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Please Read

Dear those it concerns,

Hey you guys. I’m writing this to let you all know about what’s going on. I currently can’t write or make covers or read your stories, and I’m sorry. Something really bad is going on and I need to focus on being myself. I can’t lose myself again, so I ask you will all the love in my heart, please forgive me for not fulfilling your requests and my stories. I love where ‘The Donation’ has gone and I feel horrible to leave it. I might come back and be myself, but I can’t currently. Not right now. For those who don’t know me much, I went through a really bad depression and gathered addictions to cope with it. And that’s what I DON’T want to do this time. I need to learn how to cope and be strong without harming myself. So please, respect my decision and don’t leave any hate. I’m not doing this for pity- I just wanted to let you all know why I’m gone for the time being. I love all the support I have received for my story and I promise you, I will never forget it. So with all my heart, stay strong, smile daily, and of course, treat people with kindness.

Much love
Abygail ♡




For: onedirectionfanfiction.org and Wattpad
Title: Beauty through the Breaking
Author: Allie Miller
Subtitle: Just like that, You were gone
Characters: Harry Styles 2015/ Eleanor Calder 2014
Colors: Black and white with pops of blue and green
Theme: Sad, depressing, with a little bit of hope

Allie Miller Allie Miller

Help!!! I need an amazing cover for my new story

Allie Miller Allie Miller


JasperRenee JasperRenee

Website: onedirectionfanfiction.org
Title: The Arranged Stay at the Asylum
Author: JasperRenee
Subtitle: none
Characters: Harry Styles 2018, a pale brunette, and Dr. Riden
Colors: a lot of white
Theme: FUNNY FARM! Crazy people
Preferred composition: I'd like the main characters to appear like they are staying in an asylum, maybe have long haired Harry in all white. I want all three of the mentioned characters to be on the cover.

All the Love,


JasperRenee JasperRenee

@Allie Miller
It's all good

abygail.bauman abygail.bauman