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Good Intentions - Comments, page 3

Right, silly me! Forgot to tell you about that, sorry, i don't even know where my head is these days :P
i absolutely loooove it! And you were sooo fast :) i'm so grateful :)
I have put it straight for my profile picture on fb, because i love it so much!
and i was tired of having the same pic of me, too.
hope you don't mind?

Yea, i understand, i don't even have all my schoolmates and people i know as friends! Once sth is up here/there, it "can't" be deleted :)

Oh, my God, you evil-minded woman xD

so glad you are enjoying it !!

Did you like the pic I made for you?
My facebook is uber private because of my job, dont want weirdos looking into it.
And I like to keep some of my life private :) Family etc

Love it more and more, i bursted into laughter, when he told he was dreaming whether he is gay or bi! xD
You really think of EVERYTHING!
Poor harry, he is always the target of that kind of roumors!
He is just trying to find the love of his life, as we all do ;)

Thank you sweetie :)

Oh my god, I'm so glad he know he's in the band and that Meghan has been trying to help Harry. and now Lily..
Absolutely love this story so much!

Your welcome

Dang girl! I have so much to read this morning! Thanks!! :)


Love this chapter!

elasticheart. elasticheart.

Do you even realise what you are doing to us?
Shall we call it stockholm syndrome? :P
You are soooo talented!!!

Can't wait for new updates!

Wow! That's a lot of chaps for 24 hours!
Are you aware that we are keen to get used to this? =P

Love how the story is unwinding, everything is written so thoughtfully <3
amazing ;)

"And he's mine..." Oh, crap!

Ahhhh thank you :)

Such a good story from a talented Writer x

Sit back and enjoy this roller coaster ride :)

That exactly what I was hoping for :)

I really hope Meghan helps Harry out!!


I'm a psycho for this story!!!

I do hope more memories creep up! Love this! Xx