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Harry Styles-Wilson: Hockey Husband [Sequel to Harry Who?] (Completed)

Harry and Ellie Get an Answer

Harry sat backstage at Madison Square Garden in his dressing room, trying (but failing) to focus on his upcoming show. Beside him, Ellie was somehow much more calm.

“That’s it - it’s been 24 hours, and we haven’t heard the results. I’m calling Jeff.” Harry jumped out of his seat and quickly paced.

“I don’t really think Jeff can help…” Ellie rebutted, and Harry sat down next to her again.
How can you possibly be so calm right now?” He asked, wishing he could borrow some of that calmness.

Ellie shrugged. “We’re going to find out one way or another eventually.”“True, but…” Harry shook his head restlessly and ran his fingers through his hair. “But that one positive test is driving me crazy.”

“It was just one pregnancy test, don’t get your hopes up,” Ellie cautioned, though she knew Harry was well beyond that point.

“That’s impossible, and you know it.” He half smiled, then went back to nervously tapping his foot.

“Do you want me to call the team doctor again to see if she’s heard anything?” Ellie asked and pulled out her phone, knowing Harry’s answer.

“Please,” he answered.

“Harry, it’s time,” the stage manager notified him.

“Just five more minutes,” he pleaded.

“That’s what you said five minutes ago…” The stage manager cocked her head doubtfully. “You have thousands of fans out there waiting for you -they’ve started chanting your name- you can’t let them wait any longer.”

“Just say we’re having technical difficulties or something,” Harry suggested, and turned back to Ellie as she called her doctor.

“Hi, it’s Ellie and Harry, again,” Ellie started when the call went to voicemail (again). “Just wondering if you’d heard anything from the lab. Anyway, thanks for doing this, we’re anxious-”

“-very anxious,” Harry interjected.

“-to find out the results.” Ellie concluded and discontinued the call. “See? She hasn’t gotten the results yet. If she did, she would have called us.”

“But she’s not answering her phone, what if something happened to her? Maybe she lost her phone?”

“Harry, it’s okay, I’m sure she’s fine.” Ellie tried to reassure him, but could tell she wasn’t having much effect.

“Okay.” Harry reluctantly agreed.

“So, you’re ready to start the show now?” The stage manager asked.

Harry thought for a moment before biting his lips and nodding slowly. “Okay.”

“Don’t worry about this; just go out there and be awesome, as always.” Ellie patted him on the back.

“If she calls you, let me know immediately, okay?” He instructed.

“I’m not going to interrupted your show,” Ellie shook her head. “It’s not a life or death situation.”

“But it is! It’s life -it’s our child- there’s nothing more important than that.” Harry held her hand in his own and looked her in the eye.

“Harry, you need to get on stage,” the stage manager instructed, and this time Harry listened. He gave Ellie a kiss goodbye before heading out onto stage with his band.

Ellie waited off stage where Harry could see her, and kept her phone in her hand in case she got the call. While Harry was caught up in an enthusiastic performance of ‘Kiwi’ Ellie’s phone rang. She rushed back stage to answer it, hoping Harry wouldn’t notice she was gone.

“Did you get the results?” She started, and listened to the doctor’s reply. “Okay...um, would you mind telling him for me? I just….okay, thank you. I’ll call you back after the show, and maybe we can facetime, so you can physically show him the results -incase he doesn’t believe you?” Ellie asked, and the doctor agreed. She returned to the side of the stage just in time to see the end of ‘Kiwi’, so she was sure Harry hadn’t seen her leave to answer her phone.

When the show concluded and Harry finally left the stage, he was bouncing with excitement. “Did she call?” He asked Ellie.

“Why don’t we try calling her again, okay?” Ellie suggested.

“Okay, but not here - let’s go to my dressing room, in case it’s not, you know…” Harry couldn’t finish his sentence and shrugged, but Ellie knew what he meant.

“That’s a good idea,” she nodded, and followed him to his dressing room. She closed the door, and locked eyes with Harry. “Ready?”

“Wait, what if it’s...not positive?” He finally said the words.

Ellie swallowed. “We’ll find out, and we’ll deal with it either way.”

Harry nodded seriously, his face drawn in worry. “Okay.”

Ellie hit call and held the phone out so she and Harry could see the screen.

“We’re facetiming?” Harry asked when he saw their faces appear on the screen.

“Oops, did I do that? Oh well,” Ellie lied, but Harry was too anxious to notice.

“Hello!” The doctor answered the phone, and Harry and Ellie mumbled ‘hi’. “I have your results, and…”

Harry’s foot tapping seemed to spread to the rest of his body as he awaited her verdict.

“...congratulations, you’re pregnant!” She said, and held up the results from the lab to prove it.

Harry’s mouth fell open, but no words came out. He looked at the results on the screen to double check, and then at Ellie. “You’re...you’re…” He was still at a loss of words, so instead he embraced Ellie, letting his hand rest on her abdomen. He put his other hand on the side of her face and drew her into a soft, passionate kiss.

“Guys, I’m still here...” The doctor said on Ellie’s phone.

“Sorry, thank you so much!” Harry beamed. “We’re going to go now and, um, celebrate -if that’s okay?”

“Yes, just no alcohol, if that’s what you meant.” The doctor explained.

“That’s not what I meant,” Harry replied with a cheeky grin.

“Okay, we’re going to go now, thank you!” Ellie blushed and hung up before Harry could say anything else embarrassing.

Much later that night, when they had finished ‘celebrating’, Harry curled up next to Ellie with his hand on her low abdomen -as if he could feel the life growing there.

“You knew, didn’t you?” He finally said, and looked up at her.

“What?” Ellie laughed, but internally panicked.

“I mean, you just had that maternal instinct, you know? Like, you just knew that there was a little baby Styles growing within you.”

“Oh, hahaha,” Ellie laughed nervously. “And, I think you mean, a baby Styles-Wilson.”

“Right, of course,” Harry smiled back at her. “So, I’ve been thinking about names, and -”

“Not yet,” Ellie interrupted him and placed a finger on his lips. “We’re not at the ‘names’ stage yet, okay?”

“Okay?” Harry didn’t fully understand.

“It’s still early, and I want to wait until we know for sure, before we get into this too much,” Ellie explained.

“So, I shouldn’t tell my mum?” Harry asked.

“You can tell her, but, usually people wait until the end of the first trimester before announcing a pregnancy, or even until 20 week, just to be sure that, you know, it’s actually happening,” Ellie tried to explain.

“Oh,” Harry tilted his head. “Okay, I see what you mean.”

“We don’t even know the due date yet, and we haven’t had an ultrasound, or anything. So let’s wait until we know all the facts before we tell anyone.” Ellie said, and hoped Harry understood.

As excited as he was about this news, Harry didn’t want to have to retract that statement - he didn’t even want to think about that right now, but it was, of course, a possible outcome. “Okay, I - I understand that.”

“We’ll go to the OBGYN, we’ll find out what’s going on, when the due date is, make sure it’s okay, and maybe, if you want, when the time comes, we can find out the gender.” Ellie explained, and tried to calm Harry down.

“We can figure out the due date, right? It’s just 40 week from the last date we had sex.” Harry stated.

“Kind of, maybe more like, a week or so after that date,” Ellie pondered.

“Well, it was around May 10, so 40 weeks later would be…” Harry pulled out his phone, while Ellie tried to do some mental math. “February 14, 2019.”

“Huh,” Ellie contemplated this. “Okay.” They both thought for a minute.

“Do you want to know the gender?” Harry suddenly asked.

“I don’t know, maybe, do you?” Ellie thought for a moment.

“I have a ideas for names, either way, so whatever you want,” Harry looked back at Ellie.

“I haven’t thought that far ahead, but at some point -not right now- I’d like to go over that with you. But I’m not at that point yet; I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that there is a tiny human being inside of me!” Ellie explained, and laughed at the idea.

“We did that,” Harry smiled at her. “That’s our tiny little human in there.” He looked happier than Ellie had ever imagined - happier than he’d been on their wedding day, happier than he’d been when she accepted his proposal, happier than he’d been when she recognized him after getting a concussion and momentarily losing her memory- Harry was ecstatic, and Ellie completely understood and felt the same way.

(Gif credit tumblr user thestylesgifs)


Could I have drawn this out any more? Yes, but I couldn’t do that to you! I was getting impatient, and almost rushed to this point too early, but they’re finally pregnant! This is what we’ve all been waiting for (I think?). I’m excited, and I have some name ideas picked out, but what are your ideas for names for Harry and Ellie’s baby?

Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting!! :D


I can't edit the last chapter, but I realized I accidentally linked the wrong story, so here's the right link:


BananaShark7 BananaShark7

He's being cheeky :p And I could totally see him doing something like this, and psyching us all out lol!

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I love how everybody thought he was talking about a child. XD Nope... just a cat.

xXFluffy_GruXx xXFluffy_GruXx

That's good to hear :D Chapter 2 is taking forever to write, but it will be up within a week hopefully! : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

DEFINITELY! I loved Harry Who?!

xXFluffy_GruXx xXFluffy_GruXx