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The Donation

Chapter Eleven

Penelope’s P.O.V.

Within a world of busy minded people, a truly found flame of love is precious and should be kept safe. The hardest thing with this flame is to try so hard, you blow it out. Trying to always look perfect, trying to never argue, and trying to plan everything ahead of time are some examples of what’ll ruin a relationship. A true flame is the last bit of purity that keeps me hoping.

“Penelope,” Harry whispered, shaking me gently.
My eyes slowly opened and I rose up with confusion. I blinked away the sunlight and I focused on his face, yawning.

“Huh? What’s going on?” I hushed, rubbing my eyes.
“Your phone is going off,” he chuckled. “I think it’s your boss.”

“Shit!” I cursed, grabbing my phone.

“H-hello? Sir?” I muttered.
“Penelope,” Jackson chuckled. “Awake yet?”

“I am now sir,” I yawned. “What’s going on?”
“We need you to come in today…” He trailed off.

I looked up to see Harry examining me with a sly smile.

“O-okay, I can do that. Is it bad?” I stuttered.
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Really bad. Get in quick. We’re flying out soon.”

I hung up and jumped out of bed, stretching quickly.
“They need me in today, I’m sorry.” I apologized.
“Don’t you say sorry,” He smiled. “I get it. But let me make breakfast while you get ready.”
I blushed, “Thank you.”
I started to walk away as he gripped my wrist, pulling me back. I stood in front of him as he sat on the bed, his hands reaching around my waist protectively. He stood up and tugged me closer.

One hand rose to cup my cheek, softly pulling me towards him. I closed my eyes and smiled as his lips touched mine just like last night. My head was filled with stars as he deepened the kiss. My hands rose to play in his hair, tugging at the ends.

His hands pulled me down, and we took a seat on the bed. His lips were soft- my new addiction. My legs wrapped around his waist so I could feel him closer. Our lips moved in a sweet rhythm as we kissed.

We pulled away so we could catch our breath, a small smile sneaking onto both of our faces. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t crave it again.


I tapped on my steering wheel to the beat of the music as I pulled into my parking spot. I put my car in park and took a deep breath, relaxing against my seat. I had to enjoy this last bit of quiet before I walked into work.

I slipped the keys out and put them in my pocket, grabbing my to-go bag and exiting the car.

I waved to the security guards that stood at the entrance, Steve and Jim. Sweetest security guards I’ve met.
“Welcome back,” said Steve.
“Yes! And congratulations!” Grinned Jim.

“Thank you!” I chimed back with a smile.

I strode past them and entered into the building, immediately walking into the elevator. I pushed the button of my desired floor and stood, enduring the dreaded music that played in the speakers.
And quick enough, the doors opened and I was greeted by the big glass doors of my work. Inside, I could see people in military suits and even some important generals rushing around the room. I haven’t seen this place this packed in a long time.

As soon as I entered the room, I was greeted with a cluster of voices and people.

“Penelope!” Jackson called from his office door. “Come into the meeting room.”

I nodded and raced up the steps, walking into our roundtable room- Jackson quick on my feet. There sat everyone on my team- all had worried faces of confusion.

“Hey P,” whispered Jade as I took a seat.
“Do you know what’s going on?” I questioned.
She shook her head no in reply, us both looking in Jackson’s direction after he cleared his throat.

“Thank you all for coming in,” Jackson nodded. “I know you all are worried but we don’t have much time to discuss the case. We’ll talk about the rest on the plane.”

We all stood in unison and grabbed our bags, rushing off to the plane.


“Alright,” Jackson sighed as he sat, rubbing his eyes.

We all cornered around him and sat impatiently. “What is it, boss?”
Jackson cleared his throat and looked at me, “Penelope, call Bellarose so she is up to date.”
I nodded and flicked on the screen, video calling Bellarose.
“There’s my favorite technical analyst,” Jade joked lightly.
“You must buy me dinner before you flirt,” Bella teased back.

Jackson cleared his throat and looked at the two girls.
“Sorry,” Jade and Bella chimed.

“Okay,” Jackson stated. “There’s been several school shootings-”
“Wait several?” Noah cut in. “It is only 9:30 a.m.- schools basically just started. How have there been several shootings already?”

Jackson shrugged in defeat, “There have been five separate shootings in five separate schools in San Antonio, Texas. Each school has at least 30 minutes between each other but they all happened at around the same time- so it’d be impossible for there to be one unsub. Every shooter has been arrested or shot.”
“If they’ve all been caught then what is our job now?” Jade questioned.

“Because there’s something bigger on the way,” Jackson sighed. We all sat in silence for a moment, letting the words burn in our minds.
“Why are all those soldiers in the office?” I asked timidly.

“There was a message sent by a burner phone stating that they were responsible for the shootings. Then the number sent a bomb threat targeting the pentagon,” He replied.
“Why do we believe this?” Mason asked in confusion.

“The number sent a picture that hasn’t been released to the public,” Jackson breathed. “In each crime scene, there was the same phrase written with the blood from their victims. Check your folders.”

I opened the case file and sifted through, finding the bloody evidence photo.

“It’s a wonderful life,” I muttered in confusion. “Do they all look the same?”
“No,” Jackson stated. “But they all say the same thing with the same punctuation.”
“Are we thinking that there is this huge cult-type organization terrorizing Texas?” Roselyn questioned, flipping through the case files.
“Possible,” Jackson agreed. “But we don’t have any of this evidence to prove it. If you can prove it, let’s follow it. But until then, let’s keep hoping whoever is behind this makes a mistake.”

We all nodded and sat back, waiting for instructions.

“Jade,” Jackson began, “Visit the first crime scene, KIPP University Prep High School. Mason go to Winston Churchill High School. Noah visit Earl Warren High School, Penelope visit Clark High School, and Roselyn visit Ronald Reagan High School. Xavier, come with me to set up at the station. And Bellarose, start researching the phrase they left at the scene- try to find an official source. Once you’ve got that, try finding cases in each school that link them to each other.”


I entered onto the fourth crime scene, Clark High School. I showed the police blocking the door my badge, slipping past them and putting on some gloves. I walked over to a group of policemen and zoned introduced myself.

“Hello,” I started, flashing my badge. “Agent Oppen.”
“Ah welcome, agent,” stated the policeman. “I’m officer Bryant...But...Where is the rest of your team? I thought there were more of you.”

“There is, but they’re exploring the other crime scenes and setting up at the station,” I replied.
He nodded and cleared his throat, “13 dead, weapon was an AK-47, the shooter is unknown and of an unknown age.” He explained as he walked me into the cafeteria. “After the shooter ran out of his first round, he pulled out another gun and finished off the final victims. All deaths, excluding the staff members, happened here.”

I nodded and pulled up my gloves, exploring each deceased victim.

“He died first,” I noted.
“How can you tell?” Officer Bryant asked.

“The blood here is the driest. And she….” I trailed off looking at a far away body, “was the last victim. Her body is turned towards the exit- she tried to run and almost made it. This worries me.”
“Well yeah,” chuckled the officer, “it’d worry anyone with a heart.”

“That’s not what I mean, officer.” I stated, distracted. “This worries me because the shooter got all the way into the cafeteria without raising alarm. Which means either the shooter is a trusted staff member or worse, another kid.”

“Who the hell would gather a bunch of kids to mass murder?” He breathed.
“Someone who has a lot of issues,” I stated.


Sorry for the late update. Leave comments below (:



Awh Rosie ♡ You have a special place in my heart

abygail.bauman abygail.bauman

Hello... It's Me again Perfect_All_Night/tumblruser99

MORE PARRY CUTENESS... As Captain of the ship, I'd love more Parry cuteness

-starts chanting- Parry, Parry, Parry

Thank you, have a good day/evening wherever you are
CJ/Rosie/Whatever ya want to call me

notinuseanymore notinuseanymore

Is there anything I could do to improve this story?

abygail.bauman abygail.bauman

Thank you so much xoxo

abygail.bauman abygail.bauman

I clicked the account. From what I can see the stories are completely gone

But I am keeping an eye on the account, lovey xxx

notinuseanymore notinuseanymore