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None of my friends talk to me in real life anymore..

Because one of them figured out I cut myself, and told everyone at school.. my other friends found out that way, and now, they all think I'm crazy. So.. I'm all alone, because my family doesn't care about me. And I fell off my bus yesterday and twisted my knee, and everyone laughed.

HeythereLiam101 HeythereLiam101

I'm sorry, sweetie. I really am. People can be so cruel. It frustrates me greatly. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. I know it's not the same as having someone to talk to in person but it's better than nothing, right?

As you know, I've been struggling with some of the same stuff too. It's not other's hurtful remarks though. It's coming from the inside--my mental illnesses are running rampant.

Anyway, I'm here, doll. :)

taurus_b1tchh taurus_b1tchh

I never cut myself, but when I was in the fifth grade, I had an eating disorder. And I only had one friend that stayed because of it. So, I can't say I get what your going through. Because I don't. Honestly. But, I am a great person to talk to. And, those friends that left you? They don't know what they're missing. The family who doesn't care? They're idiots.
But, the best source to go to...is the Bible. I understand if your not into stuff like that, but, honestly, it can change your life.

@HeythereLiam101 its okay. I used to throw up on purpose because I thought I was really fat and ugly. My best friend is depressed and she cut herself with a razor. Her father beat her up badly, almost killing her of brain tumor, to protect his affair from her mom because she was going to tell her mom. I backed off a little for a while because I thought she was crazy but I realized she needed me. Your friends are going to understand, don't worry. They just need time to think sweetie. Message me ;)

OneDonly4me OneDonly4me