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surviving the bite - Comments, page 5

I'm with zayn on the who's gonna break first thing
J.J. J.J.
haha yeah i had like 5 excuses why i didn't update actually more than that when i started writing i promised myself i'd update once everyday and then i broke that but i was really busy this week
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
ME TOO!!!! I'm just sitting here like,"WHY U NO UPDATE????"
J.J. J.J.
i do that and then the person doesn't update for like a thousand years and i sit there wanting to cry i want the writer of i'm from one direction damn it to update i feel like crying because that was one of my favorite fanfictions on the website
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
yeah,IKR,because,between chapters,I sit there,in suspence,and just imagine what could happen next!!
J.J. J.J.
haha it's too addicting though i promise myself i will read one more chapter i end up reading 10 haha fanfictions are just too addictive they are the only books i can read because i don't lose interest
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
same,I once started at 8 PM and I looked at the time,and it was 5 AM,and I was like,"I need to stop reading",but i still clicked 'next chapter'
J.J. J.J.
yeah i attempted to do that and then i realized i had nothing better to do and i thought hey theres no harm and reading another chapter i mean i'm always getting told i should read more i ended up reading from 9 am till 2 am and i went through like 10 of them or something and i was like wait it's 2 am wtf haha
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
That's why I try to read 1 chapter a story a say....it never works
J.J. J.J.
i'm like that lately i have had a thing for hybrid fanfiction hence my new story and i was getting to engrossed in them and i was like nooo when i had gone through all of the one direction fanfictions on wattpad and i just wanted to cry because i had none to read so i went on quotev and i went though them then i looked on this website and i only found one so i felt like crying because they were all amazing and i didn't know what to do haha
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
haha,yeah..you know,when I see a new story i think I'll like,I click,and sometimes it's like,":whyyyyyy" but others it's like,"I love,it,oh god,oh god,oh god,please no,no,no,nonononononononononnononono *scream* WHY?" and o get caught in the book
J.J. J.J.
exactly i mean the kid is always forced into it i mean in the vampire diaries case stefan and damon didn't even know they were being fed vampire blood as they were compelled to forget and when katherine (the vampire who they loved and was feeding them blood) was kidnapped they went to help her they both got shot by their dad and then they became vampires and stefan ended up killing his dad so it wasn't his fault so you know they need to stop being cliche even though i know i made the story cliche by giving them no choice to become vampires haha
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
Definatly,I mean,look,the kid's a vampire,(in most cases) didn't choose to become one,and could easily kick their parents butts.
J.J. J.J.
haha i think we need to have words with the producers of these vampire films and tell them to stop having the cliche finding out the kid is a vampire and wanting to kill them
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
J.J. J.J.
@Mrs. Style is my name
I'll update today :)

Exactly that was the same in vampire diaries Stefan and Damon's dad actually killed them but then they became vampires and their dad tried to kill them then Caroline mum tried to kill her dude they are your kid do not kill them haha
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
ahhh,the logic of parents "Immortal? Not LIVING? I'LL KILL HIM/HER!!!!"
J.J. J.J.
so good please update
Haha yeah I kind of couldn't be bothered to write anymore as I was starting to freak out about my exam but it's all over which means I can write again haha :)
Emmaaaa Emmaaaa
J.J. J.J.