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The Companion

Times Change, Things Go Wrong

“By space do you mean…?” Harry started, still standing in the doorway looking out at the scene before him. From what I could see it appeared to be a lively market place inside a warehouse-like building but it wasn’t exactly your average marketplace. There were features that would suggest that this was a futuristic location.

“We’re on a space ship called Starship UK in the year 3296. A year since I last visited. It was built to carry the population of the United Kingdom when the Earth was threatened by solar flares. Nasty business,” said the Doctor as he inched past Harry to get out of the door.

“We’re in the year 3296?” I asked as I gave Harry a small nudge to get him out of the doorway.

“And in space!” the Doctor said excitedly as he lead us into the thriving marketplace.

“But you said this ship holds the entire population of the UK. How is that possible?” said Harry as we followed after the Doctor. He jumped back as he was almost hit by a child on a bike.

“This ship was built in the 29th century so they would’ve had more knowledge and resources than they do in your time. It’s really a very clever concept. They’ve even divided it into sections for the different counties,” said the Doctor. He really seemed to be in his element.

“You mean to say that they’d have Cheshire here?” said Harry and I looked over to see him grinning.

“Well, of course they do. Lovely place, Cheshire. Very clean.”

“So where are we now?” I asked.

“London Market.”

“Is it always this busy?” Harry asked as we all swerved for the incoming traffic. It seemed people traveled on bikes around here.

“Well I assume so. But would you expect anything less from London Market?” said the Doctor before grabbing a glass of water from a passing vendor and placing it on the ground. “Come see this.”

Harry and I knelt down beside him and looked at the glass.

“What are we supposed to be seeing?” Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Think about it. If we’re on a ship, why isn’t the floor vibrating?” he asked, grinning up at us. He really did resemble an excited child in a sweet shop. Sure enough, taking a closer look at the water in the glass, it seemed to be as still as a millpond.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because this ship is being carried by something extremely rare. The very last of its kind. A Star Whale. A very gentle and generous creature. It offered its services when the Earth was in danger but the humans took things the wrong way and enslaved it, which was unnecessary. Just a little fun fact for you.”

“There are whales in space?” asked Harry.

“Of course there are! There are a lot of things that humans think are impossible but in reality… well the Star Whale is proof enough, I should think,” said the Doctor, getting up once more and rubbing his hands together.

“So why exactly are we here, Doctor?” I asked.

“To talk to Liz, of course,” he replied, before turning and walking off. Harry and I quickly followed behind him.

“Liz? Who’s Liz?” Harry asked.

“Liz 10, current Queen of the United Kingdom. Or Elizabeth the Tenth if you prefer to be formal.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be formal around royalty?”

“Well in most cases I would suggest it but Liz is an old friend and since you’re with me I’m sure you’ll be just fine.”

I felt Harry’s hand twist into mine and hold on tightly. I looked up to see him smiling down at me and I could read his emotions perfectly. What an experience we were having even if it was just a short stop. Who else could say that they had traveled to the 33rd Century and visited the United Kingdom, which was floating on the back of a massive alien in outer space?!

After a while I felt like we’d been walking for miles but then I had to remind myself that we were on a ship that held the entire population of Great Britain so naturally Buckingham Palace, or whatever the substitute was, was going to be more than a few blocks away.

We eventually came to a door near the end of a long, industrial-looking corridor, outside of which the Doctor stopped us before knocking. The lighting was slightly subdued down this end so we were stood in half darkness. It wasn’t long before the door opened slightly and one eye could be seen peering through. It appeared to look up and down before the door was fully opened to reveal a very majestic, though not very traditional looking queen. Her tanned skin seemed to glow and her shiny, black hair, full of volume was half hidden beneath the hood of her red velvet cloak.

“Well hello, Doctor,” she said, smiling. “And companions.”

“Liz! Do you mind if we come in?” said the Doctor.

She stepped aside and gestured that we enter. Harry and I clung tightly to each other’s hands as we followed the Doctor into the room. It was a little brighter in here though only slightly, due to the candles placed at random around the room. A four-poster bed could be seen in the corner with curtains made of a similar red velvet to Liz’s cloak. Looking around I noted that, while not extravagant, the room appeared to have quite a romantic feel about it.

“Care for anything?” said Liz, gesturing to a cupboard, which I assume held some kind of beverages.

“We’re rather in a hurry,” said the Doctor. “I was hoping if I could ask whether or not you’ve noticed anything strange around these parts.”

“I think you’ll find you can,” she said.

“Its rather hard to detect but have there been any disappearances on the ship?”

“Not to my knowledge.”

“Any strange white lights?”

“No. May I ask what this is about?”

“Just some old troubles. I had to check whether or not they were affecting your people.”

“Is this to do with the Pandorica?”

“In some respects, yes.”

“But that can’t have happened again.”

“That is exactly what I was thinking but the cracks seem to have reappeared.”

Harry and I exchanged a glance at each other as this conversation continued. It seemed that these two had had some experience with these cracks before. And this Pandorica… the name sounded almost familiar.

“No, Doctor, I haven’t seen one nor any trace that there may have been,” said Liz, pulling me out of my reverie.

“Well… thank you for your time, Liz. We really should get going,” said the Doctor.

“Will you not stay just a bit longer?”

“I wish I could but I really need to… find out,” he said before turning back to us and motioning that we should leave.

Just as we reached the door, Liz called, “Doctor.”

“Yes?” he said kindly, turning back.

“You have new companions.”

“I do.”

“Something has happened, hasn’t it?”

“Times change, things go wrong. I’m sure you’d know a thing or two about that, Liz.”

“Of course… good day to you, Doctor.”

“I’ll try and drop in again at some point. Thank you, Liz.”

“Not at all.”

Once again we turned back to the door and left with great haste, the Doctor steaming ahead of Harry and I.

“Next stop then?” the Doctor said as we made our way back the way we came.

“Are you all right, Doctor?” I asked, for I sensed a slight tension about him.

“I’m perfectly fine,” he said, turning to smile at me.

I decided to leave it at that, not wanting the Doctor to feel like he had to explain any personal matters to me. I suppose, I could guess for myself, what had suddenly troubled him.

We eventually reached the TARDIS and stepped inside. On second entry it still blew me away that this Police Box could actually be bigger on the inside.

“Where next, Doctor?” Harry asked.

“We’re going to hop back a bit to World War Two,” said the Doctor as he casually walked over to the console and began fiddling before pulling the lever. The floor of the TARDIS shook and Harry and I quickly reached for something to hold onto as we took off.

“World War Two? Are you mad!” I yelled.

“Sometimes I am!” The Doctor yelled back.



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