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Haven't Been Caught

One -- The Beginning

Chapter 1:
Brrrring Brrrring Brrrring

I groaned as I reached over to pick up my ringing phone.

"Hello?" I groaned sleepily.

"Jamie Grace, get your ass out of that bed of yours and get down here! Crystal and I have been waiting down here for about three minutes!" Perrie yelled into the phone.

I threw myself out of bed as I yelled, "Shit! What time is it?!"

"It's 6:30! You need to get your pretty little butt down here before you make all of us late!" Perrie yelled before dramatically hanging up the phone.

I threw my hair down and brushed it roughly. I put on a little bit of makeup and threw on a cute outfit, grabbed my phone and my small backpack, then rushed out of the door. I threw myself into the back seat of the car and Crystal sped off.

Crystal had a 4 door white Jeep Wrangler. She picked Perrie and me up every day since neither one of us had a car. Not because we couldn't get one, but because we didn't want one.

You see, our parents were (for lack of a better word) rich. We don't like that our parents like the rub into others faces that they have a lot of money, so none of us flaunt it.

Our parents met and became friends at the same high school we go to now. They met and stuck together as most of the rich kids there usually did. They had a plan for us. A life set out for us and we didn't necessarily like it but we can't do anything about it, really. They have a reputation to uphold. While on the outside, they're envied. On the inside, they're different. Every family has their secrets. It all started at Sydney Public School of Education.

SPSE was the snobbiest public school I know. Only parents with rich kids send their kids there. It was so annoying. Each kid, parent, and family tried to outdo the other. Donations left and right. And the school totally supports it because they're benefiting from it. Why should they complain? A bunch of rich brats are giving thousands of dollars to the school. Why try and stop the drama when you can get money out of it?

I reached forward and grabbed the Starbucks coffee out of the cup holder that was in Perrie's lap.

"You need to get outta bed earlier. Get an alarm or something." Crystal said to me, looking at me in her rearview mirror.

"Yeah. I know. I hate Mondays." I groaned while taking a sip of my much-needed coffee.
Perrie rolled her eyes. "We know."

Crystal shot her a glare and then said, "We both do, too. But we also don't want to be late. Because you know what happens if we become late..."

I sighed. "Yeah. I know. I'm sorry."

Crystal's dad wanted her to become a teacher. For he was a professor at NYU Sydney. And he has been the 4th in line. His father worked there, as did his father and the father that came before him. Crystal's dad wasn't about to break that tradition. He punished Crystal whenever she messed up slightly at school.

Perrie's mom wanted her to be a doctor. Just like the 5 generations before her. Her parents punish her whenever she does something they don't see "fit for a future doctor."
All in all, our parents want us to be apart of a job that generations have had before us. Is that not the most stereotypical rich person thing or what?

As for me? Well, my dad is a lawyer. As was his father and his father etcetera, etcetera. Naturally, he wants me to be one as well. Years of school. Lots of it. I hate school. I really don't want to be a lawyer, but I can't bring that up because I'm not sure what I want to be instead.


When we got to school, we had to sprint to our first-period classes. Somehow we managed to make it.

I had PreCalc my first period. When I got there, there was a new kid sitting in my usual seat. Not that I really cared, but he looked so careless and relaxed, not like the usual panicked, nervous first-time kids that usually come here. He looked like he already had friends, too. He was talking to two kids named Michael Clifford and Calum Hood.

I went to the back of the classroom and sat down in a seat back there so I could watch this new kid. (I'm not a stalker, I swear.)

When the bell rang, a kid with curly hair and green eyes sat down next to me. Fearlessly, he turns to me with a dimpled grin, "Hi! I'm Ashton. Ashton Irwin."

I blinked at his confidence and replied, "I'm Jamie. Jamie Grace."

I didn't think Ashton's smile could get any wider, but it did. It was contagious. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Nice to meet you." He held out his hand to shake and I accepted.

Our teacher, Mr. Dillard, went up to the front of the class and he told the new kid to stand up and introduce himself. The boy stood up and I managed to get a good look at him.

The first thing I noticed was his height. He was at least 6'3". From there, I noticed his blond hair was stuffed into a beanie that sat on the back of his head. He had bright shocking blue eyes and kind features. He smirked slightly at Calum, and his dimples came into view.

"Hi!" He waved awkwardly, but not uncomfortably, in front of the class. "I'm Luke Hemmings. I'm from Melbourne and I moved here last night, and I transferred today. I used to go to Melbourn High and now here I am."

He grazed over the classroom with his eyes while he was talking. When his eyes caught mine, they stayed there. He and I held eye contact until I tore my gaze away from his.
His eyes were so mesmerizing. They were electric blue with specks of navy.

"Thank you, Mr. Hemmings. You can take your seat now." Mr. Dillard said.

I watched him sit back down and all the while he looked at me. I tried not to look back at him. Throughout the class, all though it droned on and I strongly disliked it (PreCalc sucks Satan's dick), I tried not to look at Luke. He kept turning around and looking at me.

He was very attractive, I had to say. But, I could never date him. For starters, my parents would never allow me to date a boy who wore black ripped jeans, worn out converse hightops, and a t-shirt that said: "Destroy yourself and see who gives a fuck" with a Nirvana beanie.

On top of that, I need to focus on my studies if my dad wants me to travel to America to go to law school. I don't need a relationship to get in the way of that.

At the end of the class, I gathered up my stuff and walked out of the classroom, only to be met by Luke waiting for me outside the door.

"Hey." He said casually walking next to me.

"Hi," I replied.

"I'm Luke." He said.

"Hi, Luke. I'm Jamie." I said, not really looking at him.

"Where do you come from?" He said and then he caught himself. "Shit. I mean I know you come from Sydney. You have to to be able to come to this school. Goddamn it. I'm an idiot around pretty girls."

I tried to restrain the blush from flooding my face.

And failed.

"I have to go to class now. It was nice talking to you, Luke." I said. I wanted to keep talking with him and I was regretting walking away as I walked into my history class that was just down the hall. As cheesy as it may sound, he can make the most mundane conversations sound interesting. I couldn't talk to him. I couldn't have distractions. Not now.

I couldn't. I couldn't. But the more I talked to him the more I wanted to stay. The more I wanted to hear more.


Hello! This is the first chapter of this story. I had an idea then went with it. I hope y'all like it!

Please Vote and subscribe! (God I sound like a needy YouTuber)



OKAY, YOU GUYS!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT! SO, MY PREVIOUS ACCOUNT DECIDED IT WANTED TO BE A LITTLE SCHNITZEL AND IT WON'T ALLOW ME LOG BACK ON THROUGH THE WEBSITE THAT I ORIGINALLY DID IT THOUGH! SO, I APOLOGiZE, BUT IM GOING TO HAVE TO RE-DO THIS! ON TOP OF THAT, I honestly hate the way I wrote this. I'm going to be re-writing it again and giving it a whole new style while keeping it mostly the same. I honestly don't know how to describe it. But, all in all, this is going to be discontinued and recreated. so... YEAH yay...