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Lust Island - Comments, page 3



Aug 28 03:56 (CEST)

Reporter:Maddy4444 (http://www.movellas.com/people/profile/201304020206461772)
There has been a claim made that your Movellas may compel readers to self-harm or commit suicide. We have removed your stories as per rules of composition.
Movellas Ambassador
Izzykins Izzykins

You should repeat all that to that skank over at Movellas, she succussfully had both of Izzy's stories removed from there officially, last night. I sent her my own strongly worded opinion as to her 'Mumble' which also included, Little Things, Shades and Lust Island. I'm thinking I may join Izzy and remove my account over there, and just write here.
kelsea2253 kelsea2253

If you ever decide to write a story about Monkey Island, I will happily read it!!!!!!
The people on movellas should seriously think about the fact that 99% of the stories on movellas ARE fanfics and she/he probably has some sort of secret obsession with fanfics and they don't want to share with the rest of the world...
One Direction DON'T have sex?! What planet do you live on?! Here on earth, five incredibly gorgeous boys can't go a day without at least a thousand girls THINKING about what they'd like the boys to do to them, let alone what the boys actually DO when the cameras are off...
There is after all a reason for rating a story 'R' so if they have a problem with brilliant stories then they should change their age restrictions on movellas... Idiots...

(My rant is NEARLY over)

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, far out, shooting pepsi through your nose KILLS!!! I've had some difficult times with that stuff...

(What's a DP?? Is that a stupid question??)

Andddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd, (Again), great chapter!!!!!!!
Niksy Niksy
YourGirlSusan YourGirlSusan

IKR! Pepsi rules Coke drools!
kelsea2253 kelsea2253

I die evrytime I see you update PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON

Lalalnd Lalalnd

Im glad it was coffee and not Pepsi, that burns lol
Izzykins Izzykins
I'm laughing over the thought of coffee shooting out of your nose. lol
kelsea2253 kelsea2253

Errm, preach it. Probably several times a day,haha. You just never know what's going on in someone else's mind though.
Izzykins Izzykins

Um. I'm fairly certain they're getting laid more often than I am!
kelsea2253 kelsea2253

LOL, I'm up for a sequel, we shall call it monkey Island and Ryan will be the bitch, lol. I saw one comment when I read it movellas that went something like , she couldn't believe you had 1D have sex, they don't have sex,like ever. I remember it because coffee shot out of my nose that day.
Izzykins Izzykins

I'm surprised it's still over there after that DP action. It pisses me off that 'Shades' keeps getting taken off. It was the 'Ben Wa Ball' chapter wasn't it? Someone made a comment here and said they started reading it, and had to stop. I really didn't think it was that bad but hey, what do I know.
kelsea2253 kelsea2253

Hey Izzy, maybe after 'Lust Island' is complete, we should write a erotic sequel about 'Jacques' for all those fan fiction haters over there at Movellas. LOL!
kelsea2253 kelsea2253


Oh and did you know, Jacques humping Harry's leg is erotica wheras a DP is completely looked over lmao
Izzykins Izzykins

The usual babe, idiots on Movellas.
Izzykins Izzykins
Good morning Ladies, my goodness what have I missed. You spend a day sleeping and all hell breaks loose?! Someone said we should kill ourselves and die because we write fan fictions?! What the hell?
kelsea2253 kelsea2253

Ur welcome :)
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D
I didn't pay too much attention to her name, it was something bug. When i went to reply to her , the post was deleted and all it says now in the notification is replied to your comment on their post, 'Kill Fic Writers'. Things like that make me glad I'm the arsehole I am. If fan fiction ruined your life, honey, find something else to be doing. It just makes me mad that the only reply you get out of people is kill yourself or die.
Izzykins Izzykins

Eurgh, just ignore idiots like her, report her as well. That is just not cool and if the wrong person with low self-esteem reads that crap then its a high possibility that they could take it on board and attempt to commit suicide.

Can I ask what is her username so that I can report her as well?

Seriously though, do not take anything people like her say personally, she's just jealous that other people are more talented than herself.
Niksy Niksy

So, I'm pretty pissed with Movellas. I was looking around there last night because I never really checked it out fully. There was a post that said fan fic writers need to be killed. I asked the poster why she felt that way, she goes all caps lock warrior saying we ruined her life and that i should kill myself. Really nice girl.
Izzykins Izzykins