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Ever Since New York


Jasmin walked down the stairs slowly swallowing softly. “It’ll be okay babe” James spoke taking her hand in his. “You just don’t understand” She spoke taking her hand out of his. “What do you mean love?” James stopped Jasmin by grabbing both her hands. “My parents aren’t like yours James they are so far from it” she turned her back on him. “I don’t understand and I’ll never understand if you don’t tell me!” he started getting impatient. “Their poor!!” she screamed and tears rolled down her cheeks. James looked at her frowning “Well then these people must be fake.” He spoke and they both walked into the living room and there they sat her mum and dad. They looked much better from when she last saw them three years ago. “Oh my goodness Jasmin you’ve grown up so much” her mum spoke getting up to hug her but Jasmin turned. “I heard you have money now I hope you paid for Genevieve’s college.” “We tried to make contact with you darling” her dad spoke. “Shit” she spoke face turning red “If you did you would have been keeping contact with me since the day you chased me out of your house like I was a dog. I don’t ever want to see you again!!” she yelled tears streaming down her face as she stormed out of the front door. “Babe wait!” James screamed about to run after her but was stopped by his dad. Sped walking down the streets of New York she held her arms tightly. Harry walked down the street ignoring the people who took photos, hearing people screaming from the other side of the street he looked up not looking where he was walking. “Oh my! Love are you okay?” He grabbed her by the arms before she could fall. “Ouch!!” she exclaimed and let go of her and she looked up to be met with his grass green orbs. She stood there star struck, silent staring at him while he stared back. “Jasmin how are you? Come lets go get you coffee so you could get warm” he spoke placing his jacket over her shoulders. They both walked to the nearest café hiding from cameras on their way there. Harry sat across from Jasmin at the booth. “You didn’t answer my question Jasmin” harry spoke voice more stern than before. “I know, I’m fine” she smiled “What about you?” “Couldn’t be better” he spoke before ordering them both hot chocolate. Jasmin smelled the jacket when he wasn’t watching and she couldn’t help but smile to herself, he always smelt so nice for no reason. “What happened to you?” he made her snap out of her zone. “What do you mean?” “After that night I never saw you again what happened?” “I found out that you are a famous singer, songwriter and an actor so I just thought I would stay away” “I didn’t want you to stay away” “Then why didn’t you call me? You had my number!!” “I lost it I’m sorry” “That night was a mistake Harry” Harry looked at her shocked but instead started to drink his drink. They sat in silence and didn’t even look at each other. Harry took out a pen and paper writing down his number and paper writing down his number and passing it to her. “I want us to be friends Jasmin” She smiled taking it. Cars stopped outside the café and in came James running straight to Jasmin. “Babe are you okay you had us worried” “I’m sorry-” “Who’s this?” James questioned as he noticed Harry’s presence “A friend” she smiled at Harry. James placed his hand on Jasmin’s growing bump “Come let’s get you two home” he took Harry’s jacket off of her but instead she pulled it back and this time she put it on completely looking so small. Harry stared at her he forgot she was pregnant how could he forget. He was falling for her and he knew it, no one ever made him feel like this. He watched as they left.



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