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I Like The Way You Smile

Then guns went off

Samanthas POV
Niall carried me to his house. over and over i said "call a taxi niall." but he didnt want to take a risk.
When we got to his house he brought me to his room and placed me on his bed and started singing something i remebered but i dont know from what.

You see me in the corner
i stoped and breathed to affraid to look.
You see threw me and my lies like a book

And yet you dont care
That im broken
loast and affriad
i stand in the shade
wishing youd love me

Sudenly there was a nook on the door niall got up to go answer it and i relized were i new it from i wrote it and i hung the lyricks on my wall because it was about niall.
"sam do you mind if the guys come in?" niall said in the chesiest american accient. "no bring them in." i said in an irish accient.
the guys came in and gave me a hug. then they started singing truly madly deeply

Am I sleep am I awake or somewhere in between
I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me
Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined
Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine

Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss
And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this
I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl
And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world

Truly, madly, deeply I am
Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you kicked all my walls in
So baby say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you

Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed
And wake you up with all the words that I still haven't said
And tender touches just to show you how I feel
Or should I act so cool, like it was no big deal

Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this
I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it
'Cause here's the tragic truth, if you don't feel the same
My heart would fall apart if someone said your name

Truly, madly, deeply I am
Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you kicked all my walls in
So baby say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you

I hope I'm not a casualty
I hope you won't get up and leave
Might not mean that much to you
But to me it's everything

Truly, madly, deeply I am
Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you kicked all my walls in
So baby say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love (in love)
With you (with you)
In love (in love)
With you (with you)
In love (in love)
With you (with you)

i must have fell aslep cause when i woke up a frezzing metal cercle. it felt just like a gun.
i open my eyes and saw an angry Sirena and Sandra.
the person holding the gun wasSirena but sandra heild me on the ground.
niall i tried to scream but something was holding my mouth closed.
i put my hand in my pocet and dialled 911 when they answerd i tried to scream again but all that came out was a moufeld sound they said they would be here in a minute.did i ever mention i have REALY good ears. in like 2 minutes there was a nock on the door and niall said to the cops "whats going on?" quiet footsteps searched the hous and then finally came down stairs guns went up and one of the officers said "drop your weapen." then shoots went off...


n o hate i did this at 2 in the morning
thanks for reading mates
love ya


I might stop it hear i dont know
thanks i am working at it but have the biggest wrighters blook ever
You're always welcome. Don't sweat the whole cant update as much thing because You have a good reason. But I will be wait for on ;)
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D
the problem is solved im sorry for freaking everyone out im just not going to update as much but ill try too sorry

thanks it means alot :))))
We could never hate you!
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D