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Wooo! Yeah. So. I'm 12 years old, I'm kind of mature for my age. Note: Kind of. I'm black, but like people say I'm a Barbie since I love people who are lighter than me, even though I'm kind of light skinded. Anyway moving on... I'm a Harry girl. I love to sing and dance, I'm quite good at it too. I won first place at a talent show on November 26, 2013 the same day 1D was on GMA. I'm really nice and funny, I have an obnoxious laugh, as my friends told me. I believe that I will meet One Direction one day. I am not allowed on any social networks but I do have a Tumblr. It's 1dbritishlover. Because I am. I am American. I like being different, I'm a weird person. I love Youtube. I want to become a youtuber when I'm allowed (Yes I am not allowed on youtube for some apparent reason) I am a Jehovah's Witness (And I'm proud of it), people say we are boring and annoying, even though we are not. We are just like you guys, we aren't allowed to do certain things that's all. Anyway, I'm a band lover. I love One Direction, Little Mix, Emblem3, BTR, Fith Harmony, Imagine Dragons, and Maroon5. So yeah, that's me


Showers That are British

Showers That are British

PG-13 Romance Comedy Drama

I love him. But will I be happy again?


10.0 6 Votes
The Princess

The Princess

PG-13 Romance Comedy Fantasy

All in title


- 1 Vote