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My Best Friend Forever?

Chapter 26

Emma's POV: It was Cody and his new girlfriend. I don't think he notice I was staring at him becasue when they called my name for my drink his eyes looked straight into mine. For a moment I thought I felt a spark but, I remembered I'm not his. I look away and grab my drink. I don't bother waiting for the boys and head out the door. I had to get away from all the tention in their. "Emma can we talk?" Cody asked me. "Sure what's up" I ask. "I still love you Emma but, My heart was telling me and my head was telling me Lily" I look into his eyes and see a scared little boy. "C-Cody it's fine." my voice cracked. I was trying to hold back the tears the best I can. "Are you okay?" He ask me. "To be honest I'm not because I'm not going to be the one who you text goodmorning or goodnight too, Or who you show off to your friends, or take care of you when your sick, but, more importantly not the one to bring out that wonder smile you or laugh" I say with a few tears falling down my cheeks but, I quickly wipe them away."Emma" I cut him off"No Cody it's fine I understand I should be happy because you're happy" I say. The boys interupt us. "emma you ready to go." Liam ask. "Yep, bye Cody" I shyly wave and follow the boys. When we get home we decide to watch a movie. "Charlie st. Cloud. or 17 again" I ask them holding up both movies. Zac Efron's love stories are my favorite. They all point to Charlie St. Cloud. I snuggle in between Zayn and Niall. I usually end up balling in the begining.
*After Movie*
I wipe away my tears and go to get changed. I walk down the stairs and the boys laugh at my pajamas http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=91790770. I just roll my eyes and head over to the floor and lay out my blanket and pilliow. soon Liams laying next to me. "You know Toy Story is my thing right. "He says chuckling. "Well I can pull it off better so" I say. We just talked about the randomest stuff I think the others thought we were crazy and went to bed. I ended up drifteting to sleep on Liams's chest. When I got up I did my morning streches. Then I hear a knock on the door. I go and get it and surprised by who I see. "Nathan?" I say squinting my eyes to make sure it's him. "Yea I just came to give you this back." He says and hands me my necklase. "Thank you, Thank you" I say hugging him. "No problem I felt kinda of bad that we took it. Can you forgive me atleast." He says. "Yes" I smile at him and he returns it. I offer him in for breakfast and he acept. "Emma are you cooking" Louis yells at me but, stops dead in his tracks when he sees Nathan. "Yes I am Lou" I say acting normal. He comes to the kitchen and starts pounding me with question. "Lou he I forgave him and he returned my necklase get over itWhen I told the others we all sat and ate. Louis was quite clingy though. "Nathan would you like to join us for a movie." i ask him."Yea" He said politley since no one sat be him I did. He ended up putting his arm around my shoulder which made the others mad. I didn't pay attention to them.


What do you think about Nathan just dropping by.
What happened with Cody?


Cool can't wait ;)
Lali Lali

i'm working on my sequal
Let me know when u update :)
Lali Lali
np :) update?
Lali Lali

Awww thanks