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Turning Tables - Comments, page 2

I miss Myspace too. :( Lol But yeah I love talking about the good ol days. Like I said, it’s nice to meet someone here who gets it. I loved P!ATD but haven’t heard their new stuff. Apparently it’s pretty great. I listen to music a large part of the day so I so listen to the old stuff often. Just today I was listening to The Killers. :D Also I probably have used your Adam pic on the update account lol!!


Maybe you had that picture of me and Adam up on your myspace page?? Haha jk.

lisavslisa lisavslisa


I was thinking the same thing! We are the same person!! Haha. That's awesome that you used to run an Adam Lazzara myspace!!! I miss myspace by the way, ha. Way better than facebook, imo. I try to listen to the old music, but I definitely don't enough. Especially with all this new f'in music all these 1D boys keep churning out. Haha. And I just got back into Panic! At the Disco - love, love, love their new(er) music!! Seriously though, I'd have to say Fall Out Boy was my all time favorite band from the scene. I've seen them live, I think, 15 times in 5 different states over the years and I've met them countless times. *Sigh* I miss when the scene bands were pretty much underground and not many people knew of them. Pretty much name a band from back in the day and I probably listened to them or saw them in concert. Haha. I'm so glad we can reminisce about the old days, even though we didn't know each other back then. :)

lisavslisa lisavslisa

Oh forgot to tell you that i used to run an Adam Lazzara fan page on MySpace (gah if any youngster is reading this they’re probably scratching their heads) and I swear I’ve seen your second pic with Adam somewhere. Hmmmm lol

dude we’re like the same person wtf lol We like the same music and Larry is real. Lol But OMG I was 100% sure I was gonna marry Adam. Sometimes I can’t believe he’s married with kids but then again so am I. Thats so upsetting that Good Charlotte was rude to you. That was my fav band in middle school! So jealous you got pics with Adam. I never got to meet him :( They still tour so maybe I’ll meet him now that I’m grown. ^_^

I can’t go to Warped because I’ve maxed out my concert fun with Harry and Niall but I don’t regret it one bit. I am sad to see it go, though. Warped Tour was the best. Met so many awesome people and saw some great bands. Also I still listen to my old music all the time. Usually when I do deep cleanings in my house. This is awesome to meet someone here who knows about the scene and also likes One Direction haha.


Yes!! I started going to shows in 2003 and pretty much stopped by 2008 when a lot of my favorite bands started breaking up. :( But yes- Taking Back Sunday is one of my favorites too!!! I've seen them live a lot and met a bunch of them. I've actually met Adam Lazzara a couple times!! He was sooo nice! I was big into Good Charlotte back in like 2003-2004 and I met them at the 2004 Warped tour in Detroit and they were huge assholes to me and my friends (no fucking surprise), but Adam Lazzara helped cheer me up, like literally giving me a pep talk and I knew from that moment on that I would love him and his band for the rest of my life!

Warped tour was like a religious holiday to me back in the day!!! I used to go every year to multiple states. And I've been to Taste of Chaos too! Ahhh, just talking about this is bringing back so many great memories. I don't really have a lot of people to talk to about this. Haha. By 2008, I was way into the Jonas Brothers and then came One Direction. People don't really know that I was big into the scene. And you're right, you never really leave the scene. Haha. I told myself I NEED to go to Warped this year because it's the last hurrah. I haven't been since 2012, so I'm pretty excited and sad at the same time!!

lisavslisa lisavslisa

Also you must then have been to Warped Tour and Taste of Chaos? I miss those festivals. Warped is coming to an end, too. :(

I’m 28 so we’re not too far off!! For me it was during high school that I was in that scene. Well, I say “was” but we all know we never really leave it. Lol My fav band to this day is Taking Back Sunday. :o


I am 33 and I spent most of my twenties going to all sorts of punk rock/pop punk concerts. Brand New is at the top of my favorites of favorites. <3

lisavslisa lisavslisa

That’s so awesome!! How old are you? I feel like we’re in the same age range because it seems people these days don’t even know who Brand New is lol


Brand New is one of my favorite bands ever!!! :)

lisavslisa lisavslisa

I’m on chapter 6 and I LOVE BRAND NEW. I’d kill to hear Harry sing Mixtape.


Thank you so muchhhh!!!!! :)

lisavslisa lisavslisa

Hahaha I love this already! I also love the girl you picked for her! She fits your character so well