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I Don't Know


I stand from my seat and walk towards Harry, who is also walking towards me. His expression is unreadable to me, Until this class I’d never seen him with anything but a smile on his face.
“Hey Emily” he’s trying to act like he's okay, but i know somethings up. He holds his arm up and I'm confused for a second but I quickly realise he wants me to link mine through his. I laugh and do as he wishes and we begin to skip. Maybe he is okay?

Our English class wasn't far from our physics, when we walked in, a woman, who I'm guessing is the teacher is sat at the desk down the front of the class. Harry and I make our way to the back of the classroom. Harrys informs me it’s only him and I in this class so I take this opportunity to get answers. “Harry can I ask you something?” I question, he doesn't face me but nods, so i continue.
“Whats up with Niall?” My first question. Harry still doesn't look at me, this is such odd behaviour “What on earth do you mean” he says sarcastically. He knows exactly what I'm talking about.
“I meaaan” i extend the word “Why does he hate me, but if he hates me why did he protect me? It’s hurting my brain” I explain to him, a smile now appears on his face.
“Quite the contrary Emily, Niall doesn't hate you. He likes you.” Harry says now facing me. If thats true he has a funny way of showing it. “Has he said that to you?”I really need answers. Harry doesn't answer for a minute “I’ve known Niall for a very long time, he doesn't have to tell me things, I just know.” Harry is still smirking as he explains to me. I contemplate what he just said. Does Niall like me?

I must have been thinking about it for a while because Harry snaps his fingers in my face and laughs “Any other questions, or can I ask one?” I have so many questions but I shake my head, I want to know what he wants to know. “Why is Louis so interested in you? and what happened when you went to the toilet?” Intense line of questioning, I don't really know how to answer either of them. I turn away from Harry to face the front. As I'm thinking of an answer the teacher coughs. “Harry styles and, oh hum I'm sorry i didn't quite catch your name” the teacher says in a stern voice. “Emily Trundle, miss”
“I’m Mrs Cooper, I have been talking for 5 minutes and you've have been as well. That isn't how school works” She frowns I hear harry chuckle next to me.

Mrs Cooper talks for 5 more minutes and i hang onto every word so I don't get in trouble again. Harry try’s to annoy me the entire time but I'm good at ignoring people. “Now i don't have a work plan for you this class as I was called in suddenly and I'm quite unorganised, but I will be handing out books for you to read tomorrow. Talk amongst your selves for the rest of class” She says and waves us off. “alright goody two shoes, answer my question.” Harry comes straight back to the topic. “Harry i met him in McDonalds, he was with two other people who I don't know and he came up to me, but even then I ignored him and walked away. In the hallway, He pinned my against a locker… It wasn't too bad but Niall was definitely my knight in shining armour…Why do you all hate him so much?” I respond.
Harry looks angry but gives me a sympathetic smile
“I’ll let you in on a little secret about Louis Tomlinson, He is a player. He has hurt every single girl in this school and he feels no remorse, amongst these girls was my sister, who is also like a sister to Niall and Liam, and he also tried with Sophia.. you know Liam’s girlfriend. I used to be very good friends with him and Zayn as well actually but I don’t think we could ever go back to that again” Harry explains, I feel sort of bad about my self. Silly me thinking Louis was coming after me because I’m actually attractive to a guy like him. unfortunately he’ll go after anything with legs and I fit that category.
I’m such an idiot.

Harry and I chat about our lives for the rest of the period and before we know it, its recess time.Harry leads me to where his group usually hangs out and sure enough there stands Niall, Liam and Sophia. “Hey guys” Harry says, I give a small wave not feeling very comfortable in a group situation. As i’ve said before I’m used to just sitting alone, not talking, not doing much at all really. Liam and Sophia greet us both but Niall only greets Harry. He has those stupid sunglasses on again. He looks so hot with them on but I love being able to see where he’s looking. I smile at him, his head is pointed in my direction but yet again he doesn't smile back. Liam’s attention is fixed on something behind me, he pulls sophia behind him a little bit. “What is he doing here?” Liam asks us. We all turn to see the one and only player, Louis Tomlinson. I see Harrys jaw clench and Niall’s fists clench. “Emilyy!!!” Louis calls, Harry takes a step forward but i put my hand on his chest. “I can deal with this” I say in a quite voice. “No.” Niall says from next to us. “Yes.” i rebuttal and staunch him. Niall crosses his arms across his chest and with that I walk towards Louis. He has a big smile on his face. The same two people I saw with him at McDonalds the other night were leant against the wall not far behind him with their arms wrapped around each other, they must be dating.

When I get up to Louis I push him back without a word. He doesn't move very far at all, and his smile never falters. “Emily, how could you?” He teases with his hands over his heart sarcastically. I don't laugh, my fist are clenched at my sides “Louis I know your type, and I've been told about what you do to girls, I don't want you. Why wont you just leave me alone?” I say angrily. He looks slightly offended by my words, but I think its an act. “you’re different, I'm not giving up” He says with a wink and a warm feeling spreads through my body. I know I'm blushing and i know he can see it, so i quickly look down and try to remain angry but I just can’t. Why does he have this effect over me? I don't answer him I just turn to walk away but I'm pulled back towards him so my back is pressing against his chest and his arms rope around my waist. “I’m not giving up and I don't like being told no” he says into my ear, then he lets me go and walks back over to his friends without looking at me. As bad as it is, i wish he had held me like that for longer. No Emily, bad thoughts, you know what he's like don't fall for his games. I walk back over and Harry and Niall look fuming.

“How could you make us stand there whilst he's doing that to you?!” Niall says angrily throwing his arms around.
“Next time, we’re dealing with it, not you. I want you talking to him as little as possible” Harry says in a softer voice taking a step towards me. Liam and Sophia just nod in agreement “I’ll help lads” Liam adds in.
I’m not very used to having people look out for me. I was bullied pretty badly by a group of girls at the beginning of high school back in Winchester, but they gave up after a couple of months. I never had one person stick up for me during that time though. I don't need people defending me.
“Im capable of defending myself, thank you though” i smile.
They all look shocked. Before anyone has time to answer the bell rings once again for my next class. Sport with Harry.

The rest of the day goes by without much drama I have Math with just Niall. We sat next to each other but didn't exchange a word. It was quite awkward really. Sophia is in my geography and we hit it off pretty quickly, we talked for the whole hour about school and my old school and experiences she's had at parties. I told her I have never been to one and she said that she's going to have to fix that. Im not sure what that means but i don't want to go to a party. Nothing much happened at lunch time I day dreamed whilst the group chatted around me about people I don't know. My last class was Art. The one class i thought I knew no one in but i was mistaken. When i walked in i was met with two familiar faces. Louis and the boy with black hair who I'm guessing is Zayn.

I find a seat thats far away from Louis and I am free to listen to our teacher whose name turns out to be Mr Deacon but he likes to be called Mr D. My peace is taken away when Louis and his friend move next to me half way through the class. I sigh. “Hello Louis” i say in an unamused tone, this earns a chuckle from him. “Hey, pretty… so you can draw? Thats hot” Louis says with the same smile that probably hasn't left his face since recess. His friend laughs. They’re obviously trying to wind me up. The door open at the back of the class and a man with a shirt and tie comes in “Mr. Tomlinson, your presence is required in the head masters office immediately.” A stroke of luck for me. Louis gets up and grabs his bag. He looks at me, no longer smiling. Then he just leaves with out a word. How out of character.

After 5 more minutes the black haired boy moves next to me and holds out his hand “Im Zayn” he confirms my suspicions. He seems nice, but then again so did Louis… “Emily” I smile at him
“Oh i know who you are, Louis wont shut about you” He says as he rolls his eyes. I was about to question him but the bell went signalling that its home time. I pack up my books and Zayn stays sat for a second, he didn't have out any books. “Nice to meet you Zayn” I say as i walk away.
“Emily wait!” he shouts after me. I turn back around and wait to see what he has to say.
“You don't know Louis, or what he's done. You’re going off other peoples words without even hearing his side of it. Just give him a chance, He doesn't know how to act but I swear he isn't bad.” he pleads, he looks so honest. I smile at him. “Ill think about it, thanks Zayn” I reply before walking out.

I decide to walk home as its a nice day for England and I need to learn my way around. I try my hardest to remember the way Harry came this morning. I haven't seen Harry or any of his friends since the bell went now that i think about it. I suppose that was a good first day at school.

I just don't want to go home…



Oh okay that makes sense! At first I didn’t recognize it, but when I read how her dad got locked out, is when I remembered it! Can’t wait to see what’s next

MeetMeInCarolina MeetMeInCarolina

yeah my old account got shut down or i got locked out or something but i changed quite a bit of it, surprised you recognised it haha

Allforbrits Allforbrits

Have you posted this before? I feel like I’ve read it this chapter

MeetMeInCarolina MeetMeInCarolina