. I cuddled up to Marcel with my face still buried in neck. Tears of embarrassment welled in my eyes and I let them fall. I wasn’t just embarrassed about the fact I had feelings for Marcel, in fact the embarrassment in there is only a small amount, but that the boys saw me have a break down; that Marcel had to deal with my pathetic screaming and crying. Marcel whispered in my ear,
“Do you want them to leave so we can talk?” I nodded my head in approval and Marcel announced that Harry and that lot should leave.
They all sighed and nodded. The last words that were said was, “Tell us if something goes wrong,” by Louis before Liam closed the door.
“Are you going to tell me why you had a mini break down earlier?” Marcel murmured soothingly.
“Just a bad dream, nothing serious. My worst fear came to life, I don’t want to go through it again.” I said as clearly as I could. Marcel pulled my head from his neck so I could see the clock that was behind him. Everywhere was light and it said ten so it must be the next day. I looked around the house and everywhere was practically normal.
When I looked back at Marcel his beautiful green eyes held me in place and it was him holding me to the ground, not gravity. Marcel’s hair had come out, reveling light curls. I noticed that he was unusually warm, which made me like him more. I didn’t notice that we were getting closer until our lips met. His felt so soft and luxurious. He kissed me, I kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cautiously he wrapped his arms around my waist. His tongue traced my bottom lip, asking entrance and I allowed it. Our tongue fought a non winning battle.
When I finally pulled back I was gasping for air and my cheeks heated when I saw the grin on his face. I stood up and rubbed my arm feeling dizzy and nervous. Marcel moved in front of me (now on his feet) and grabbed my hands. I snatched them away and placed them behind my back. If confusion was a disease then it would’ve killed Marcel there and then.
“You need to go,” I said and stepped out of his way. His eyes welled with tears as he walked out the door. “I’m sorry,” my voice cracked and I began to cry myself.
Now you’re probably wondering why I did that. Aren’t you? Basically when I was younger I was diagnosed with anger problems. I wouldn’t call them mild, yet I still refuse to call it severe. I’m afraid of having feelings for people; I’m so vulnerable that I’ve had to walk out of their lives. Either I do that or it gets too much and then I have a serious break down and their house or apartment gets trashed. I can’t do that to Marcel. No and I won’t.
My phone buzzes and it awakens me.
Marcel x
Are you okay?
Ms. Goodson
Yes I’m so sorry about earlier, I shouldn’t have kicked you out. I was being a bitch and I really do like you so please don’t leave me.
Marcel x
Don’t worry, x its okay hope you’re better now.
Ms. Goodson
Yes I am thank you x
Marcel x
Okay gotta go, bye.
Ms. Goodson
Okay sorry ‘bout earlier.
I was expecting an ‘its okay,’ or ‘No problem’ or something but instead I got silence. Great, that means I’ve scared him and made him run off, typical. I waited for water to fall from my eyes but they wouldn’t come. So I sat there, on the floor, and waited. It seemed like hours and I eventually fell into deep, deep, deep darkness.
~Marcel’s pov~
I searched Harry’s medical box in desperation for some pain killers. I had an awful headache and my body was burning. My stomach was in my throat but every time I stood cramps filled my muscles. Harry seemed extremely distant from me and he wouldn’t take me to the doctors.
“I know the cure, I know what’s happening, and you just have to wait ten more minutes. You’re body heat is just gonna burn those pills.” He had ordered for the third time. I obviously wouldn’t know for I didn’t know him ‘til about a week ago. “Stand up, the best way is to run.” The second he said run the pain in my legs incinerated. I stood up and ran as if my life depended on it. Across the hall, down the stairs as fast as I could. I ran into a forest and that’s where it happened. An awful cracking sound filled the air and my scream exploded the bird’s hums. I was flying through the air before landing on all fours.
A low growl ripped through my throat before I could turn to question Harry. I looked around but Harry was nowhere in sight, instead, stood next to me, was wolf. I jumped back and started to slowly pace away, but that wolf kept following me. Its mouth had a pile of clothes and it dropped them on the floor. It licked its lips and bared its teeth.
Brother, stop fucking moving! A deepened voice of Harry’s suddenly was all around me. In an instant I froze and the wolf came closer. Now I know this may sound weird but that wolf is me. Yeah so you’re a wolf, now I’m begging you please don’t freak out. It’s not what it seems. Oh and the other people that I hang out with, yeah, they are wolfs too. A loud whine escaped my throat and I plucked up the courage to ask in my thoughts,
Will I always be like…this?
No, you only change when you’re upset or angry. When you have finally calmed down then you go back human. Um, and when you change back into a human, yeah you’re not wearing any clothes so you’re…naked. I felt my jaw drop and as I gained myself Harry carried on. By the way you can change day and night and it doesn’t have to be a full moon for you to be a wolf. Oh and you can make yourself a wolf. Just make yourself angry. Ellie needs to know if you’re dating.
I’m not sure if we’re dating and I don’t know how to ask her.
Don’t worry, I’ll do it. With that Harry ran off and I had to make myself calm or happy. I know I’ll think of me and Ellie earlier. I gently closed my eyes and took deep breaths, remembering that morning.
Before I knew it I was standing on two legs again. I sighed in relief and picked up the clothes that Harry had brought for me. When dressed I picked up my phone which was about half a mile away from the place I stood. I texted Harry:
Have you asked her? He didn’t reply for a good twenty minutes.
Well we had a long discussion about why and I told her you had something to say and she has something to say to you and I’m not allowed to tell you. So we talked about it and she said that she’s dating you so you have to hurry up and get over here!!!
Thanks ;) I began to run and I noticed I was a lot faster than before. I’d broken my glasses from when I changed into a wolf but I didn’t need them now. I could see perfectly fine.
When I reached Ellie’s house I knocked on the door and noticed Harry’s car wasn’t there. “Hi,” she smiled and hugged me.
“Hi so err, there is something you need to tell me?” she asked when I finally sat on the sofa.
“Yeah, you might wanna sit. This is a ridiculously long story.” I sighed and she walked to the sofa and sat next to me. “Listen this would actually be better to show you. Okay so you need to know that you don’t live in the world you think you do, Ellie. There are things that are dangerous. It’s not safe for you to be around me…sometimes that is. I’ll show you later now you tell me what you had to say.” I explained before commanding what she had to say.
“Listen I’ve got…” she bit her bottom lip before cautiously continuing, “Anger problems, it’s not something I can control and if you wish to leave then that’s fine by me.” She closed her eyes tightly and tears began to fall. Shock was painted upon my face before I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. Her body jumped and tensed but after a while she relaxed. Wow her previous boyfriends must have been asses. She wiped her tears and smiled, “Why didn’t you run away?”
“What, do you want me too?”
“NO! NO! No!” Ellie sighed and I chuckled. I lifted her chin and turned her face so I could see her lips. I softly kissed her lips once.
“Now, that thing I need to show you…let’s go somewhere…safe.” I held out my hand, praying for her to take it. Once again, confusion murdered her. Eventually Ellie agreed and took my hand. I lead her to where I had changed earlier. “Like I had said earlier, you don’t live in the world you think you do.”
“Marcel, I just realized you don’t have any glasses!” Ellie gasped but it was too late. That ear piercing shriek filled the air, that snapping sound surfaced the breeze. “Marcel!” she bellowed in shock. I stood there and slowly walked towards her. How do I show Ellie that I won’t hurt her? On the spot, I rubbed my large head against her arm before lying down. She stood frozen for a while but after five more minutes she bent down and stoked my fur.
“It’s really you, isn’t it?” I lifted my head in reply and dropped it, hoping that she would know that what I just did was a nod. We lay for a time just staring, and Ellie told me more of her past. “When I was a little girl, I’d pretend I was a wolf or vampire and I had this huge bunch of packs and friends and family. My pack was wolfs and friends and my family where vampires and friends too. Are you in a pack?” I lifted my shoulders, that would have to be a question for Harry later.
After a while Ellie dozed off so I quickly changed back and got dressed, just then Ellie murmured something in her sleep that shocked me. “I love you Marcel.”


Cool! I love them too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg I love the twilight references!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for late update but I am going to now!!!
Omg. You are like...................... Amazayn. Literally. Gawd. Lol. I need you to update ;o! NOW
The boys should be involoved by chapter 3 or 4!!!