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  • Title: Cambridge
  • Authors: Niall’s_Strawberry_Red
  • Chapters: 73
  • Band(s): One Direction and 5SOS
  • Rated: R
  • Link: Cambridge
  • Genres: Drama, Romance
Title: Cambridge
Authors: Polka_Dot and Niall's_Strawberry_Red
Book Link: Cambridge
Negative: Really bad second chapter; which caused me to feel disinterested during the second writer's parts. The story moved by really quickly and got quite overly sexual really quick; maybe that’s how college is but I highly doubt that. It was really hard to read when all the words are mixed together without spacing.
Positive: Good start, every other chapter had really good spacing that helped my headache fade. This author was clearly experienced, and no offense to new writers, it’s just a time difference that makes the story better. Good grammar on those chapters- less misspells.
My opinion: Honestly... I wasn't pleased. After chapter 24 I skimmed it because I lost interest. I'm a fast reader, so that helps, but it really wasn't my thing.
Rating: 4/10
Story Grammar: Bad spacing on many chapters
Several misspells on certain chapters
Bad differentiation from 'your' and 'you're'
Bad differentiation from 'to' and 'too'
My grammar cop side was not too pleased
Story Flow: Good first chapter
Really bad second chapter
Flew by way too fast
I couldn’t develop a care for the characters because I didn’t know who they were.
Tips: When reading, take breaks.
This is not a story you just want to rush through and finish- when I tried to power read towards the end it got super confusing because the two writing styles from the two authors were so different and contrasted each other. One was strong and the other... was new. No offense to the single author- but that writer needed more experience before matching up with an almost impeccable author. Describe the characters more! I couldn’t get attached because to me, it was like reading a play. I felt nothing towards the people because there were none to slight descriptions. Adjectives make people happy- they give a personality to the characters! Show off her long, blonde hair with descriptions like: “alluring” and “stunning!” Show off Harry’s eyes as “piercing” or “immaculate!” It gives me a sense of attachment to the characters- at least. Add personality!
Recommendation: 3/10


I read particularly fast; so here is the update.

No offense to any of the authors or readers- I've written for a long time now and I'm not saying I know all. I make my mistakes. This is a constructive criticism.



Hey, love! Are you still doing these reviews?

twoghosts twoghosts

Title: Fallen Angel
Author: Prinny1321
Number of Chapters: 4 (currently)
Band: One Direction and 5SOS
Content Rating: NC17
Link: http://www.onedirectionfanfiction.org/Story/90916/Fallen-Angel/
Genres: Romance, Adventure and Fantasy

Prinny1321 Prinny1321

Title: Only You
Author: Prinny1321
Number of Chapters: 56 (currently)
Band: One Direction (Harry focused)
Content Rating: NC17
Link: http://www.onedirectionfanfiction.org/Story/90226/Only-You/
Genres: Romance, Comedy and Drama

Prinny1321 Prinny1321

-Title: // Denude //
-Author: PerciaxXXx
-Number of chapters: 5 (currently)
-Band (One Direction or 5SOS): Harry Styles
-Content rating (G, PG, R, etc): NC-17/ R
-Link: http://www.onedirectionfanfiction.org/Story/91100/Denude-Styles-Triplets-AU/
-Genre(s): Drama, Tragedy, Teen

PerciaxXXx PerciaxXXx

Once I get home from my vacation (around tomorrow evening, if not it’ll get started on Tuesday) I shall begin it!