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“I really want to kiss you right now,” Harry said, staring at her with hopeful eyes.

Harry started to lean in and Claire found herself reciprocating. Her breath cut short as Harry was an inch away from her face, his soft petal lips slowly embracing her. It seemed like time stopped for her, her mind was going in circles, Harry pulled away but the touch of his lips still linger. Her eyes flutter open and a faint blush crept up her cheeks she looked down to avoid Harry’s intense gaze.

Harry looked at her and boyishly scratched the back of his head feeling embarrassed, like a ten-year-old.

“I-I apologize,” He said shyly.

“No” Claire looked at him only to look away instantly when she met Harry’s eye, the blush on her cheeks becoming deeper.

“It’s…. Um” Claire wanted to say it was nice, it was more than nice but the situation was to awkward she couldn’t find the words. She didn’t want Harry to think she was offended or it’s not okay.

Harry’s phone dinged shortly, collecting them back into reality.


Louis : It’s Saturday night, @ the crash pad with Blair. Where are you?

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes, he was tired. He looked beside him and Claire was not sitting there anymore, his eyes searched for her, locating her at the kitchen counter holding the broken keychain she gave him.

Harry mentally cursed and rushed to her side. Claire held a look on her face, she didn’t look angry but disappointed.

“I can explain, I was at the metro and I totally forgot” Harry started to explain but was cut short when Claire looked at him.

“It took me three days and two full nights to complete this just so you can forget?” Claire sarcastically laughed.


Claire began collecting her bag and coat, “Do me a favor Harry, if you’re bored…. Stop involving the gallery and the people working hard for it” she sighed.

“They don’t open up to people that easily and I would appreciate it if you stop messing with it”

Harry looked back at Claire with a certain look in his eyes, as if he was hurt, “Are you still talking about the gallery or you?”

And with that Claire went out of his unit and Harry sighed deep, dropping both of his palms on the kitchen island. He grabbed his keys and went out of the hall only to find Claire’s boxes gone. Harry figured she already had placed it inside, he pushed the elevator button angrily and went inside.

Harry arrived at the club and sat beside Louis opposite to where Blair was seated. Blair didn’t even bother to greet him since they didn’t end things nicely in their last meeting. Louis gulped as he looked at his two best friends back and forth.

“C’mon guys, are you seriously going to ignore each other?” Louis whined.

Harry and Blair looked at each other and looked away altogether.

“Don’t tell me I have to lock you in a room so you two could make up” Louis continued.

“Yeah, right”, “As if”, Blair and Harry huffed in unison.

“So, how are things with Miss Lyon? Took her home yet?” Louis playfully kissed Harry’s cheek.

“No, and I want to stop this now,” Harry said keeping a stern face.

“What?” Blair and Louis said in unison.

“It’s a waste of time, and I’m too tired” Harry whined as he leaned back on the cushion.

“Harry Edward Styles, do you think our bet is a joke?” Blair snapped, “is it that easy to give up?”

“Stop it. Just tell him to starve to death” Louis joked only to be ignored by Blair.

“Even if our parents get married, I begged them to keep that house you and your mother lived in and this is how you repay me?” Blair stood up and slapping Harry’s arm.

“Get up and answer me”

“I know you did that and I’m sorry… “Harry sighed, “But she doesn’t like me, what else can I do?”

“Wow, how can she not like you?” Louis asked in awe, “ I really want to meet this girl, she’s one for the books”

“How can she not like you? You’re not a player like Louis! How can she turn you down, you’re not Louis” Blair whined.

“I get it. Take a breather” Louis sarcastically said as he plopped down the cushion, Harry and Blair mimicked what he did.

“You can only stop the bet once you finished the plan,” Blair said.

Harry and Louis looked at her in confusion

“Did you two forgot? We canceled her move in at the dormitory, remember?” Blair stated.

“Can’t she get in again?” Harry slowly said, earning a look from Blair.

“Why?” Blair said, “ Are you worried? Do you want to rush over and comfort her?” Blair faked a sympathetic tone and gave Harry a challenging look.

“I’ll go if you want me to” Harry replied


“I’ll only go because you told me to, not because I want to” Harry cleared.

“Louis…” A girl approached their table and smiled seductively towards Louis.

“Happy hour is from six to three am” Louis wriggled his brow and stood up, meeting the girl with a kiss on the cheek and sneaking his arm around her waist.

Being left at the table Harry poured himself another glass of whiskey, his eyes traveling to Blair who looked unamused. He chewed on the inside of his cheek trying not to talk to her, but he couldn’t stand being away from her.

“Want to get out of here?” He asked, Blair, looked at him and slowly nodded.

They made their way into the sweaty crowd not knowing Louis was dancing with the girl he was with, with a pair of sad blue eyes following them as they leave the club.

Harry and Blair sat comfortably inside his car, the cool wind grazing through Harry’s open car windows as they looked at the beautiful Hudson River from the hilltop.

“I’m sorry for snapping at you the other day…” Harry softly spoke as he looked at Blair’s hands, grabbing the one with the band-aid and caressing it.

“Why is it that …” Blair stopped herself as Harry caressed her hand.


“I can feel you slowly changing…” Blair looked at Harry with her sad eyes. Harry felt guilty as he recalled the night they had a fight.

“I’m still me Blair, I’m doing this for you” Harry assured her, “Stop thinking about so many things inside that pretty little head of yours”

“It’s all I can do…” She replied lazily

“Hey… Why didn’t you tell Louis exactly what our bet was” Harry asked since this was the only time he got an alone time with her.

“Why do you care? You want to quit right?”

“I just think he might get upset if he finds out later on, I mean… C’mon, He thinks the loser must go on a hunger strike” Harry sheepishly laughed.

Blair gave him an are-you-kidding-me look. Harry stopped laughing.

“He was there when we first discussed getting married before our parents do, I just think it would hurt him” Harry continued in all seriousness.

“Is that really all you care about?” Blair asked, getting out of the car, “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation” she whispered as she stepped out.

“BLAIR!” Harry called out as he rushed after her.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around to face him, “What were you thinking? Why are you acting so rationally?”

“You were worried Louis will feel hurt, did you ever think about my feelings?!” Blair fought

“Why did I not tell him? I felt embarrassed, that’s why” Blair stated, “I’m already embarrassed that my mom’s getting married to your dad” She spat.

“She’s marrying your dad due to money, what do you want me to say huh?! That I value my pride, so I made a bet?” She screamed at Harry, her eyes getting filled with tears.

“Why are you saying that? Why would you feel embarrassed around us?” Harry fought back, copying her tone his grip on her shoulders becoming tighter.

“You have no worries at all, you can live in comfort and move back to that house I groveled my mom out of. Only I have to suffer being sandwiched between your father and my mother, THAT” S WHY I’M OVERREACTING LIKE THIS!” Blair cried.

Harry was a loss for words and hugged Blair to keep her sane, Blair buried her head in his chest and cried further. Harry caressed her head back and forth, calming her down as he cooed her name.

Harry knew it wasn’t just about Louis or their parents, it was about Claire, it was about the fight they had the other night and the thoughts Blair had along with it.

“Can't you just… Believe in what I feel?” Harry whispered in her ear, “Claire has nothing to do with us”

“She does now…” Blair whispered back, “I can see it in your eyes” she pulled away from his embrace.

“What does she have to do with us? What do you see?” Harry questioned.

“You’re worried about her” Blair stated.

“-Why would I be?” Harry argued, “ I even forgot about her move-in day, you know that. I got riled up that day because you implied that I cared for her” Harry reassured her once more

“She’s nothing to me okay? Please believe me…” Harry hugged her again, Blair calmed down and reciprocated his warm embrace.

“Let’s get you in the car, you’ll catch a cold,” Harry said guiding her back.

Harry took Blair home afterward, Blair checked to see if her mom was home but she didn’t see her car parked in the driveway. Blair took off her seatbelt and unlocked her door, Harry stopped her by intertwining his hands with her.

“Look at me,” Harry said, Blair didn’t oblige and looked straight out of the front window.

“Look at me…” Harry repeated only this time with a sweeter tone. Blair did and Harry tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“I won’t make you feel sad or depressed anymore... Hmmm?” Blair looked down knowing it was Harry’s way of saying sorry.

“My dad will treat you well, as long as they’re both happy you can do whatever you want. Isn’t that enough?” Harry weakly smiled.

“What about you?” Blair asked,


“You speak as if you’re not going to be there…”

“I’m going to London for college remember? Promise me you'll visit me” Harry said, trying to lighten up the conversation.

“Ugh, Whatever”

His hand moved to Blair’s cheek caressing it as he looked deep into her eyes. He noticed that her eyes looked sadder, he sighed thinking if he said something wrong again. He just wanted to kiss the pain away from her.

“Blair, you need to look at the simpler things okay? Why are you so worried about so many things with your tiny head” Harry smiled and continued caressing her cheek with his thumb.

“Stop… Doing these things to me…” Blair weakly said, causing Harry to drop his hand and look down.

Blair got out of his car and was about to go to her house but she stopped and knocked on the window. Harry pushed the button for it to roll down.

“Hey….” Blair gave a warning tone, “If you ever treat me like a little sister I swear I’ll kill you”

Harry’s frown turned into a smiled and laughed slightly at her playfulness, “Of course, I won’t”

Blair smiled, “Good Night Hazza”

“Good Night Blair Bear”


The next morning Peyton asked Claire if she could pick her up from music class so they could get on their Sunday mani-pedi session. Claire happily did, as she was walking out of her unit a paper airplane that was tucked on her door fell.

Sorry about the keychain, I was repairing it all night that’s why it was on the counter. I wasn’t getting rid of it - Harry

Claire tucked the letter into her bag and smiled. She stopped by Harry’s door but she fought within herself not to knock and headed straight to the elevator.

Clair arrived at Spencer in less than fifteen minutes, the campus looked more like a vacation place than a school. Lots of trees and benches, not to mention the sporty and rich looking cars parked and waiting with chauffeurs. The building's not all brick, some them look so innovative and modern, opposite to what Claire had at her school. She knew that if ever she got accepted to a place like this she would stand out for all the wrong reasons.

She immediately spotted Peyton waiting for her at the front of the Arts building. They greeted each other like it has been forever.

"HEEEY!!!!" Peyton hurriedly hugged Claire with a matching wide smile.

"Hey" Claire chuckled.

"How was the move?" Peyton asked Claire sighed in return.

"I have so much to tell you"

Blair walked out of the music hall and spotted them after her session. She smirked to herself and called Harry.

Phone Call

Harry: Hey! Miss me already?

Blair: You wish. Where are you right now?

Harry: I’m about to meet Louis. What’s up?

Blair: Can you pick me up at school?

Harry: On a Sunday?

Blair: Yeah, I have piano lessons during the weekends now.

Harry: Aww poor baby, are you in the music hall? Wait for me by the Arts Building.

Blair: Sure, perfect.

Phone Call Ended

Blair walked up to where Peyton and Claire were, pretending she didn’t see them.

“Blair!” Peyton called out.

Blair turned around with a smile, “Oh, Hey Peyton!” She looked over at Claire who was greeting her with a smile, and she returned the gesture.

“This is Claire, my best friend. Claire, this is Blair my classmate from piano class” Peyton introduced

“Hi! I heard so much about you from Peyton” Claire greeted cheerfully. Blair only replied with a sly smile and a simple “Nice to meet you”.

“Peyton, you’re coming with me to Louis’s party tonight right?” Blair asked.

“Oh, right I completely forgot” Peyton facepalmed herself and looked at Claire, “Is it okay if we reschedule?”

“It’s okay, have fun tonight okay?” Claire gave Peyton a pat on the head and a warm smile.

“I only had one plus one invite… Sorry” Blair faked an apology.

“It’s fine I had to work anyway” Claire smiled.

Blair phone rang and saw that it was Harry calling,” Oh, just a sec” Blair excused herself and moved a step away to take the call.

“Hey” Claire nudged Peyton,” You didn’t justify how gorgeous she was, she’s stunning”

“Yeah yeah, but you’re prettier” Peyton argued.

“Yeah, I’m right up front” Blair smiled to whomever she was talking to and hung up.

Soon after Harry pulled up with his car in front of them, dressed in a black dress shirt that was unbuttoned on the top three, black skinny jeans and his white converse. Everybody gawked at him seeing how handsome he was, he took off his Raybans as he got out of his car.

“That was quick” Blair greeted, looking over at Claire with a disappointed look on her face. She smirked, her devil thorns were peeking out at the top of her head.

“Yeah, I was nearby when you called” Harry smiled at Blair as he rushed over to her side. He looked at the two people opposite of them and was shocked to see Claire.

“You two know each other right?” Blair carefully asked.

Harry gave her a sly nod and Claire replied with a simple “Yeah”. Claire then looked over at Harry and smiled.

“Nice seeing you again” She greeted.

“Yeah, it’s been a while” Harry quickly turn to Blair taking her bag and electric piano case, “You shouldn’t carry heavy things like this”

Claire's cheerful smile suddenly turned into a frown.

“It’s a requirement Harold” Blair rolled her eyes and turned to Claire and Peyton, “See you tonight Peyt, and nice meeting you again Claire”.

“Likewise,” Claire plainly said, almost too simple.

“Bye Blair” Peyton smiled and waved as Blair got into the passenger seat of Harry’s Range Rover.

Harry finished placing Blair's bags in the trunk of his car and went to the driver’s side not even looking back at Claire who was staring at the ground.

“Did you know she was here that’s why you called me?” Harry asked Blair.

“No, I only saw them after I called you,” Blair said with a straight face and buckled up her seatbelt.

"Oh" Harry said.

"I was thinking.... what if we go on a little trip?" Blair suggested

"Sure we haven't been on one in a while..." Harry plainly said.

Blair smirked,“ Yeah, I was thinking it’s summer now and we’re the only ones staying in the city”

“True” Harry smiled remembering their summer adventures at Louis’s Hampton home.

“Why don’t you invite Claire along?” Blair suggested.

Next on Intoxicated:

"I'm confused," Louis said out of the blue as his eyes are fixated on the plasma.

"Of what?" Blair mimicked his action.

"I thought you wanted Harry to make her fall in love with him and dump her" Louis paused as Blair looked at him, "but why do I feel like you're getting in between them?"








I despise Blair more with each chapter. She is absolutely loathsome. Harry is a fool to hurt Claire for that way for someone like Blair. They deserve each other at this point. I hope they are miserable together and that Claire finds someone much better.

Court529 Court529

I don't if the kiss even meant anything to Harry since he said he felt numb. I just don't think I like Blair.

LizzyM101 LizzyM101

I posted your review :) Love the new chapter

Prinny1321 Prinny1321

Dude you gottaa update!!!

JasperRenee JasperRenee

I do not like Blair.

Court529 Court529