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Turning Tables


For two months, Cali and Harry spent nights and sometimes even days, tangled up together between bed sheets. For two months, they managed to carry on their friends-with-benefits agreement. And Cali somehow managed to put their whole shitty history behind them – finding it almost easy because the two of them didn’t really do a whole lot of talking.

Their little arrangement didn’t leave a lot of time for Cali to meet anyone new, but honestly, she wasn’t really looking anyway. But by the time Harry left for Holmes Chapel for Christmas the tides seemed to change and the little arrangement they had seemed to blur in her mind.

“Alright. Can you… get a bit closer to him,” the photographer directed Cali.

She was at a photoshoot for a perfume advert and her counterpart was a male model named Zayn that she met on a few other occasions before. He was tall, dark and handsome – and extremely sexy.

“Closer,” the photographer urged when she didn’t appease him the first time.

She was literally on top of the bloke. How much closer could she possibly get? It didn’t really help that they were in a freakishly weird position on top of a massive boulder in a park in London in forty-degree temperatures – in public. She was wearing next to nothing and neither was Zayn. The two of them literally looked like they were about to fuck each other’s brains out. But she figured that’s what the photographer’s vision was. Sex sells after all.

Closer,” the photographer barked again before Cali felt Zayn’s palm on her back, pressing her down against him.

“Sorry…” Zayn whispered to her.

“’S alright,” she mumbled, trying to keep the passion on her face that the photographer so heavily demanded – even though she was sure her knee was probably bloody from it digging into the rock they were on.

What seemed like a hundred shots later and more than a handful of position changes, the shoot was a wrap and Cali was able to wrap up in the massive parka she’d been dreaming about the entire shoot. Someone from the staff shooed Cali and Zayn onto a golf cart and whisked them through the park to an awaiting car to take them back to the studio.

“Hey, uh…” Zayn said once the two of them were back in the studio, dressed in their own clothes.

“Yeah?” She asked, looking up into his big beautiful brown eyes.

“I know this might be kind of last minute, but I was wondering if you had a date for New Year’s Eve,” he said as a smirk turned up his lips.

Cali couldn’t help but smile. He was so sexy. Almost too sexy. Like, she knew he was out of her league – or at least she felt like he was. Sometimes in her mind she was still that stick-figure nerdy girl from school and it was almost crippling.

Mm,” she hummed, biting her lip as a vision of Harry popped into her head.

But he was all the way back in Cheshire with Louis for Christmas two weeks. Her reality was a stark difference to what it once was for months. And she would probably be the last to admit it, but she felt incredibly lonely without Harry. He became a constant in her life over the past two months and she missed him. She never missed Harry Styles in her entire life and now she did. But standing in front of her was this beautiful magnetic creature asking her out and she couldn’t help but internally contemplate what that kind of reality would look like.

“Mm?” Zayn questioned, smirking at her.

Seriously, she wasn’t obligated to exclusivity when it came to Harry. They spent time in bed with each other, they weren’t dating. She had no reason to turn down the date Zayn was asking her on.

“I’d like that,” she told him with a bashful smile.

“Yeah?” He asked, looking more than a little happy that she said yes.

“But, uh. I mean, I already have plans to go to a club with some mates. I mean, if you’re interested,” she told him.

“Yeah. I’d be interested,” he said with a smile.

Ace,” she said, biting at her lip again.

“Can I give you my phone number?” He asked, pulling out his cell phone.

“Yeah. Oh, yeah,” she said, reaching into her purse to get hers.

The two of them exchanged numbers before Zayn’s ride arrived to pick him up.

“I’ll text you,” he told her.

“Looking forward to it,” she said with a wide smile, watching as he waved and disappeared out the door.

Cali let out a weighted sigh and then a squeal of delight. Holy hell. She had a date with a hot model!

Cali was more than a little excited when she got a text from Zayn that evening telling her he’d been thinking about her and wondered if maybe she wanted to meet up for a drink. She couldn’t believe how hard he was pursuing her, and she absolutely loved it. She agreed to meet him at a bar not far from her place around nine that evening. She dressed in a skimpy black dress and a pair of black heels to match. She decided to walk to the bar, because it was honestly not that far, even though she mostly regretted it because of the god damn heels. But just seeing Zayn’s face instantly refreshed her. Did she mention how gorgeous he was?

“Hi,” she greeted him.

“Hi,” he acknowledged, standing up to hug her before leaving a chaste kiss on her cheek.

“I’m glad you came,” he said, smiling at her, and she could have sworn she saw his god damn eyes sparkle at her. Mm.

“Of course,” she said, biting at her lip as she took a seat next to him.

She couldn’t believe how easy it was to talk to him and she found herself really enjoying his company. She learned he was the only boy in his family, having three sisters – one older, two younger. She learned he got into modeling after he graduated school at the suggestion of an old girlfriend. She learned he had more than a few tattoos – actually she knew that, but she learned he had tattoos that weren’t exactly visible to most people. He was just so intriguing and she felt herself falling for him more and more the longer they talked.

“Do you want to… uh, maybe come back to my place?” Cali boldly suggested after their third consecutive drink.

“Yeah, yeah. I would,” he told her with a wide smile.

Zayn settled the tab with the bartender before the two of them made their way out of the bar.

“I don’t live very far from here if you just want to walk,” she told him.

“Yeah, that’d be nice,” he told her with a smile.

The two continued their chat as they walked and she loved how comfortable she felt with him. When they got into the building, Cali’s phone chirped with a text and she quickly pulled it out, reading it. Of course it was from Harry – of all moments in time.

Harry: I’ll be back the day before New Year’s Eve.

Her stomach knotted up thinking about him. She wasn’t proud of what she was about to do with this relative stranger, but honestly, she shouldn’t care. She and Harry were nothing.

“Sorry,” she apologized, shoving her phone back in her purse as she grabbed her key, unlocking her door.

“”S okay,” he said, smiling at her.

Once the door was closed, it was almost instantaneous. Their lips were locked on one another’s immediately.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you all day,” Zayn told her as his chest heaved from their frantic kissing.

“Same,” she breathed, leaning in to kiss him again as she led him back to her bedroom.

Her bed hadn’t been graced with another man’s presence since Harry, and it made her feel a bit odd, but she pushed those feelings far, far into the back of her mind.

Zayn’s kisses were passionate as his hands roamed across her skin, slowly peeling the straps of her dress down. His mouth came down to kiss her collarbone before making its way down the valley between her breasts.

Cali let out a moan as her eyes closed, really enjoying the way he was touching and kissing her.

Mm,” Zayn hummed against her flesh as he pulled her dress farther down her body. Cali shimmied along with him, helping in the process.

Fucking beautiful,” Zayn cooed, sliding his hands up her body as his mouth kissed her navel and then across her hips.

Mm,” Cali moaned, biting at her bottom lip.

When she felt Zayn tug at her panties, she quickly lifted her bum for him and he slowly slipped them off of her. She took a moment to watch him, to see the lust in his eyes. He was incredible.

Zayn leaned in, pressing her thighs up against her sides as him mouth met her center, licking up her cleft before bringing his entire mouth down to suck and lick her until she was nearly shaking and whimpering with pleasure.

When he pulled up, his eyes were fierce and she was so fucking turned on.

“Condoms in the drawer,” she panted, nudging her head toward the side table.

Zayn quickly dug for one and slipped it onto himself before sliding his body up against hers. Their mouths met for a heated kiss as Zayn’s hand came down and slid into the cup of her bra, squeezing her breast in his hand before flicking his thumb across the hardened nipple.

Mm,” she moaned against his mouth, her eyes shut tightly. Zayn’s lips slipped down to her jaw and then her neck as she felt him press against her.

A moment later, he pressed inside and she let out a deep moan that she was sure she’d been holding in since he got his hands on her.

Zayn started moving inside her and quickly sped up his rhythm, causing quiet gasps to fall out of Cali’s mouth at each thrust. He was good. He was really good at what he was doing and she wanted more.

When he gripped both of her thighs with one of his arms and twisted them to the side, thrusting into her at a whole new angle and she was left moaning into it.

Fuck, Zayn,” she breathed, looking down her body at him, seeing the pleasure on his face, hearing the tiny grunts rumble out of him.

“Keep going,” she panted and somehow he was able to speed up his rhythm even more, causing her to see stars. And just like that she exploded with a loud moan an octave or two higher than her normal voice.

Zayn kept grunting and thrusting for a little while longer until he was falling forward against her, letting out a satisfied groan.

He didn’t stay long afterward, which was fine by Cali. She was absolutely knackered and just wanted to get some sleep. He told her would call her to get the details about New Year’s Eve and left after giving her a quick kiss goodnight.

Cali collapse into bed, ready for sleep to take her, until she remembered Harry’s text message from earlier. He’d be home before New Year’s. She figured he wouldn’t be home until after the first of the year and she almost felt bad for deciding to take Zayn as her date.

Harry got back from Holmes Chapel the night before New Year’s Eve. And Cali wasn’t even kidding – once he dropped his luggage off, he was at her door knocking for a booty call. She answered with a smile before he grabbed her in his arms and threw her over his shoulder, taking her straight to the bedroom.

“Christ, I’m horny,” Harry groaned as he tossed her onto the bed.

“I can tell!” She giggled.

“I’ve been spoiled. A week and a half without it and I am going through withdrawals,” he said as he rid himself of his clothing.

“Thought you’d be gone ‘til after the New Year,” Cali admitted, biting her lip as she looked up at him.

“Was gonna, but thought better of it,” he told her with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Hmm,” she hummed.

“Hey, are those my knickers?” He asked, looking down at her curiously and she blushed. Yeah. She was wearing his boxers and his t-shirt from the first time they had sex. She missed him a little bit too much.

“Maybe,” she said, throwing the t-shirt over her head.

“They look good on you,” he said, smirking at her as he leaned in to kiss her lips.

Cali kicked out of the boxers and Harry leapt on top of her like a lunatic. She yelped in response, before giggles erupted from her lips. Harry was always so playful and she loved that about him.

But only seconds later, they fell into their sensual rhythm they had so many other times before. Harry quietly loved her up, sucking and licking, ensuring she was ready for him before he even thought about fucking her. And when he went to grab a condom, his eyebrows furrowed in question.

“What?” She asked, wondering what he was looking at.

“There’s a condom wrapper on the floor,” he said, picking it up to show her.

Hm. Must still be there since the last time,” she lied, knowing damn well it was from the night she slept with Zayn.

“Must be,” he said, tossing it onto the nightstand before grabbing a condom from the drawer.

She watched as he slid it down himself before he looked up and smiled at her.

“Budge up,” he said tapping her knee. She quickly slithered her body a bit up the mattress as a wide smile played across his face.

“Get up,” he said a moment later, wigging his fingers toward himself to get her to comply.

“What?” She asked as a smile turned up her lips.

“Hands and knees,” he asserted and her stomach turned with excitement. She bit at her lip as she did what he told her to do. And when his hands gripped onto her bum, she let out a moan.

“You like that? Huh, you little minx?” Harry cooed, squeezing her bum in his hands.

Mm,” she moaned before Harry’s mouth was back on her, licking into her from behind.

Her mouth dropped open as another moan thundered out of her.

Mm,” Harry hummed, pulling back before tugging her hips closer to him. His hand pressed against her back to lower her some before she felt him press against her.

Harry,” she whimpered, wanting him to stop teasing.

“It’s coming. It’s coming. Love it when you beg,” he cooed, slipping himself inside.

Cali let out a satisfied groan as he filled her, dropping her head between her arms, biting at her lip. When he pulled out and pushed back in, her mouth fell open again, letting out a loud gasp. And it was like that again and again until Harry finally built up his rhythm inside of her. It didn’t take Cali long to come. She’d felt elated ever since she found Harry on her doorstep. She knew she’d get off easily.

When Harry grunts morphed into a long moan and he buried himself deep within her, she knew he’d found his end too.

“Oh my god,” Harry breathed heavily, pulling himself out of her.

“Needed that,” he said, sliding his hand delicately across her bum before he leaned in and gently bit her right cheek, causing her to yelp before letting out a laugh as she collapsed onto her side on the bed.

She watched as he disappeared out of the bedroom, going into the loo. A minute or two later she saw the lights in her living room turn off and then he was back, sauntering naked toward her, crawling into the bed.

“Missed this,” Harry breathed, pulling her body against his.

Mm,” Cali hummed as her face heated up, thinking about how just a few nights prior, she was with another man in the very same bed she was now cuddling Harry in. She felt guilty and the guilt weighed on her as Harry shut off the light and quietly fell asleep in her arms.

The next morning, Cali woke up, still wrapped in Harry’s arms. His face was buried in her neck, his front pressed to her back. She quietly wiggled out of his arms and he stirred next to her. She froze, not wanting to wake him.

“Hey…” He breathed when his long eyelashes fluttered open.

“Hey,” she said quietly, sitting up next to him.

He sat up too, running his fingers through his tousled hair. She bit her lip as she watched him. He always looked absolutely gorgeous in the morning. It almost wasn’t fair.

“What?” He asked, looking at her curiously.

“What? Nothing…” She said, shaking her head, shaking her thoughts away as a blush crept up her face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

“What are you talking about?” She scoffed, trying to shrug it off.

“Did you just wake up from another sex dream about me or something?” He teased playfully.

“Shut it! No!” She scoffed, pushing him playfully.

“I mean, that wouldn’t be a bad thing, but you’ve got the real thing lying naked next to you,” he insisted, bouncing his eyebrows at her and she couldn’t help but rolled her eyes.

“You’re always horny,” she scoffed.

“Because you’re always naked,” he laughed, sliding his hand across her bare chest, tugging on one of her nipples.

“I am not always naked!” She protested, pushing his hand off of her.

“You are right now,” he countered, wrapping his arms around her before pinning her to the bed underneath him.

“Harry!” She giggled.

His kisses started at her collar bone and moved up her neck, stifling her protest almost immediately.

“See you’re always horny,” she giggled a moment later, trying to wiggle away from him. He pulled himself up on his hands so he could look at her.

“Well, it’s not like you can blame me. And besides, we do other stuff… like hang out… with clothes on. We’re not always having sex,” he explained.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Speaking of… what are we going to do tonight? Go to a club? A bar?” He asked, inquiring about New Year’s Eve.

“Uh… I’ve, uh… I’ve actually got a date,” she confessed, feeling the blush creep back up her face as the anxiety swelled inside her chest.

Harry’s expression went from excited to blank in a matter of seconds. Cali’s heart dropped in her chest in the same amount of time. She didn’t like the look of disappointment she saw on his face. She felt guilt wrap completely around her.

“Oh,” he said quietly, his eyes looking away from hers.

“Yeah…” She said weakly.

“Who?” He asked curiously.

“Uh, this bloke… uh, Zayn. We met at a shoot,” she told him, and it was her turn to look away from him. He was still naked, on top of her and the situation was getting more and more awkward by the second.

“I leave for a week and a half and you go off to find a replacement…” Harry huffed, trying to make a joke out of it, which Cali appreciated. But she could see through it. She could see the despondency in his expression.

“Yeah… well…” She said awkwardly. Harry slipped off of her and sat down on the bed. She quietly sat up too.

“We’re going to a club. You could come with. Viv and Rhys will be there. I guess they’ve started dating each other,” Cali offered, trying to make him feel better about the situation.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I can see what the lads are doing,” he said, waving it off.

“Yeah,” she said quietly.

A moment later, he stood up from the bed and started to get dressed.

“I’m gonna head out. All my stuff is still packed up… I should probably get to that. Gotta do the wash and stuff…” He spouted, making up a jumble of excuses.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll see you,” Cali said quietly, covering herself up with the duvet on her bed.

“Yeah, see you,” he said before he left her room.

She heard the flat door open and then close a moment later. Cali felt about as shitty as his expression looked disappointed. And why did she feel that way? Why did Harry get so weird about her date with someone else? Things weren’t supposed to get weird like that. She wasn’t supposed to feel so guilty. But she did.


Took me forever to write this chapter. Haven't updated this story in six months because I was stuck on this one. Ugh. I'm glad I'm finally over that hump, because now I can keep chugging along.

Zayn was introduced in this chapter. Whaddya think? He'll be in a few chapters, so get used to it.

Let me know what you think! Thank you!



Some feelings are definitely being caught... ;)

lisavslisa lisavslisa


Mm-hmm, girl you know! ;)

lisavslisa lisavslisa

I love this story sosososososo much I am glad you have updated and I hope you keep updating it regularly!

Also I knew FWB wasn’t the best thing. It seems Harry was expecting some sort of loyalty but I don’t blame Cali at all. I mean we’ve all seen Zaynie! Lol Besides that is allowed during a FWB ordeal but I think Harry is catching them feelings.

I need to know what’s next!!!! Sooo good! Catching feelings though!

Having this many stories must be difficult! I don’t know how you do it. I will wait patiently. Lol