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Reeled Him In (Larry Stylinson AU)


No one wants a pathetic little faggot like you, Louis. No one wants to love someone as fat as you. No one likes you. Your mum doesn't even want you here. Your sisters probably think you're just as annoying too. Louis, just do what we all know you need to. No one wants you here, why don't you just fix their problem? You probably wouldn't even get a funeral because you don't even deserve one, Tomlinson. Why aren't you doing anything to help save everyone else from the pathetic mess that is Louis Tomlinson? You're a disgrace to the family name. You can't do anything right. Your father probably left because he didn't want a little faggot as a son. It's all your fault that your mum is the way she is now. You ruin everything Louis. When Harry finds out how ugly and fat you are, he'll hate you just as much as everyone else. Just do yourself and everyone else a favor and kill yours-
Louis jolted upright in the bed, beads of sweat having already formed on his browbone, his eyes wide. He put his hand over his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat faintly. Those dreams- those nightmares- of him just yelling at himself never fail to give Louis a spook. Sometimes he wonders if that voice in his head is right, but he can't ever let himself act upon it. If he did try to rid himself from others, he would chicken out right before he pulled off the execution. Just as the little voice said before, you can't do anything right. After pushing his blanket off of his body, Louis shifted to be closer to the edge of the bed, throwing his legs off. He got up, putting his hands on his lower back with a sigh. He glanced down to his phone, reaching down to grab it to check for any new messages. Nothing yet, Louis thought, maybe he's already sick of you and he hasn't even see how ugly you are. Louis shook his head, dropping his phone back onto the bed before shuffling to his closet on the other side of his small room. He flipped across his small amount of clothing before picking some jeans, a random shirt and then a sweatshirt. He wanted to cover himself. He wanted to hide today, especially from the other teens at school.
Once Louis was dressed, and did his duties in the bathroom, he was heading out. His backpack slung over his shoulders, phone in hand and earbuds in ears, Louis was off. He didn't grab anything to eat, as he didn't need the calories. His thighs chafed well enough. A song filled his head as he walked, his gaze glued to the chilled pavement that he was traveling on. He tried to turn his music up louder to block out his hateful thoughts, but it could only work to a certain extent. His baby blue eyes started to well with tears, but he had to blink them away. Louis only looked up as he walked onto the school grounds and inside the building. He dodged people, teachers and students, making it to his locker unscathed. He looked around, grabbing what he needed from the small blue vault, before scurrying to his classroom, slipping into his desk in the back of the room. He pulled his phone from his pocket and setting it on his desk, behind his things so it wouldn't be visable to the teacher at the front of the class. There was only one notification, and it was almost exactly what he was looking for. louis_black91 has a new message.
zayn: Hey, I'm Harry's friend.
Louis read over the message a few times, furrowing his thin eyebrows together as he thought about it. How would he know about you, Louis? Did Harry tell him? Did he go on Harry's account? Does he always contact whoever talks with his friend? He shook his head but replied with an average hello before he looked back up to his teacher as she began the daily lesson. Louis glanced down to his phone and read over the reply.
zayn: Haz was talking about you so I thought I'd meave ya' a message if thats good
Louis blushed a deep red, taking a screenshot of the chat. He couldn't believe it. Harry talks about you, Louis. You are on his mind, as least a little bit- too bad hes actually thinking about Niall. He wants Niall, not you. He only knows your name. Louis bit his lip, starting to type.
louis_black91: what does he say about me? <3
He captured his lip between his teeth, looking back at his teacher as she spoke about some test that was coming up soon, making Louis internally groan. This class was way too easy, and not one student could possibly fail. It was even worse because the teacher always tried to make it seem like it was the hardest class ever.
"Louis," Mr. Grimshaw stated, a smile on his face. Louis looked at him, biting the inside of his cheek. "Can you tell the class about the Monroe Doctrine?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. Louis swallowed the small lump in his throat, his small voice filling the room.
"It's something created by president J-James Monroe which prevented the United States to ve involved with other countries unless if a profit would be made," He spoke softly, looking at the teacher before down to his phone, almost as if for comfort. He wished that his love would reply and make him feel better. Mr. Grimshaw just nodded, turning and walking back around to the whiteboard, starting to speak to the class.
louis_black91 has a new message.
harrystyles: do you have a phone number?



i really like this story!!! Keep updating

Sophalicious Sophalicious