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No, Make it Stop!

After school I waited for James, he always took me home on Fridays. But before he came I saw him, his jersey actually, making out, with a girl. I could make out mumbled sentences.
"What about that nerd, I though you were gay?" She asked.
"It was a dare baby, I'm straight." He told her. And smirked.
I'd seen enough, tears streamed down my face, I'd just walk home, maybe get run over, hopefully. I just tried to comprhend what I saw, was James really straight? He sure looked like! I heard someone talking on the phone far behind me, but paid it little attention. I thought about what else James said, "it was a dare" the words rung in my mind and brought me to a stand still. He dated me as a dare. Those cuddles, kisses movie dates, all a dare? I broke down and sobbed. I heard foot steps running up to me, my glasses had fallen off and I couldn't make a face through the tears.
"Marcel?" Louis's voice asked me.
"L- Louis?" I asked, unsure if I knew who it was.
"Hey what's wrong?" His voice was full of concern.
"I just, my boyfriend, and he cheated, it was all a dare." I sobbed.
"Hey, hey your a great guy, he's not worth it" he handed me my glasses and picked my chin up with his finger. I looked straight into his eyes and realized how gorgeous he was. His chest nut hair, sea blue eyes and buff body. Louis got up and have me a hand.
"Do you want to, possibly, come over?" I asked, knowing he'd probably say no but being polite.


Yes no? Love the positiveness really I do but some advice as to what you want to see more or less of?


Plz update

Please do more it is really good

yes Louis... you called him that :3

Harry's Only Harry's Only
When are you updating