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Back to where we started

San Francisco

~Joseph's p.o.v~

"No, I'm just saying that even if your dad and auntie had died it still wouldn't have been your fault." My best friend Snowy told me as she rapidly climbed up a tree. She looked at me from upside down with her fair falling down behind her.

"I guess so... But my mom died because I was born and my dad tried to kill himself over her. So technically it is my fault." I sighed, flipping my bangs out of my face. As I did, I noticed Kenzie Hemmings walking over to us.

She was the most beautiful girl in our year. She was a couple of months younger than me but I couldn't care less. She was stunning.

"Hey Snowy." She smiled. Snowy secretly scowled and I could see it. I didn't know why she hated
kenzie so much. She was always kind to her.

"I was wondering if you would like to come to my birthday party next week." She beamed giving Snowy an invitation. Snowy sighed, climbed out of the tree, ripped up the invitation and walked away. I frowned at her as kenzie stood there in confusion.

"I-I'm s- sorry..." I stuttered before grabbing hold of my backpack and running after Snowy.

"What was that all about?" I questioned her.

"It doesn't matter." She replied. "So how about a movie at yours?" She asked excitedly.

"But my dad hates you." I argued. I wanted her to come over but I didn't want her getting in trouble.

"Awh never mind that Asshole. I wanna hang with my buddy bud bud." She giggled, ruffling my hair.

When we got back to my house, We dumped our bags in the hall and tried to sneak up the stairs but nothing ever gets past my dad.

"Jo, where are you going and why have you brought Snowy round?" I heard my dad shout from the kitchen.

"I haven't." I lied, not expecting him to come over to where we were.

"Yeah, sure you haven't." He frowned, annoyed. Dad has never got along with Snowy for some reason. I guess its just her cheek and misbehaviour.

"Oh relax grandpa, we just wanna watch a movie. Don't get your nips in a twist." She retorted.

"Ok that's it! Out Snowy now! Or i'll call your parents." He raised his voice sternly. Dad never did that except when Snowy was here.

"Fine and just for the record... I'm not scared of you." She snarled whilst walking out. But before the door slammed shut she popped her head back in and quickly shouted:


I could see her running down the street out of the front room window, waving at me as she went by and smiling like crazy.

"Why don't you like her dad?" I turned to my dad and raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"She can come over another time." Dad said suddenly bursting into a fit of giggles and bouncing around like a 4 year old on drugs. He Totally avoided my question. Why was he acting like this?

"I've got some news!" He smiled as he sat me down on the couch. Aunt Drey walked in as well and sat opposite us in the love seat.

"What in the world..." I trailed off.

"Well, we kind of wanted you to be the first to know." Drey started.

"We're getting married."

I stared at them both in horror. This was wrong. She was my auntie, my mom's best friend. Dad was just gonna replace mom like that? No. I wasn't letting him.

"No." I said simply, standing up with tears in my eyes.

"If you're getting married, I'm leaving."

"What? Joseph I don't understand-" Drey said as kindly as she could before I cut her off.

" I don't freaking want you to replace my mom you bitch! You're supposed to be my auntie! Not my stepmom. Get lost you witch." I snapped before, running up the stairs and locking my bedroom door.

All night long, I could hear my dad's and Drey's voices shouting at me to come out but I just ignored them, put my earphones in and buried my face under my pillow. When the shouting had stopped and Drey had left, FINALLY, I skyped Snowy.

"Oh hey my best buddy with the uptight arse of a father." She sniggered as I saw her face in the bright light of her laptop. I focused in on her cheeks where some black makeup was smeared. She'd been crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She wiped under her eyes with her hoodie sleeve.

"Oh yeah, just a little... in fact you know what? Its nothing. I'm great."

I gave her a look of uncertainty but she seemed like she wasn't bothered about herself at all, just how I was.

"My aunt and Dad are getting married." I began, my voice just above a whisper.

"What? No way!" She replied, biting her lip hard in what almost looked like anger.

"Yeah. It was bad enough when they started dating let alone marriage."

"Don't let it bother you. As long as you and them are happy Its okay." She told me in what she thought was the truth. If only she knew how I felt about my mom being replaced.

"Okay, Imma get some sleep. See ya tomorrow." She smirked before logging off. I put my computer back under my bed and got under my covers to go to sleep.

~Calum's p.o.v~

I overheard Joseph talking to snowy over his laptop ion his room. He seemed really upset about mine and Drey's relationship. We had been dating for almost 8 years now. It seemed right. It seemed normal. I didn't understand why he was so upset about it.


When we'd gotten out of the hospital from the crash, Drey grabbed my hand in the car and held it tight like she did right before the accident. "I'm sorry again." I whispered. I couldn't believe what I'd just tried to do. My selfish thoughts had almost killed both of us.

"shh Calum. Its okay. stop it." She hushed, smiling widely. Luckily, there were no major injuries.

"So where's Joseph?" I asked Ash who was driving.

"Dont even think that you'll get to see him after what you did. He's not safe in your hands." Michael snapped before Ash could answer. Luke and Ashton both agreed with him.

"But he's my son!" I cried, slightly irritated.

"Can he still see Joseph if I live with him?" Drey suddenly piped up.

"What?" Michael almost shouted. "Drey are you crazy? He tried to kill you!"

"Michael. Its fine. He didn't do it on purpose. The crash was an accident." She lied.

I didn't know why she did that for me. She lied about the crash being an accident rather than my own, stupid attempted suicide. I tried to speak up many times and fight against what she was saying because I deserved all of it.

"But what about us two?" Mikey asked Drey sadly.

"I guess we'll just take a break." She sighed as Michael huffed and glared at me with fury in his eyes. My best friend has never scared me so much.

~End of flashback~

Ever since then Drey and I have been happy together. We didn't date for the first few years of living with each other. We were both too shook up about the accidents and Missi's death. Michael was pretty forgiving after a while as well. I guess he just gave in because he didn't want to keep up this stupid fight. We're all best friends and we wouldn't be anything without each other.

Drey helped me with Joseph. She took him in like her own son and he just shoved it back in her face. Jo didn't even know his mom so I thought he'd be happy with Drey. But no. I had to make him change his mind. For all of our sakes.


Hope you liked this chapter and the begin ning of the sequel! Thanks for reading and joining me on this amazing joruney! I love you all! Vote/comment/subscribe xxx


Please continue this!

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'm so happy that you'd want to do that :)
Of course you can be the new author, I'd love to see what you do with this story, Overnight I have lost a subscriber so that kinda sucks but hopefully they'll come back once you start writing! Xx

I love this story so much and a lot of other people do too and I would hate for this story to just get abandoned because it is so good and you mentioned recruiting a different author to continue this and I was hoping that you would let me be that author because like I said before I would hate for this story to get abandoned so please message me back when you get a chance to let me know if I can continue this amazing story!

there will be another one soon!