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Gimme your opinion

Hey Guys,
so I am asking you, as a reader, do you enjoy stuff like trailers, Instagram posts etc for stories, or do you not care at all?

Escapist Escapist

In short, without elaborating and making myself out to be an ass, no. I can't stand it. Buuut I've also known a lot of readers here who DO like such things. If you're thinking about doing that with your writing, then that's a personal choice you should make for yourself :X

I'm not a fan of instagram or media based posts but trailers or soundtracks I believe do add a nice touch!

cocopops cocopops

I think they can add a certain depth but I only like them as long as they meet a couple conditions:
1. They are well done, otherwise it just looks bad
2. They aren't all over the story. Optional links in the summary are awesome or a picture or two in authors notes but if it interferes with the reading it's a little distracting

Hope this helps

ontheedge ontheedge

I enjoy them if they give a hint into the characters lives which is needed for story progression.

I don't really think the media posts are great but, the trailers are pretty fun and the soundtracks may have songs that connect well to the story. The media posts are not needed unless it somehow connects to the story. Hope this helps.


Hey Guys, thanks so much for all your answers. I am mostly posting these things solely on my tumblr anyway, but I have a link to the trailer in each story. People do not need to watch it, but in some cases it actually helps with the story.

This was really informative, thank you again!

Escapist Escapist