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Kill Me

Lying To Get Inside

I hit the pillows and soon, I'm sleeping.

~the next morning~

"Lana! Hey L.! Wake up!" I hear Emily say.
I grumble and turn around in my bed.
"L you're gonna be late!"
"Late for what?"
"For the thing.."
"Oh, that thing."
"Nah, they can wait."
"No, they can't, so C'mon."

She pushes me out of my bed, making me fall on the floor.
"That wasn't necessary. I would've come if you Just asked me." I grumble and she lifts her eyebrows.
"Okay, maybe not." I admit.

So I change back into The clothes that Charlie picked out for me yesterday. After that I walk tog there with Emily downstairs.

When I'm downstairs I just grab an apple again.
"And? Ready?" Deans asks me.
"Yup." I say.
I don't feel nervous at all. That's weird. I mean, once I'm there, they could do to me whatever they want.

So after breakfast I get some good lucks from gang members and say my goodbyes to my friends.
"Be careful." Charlie smiles at me.
"Yeah, don't die." Emily smirks.
"I'll try." I smirk back.

"Bye Dyl." I smile when I give him a hug.
"Stay safe okay?" He hugs me back.
"I will."

Then I walk to Dean.
"Don't die or do anything stupid." He warns me.
"Wasn't planning on it." I smirk.
"Good. Now here. Take your knife and your gun. You never know."
"As if I stand a chance if they decide to kill me." It was meant as a joke, but it came out ,ore serious than expected.

"Bye guys." I say before leaving the house.
It wasn't far, but I still start running. It need to look like I ran for my life.
I also already started making little fake tears so it would be less hard when I was there.

I run across some forests and some houses until I'm there. I knock on the door and start making fake tears. Just when they begin to stream over my cheeks the door goes open. In the door stands Calum.
Before he even regonised me, I already hugged him. I sob with my fake tears in his neck.
Calum is definitely shocked. I can tell by the way he's acting.
"Hey, Lana, what's wrong?" He asks, not sure if he should take advantage from me right now or not.
"They kicked me out." I sob in his neck.
"what? Why? Who?"
"Dean. They thought that I had an affaire with you."
"What? But you hate me! And why are you coming to me for this?"
"I have no one else." I squeak out.
I almost feel sorry for myself. Almost.
"Hey, it's okay..."
"I'm sorry Calum, I never should've come here. I just really don't know what I needed to do..." I'm still sobbing. I hear him sigh.
"Take it easy. C'mon, just drink some water." He lets me in and I look around.
It looks different than I thought it would look like. It's... Lighter.

We walk to the kitchen and he gives me a glass of water.
"Thanks." I mumble.

After I drank a little I stopped sobbing and looked at Calum. He's still leaning against the counter.
"Look, Calum, I'm sorry. For everything. I don't even know why I hate you, it's just something that's told me over and over again."

Before he could reply, I see Michael walk in. When he sees me, he grabs a knif and holds in against my throat.
"What are you doing here?" He spats.
"Mike, take it easy.." I hear Calum sigh.
"What? Maybe she's collecting information for her little gang and you tell me to take it easy?!"
"She just got kicked out." He sighs again.
"Oh." He takes back his knife.
"It's okay, I would've react the same way." I wave it away.

so we talk for a little until Michael asks
"Where are you gonna sleep tonight?"
"Uhh.. I don't know actually. Under a bridge probably. Or in the park."
"Why would you?"
"I have nowhere else to go!"
"You could stay with us."
"Woah whoah whoah, since when are you making the decisions?" I look over to Calum. Who's now standing in front of Michael,
"But we have room enough and..."
"No Michael. It's okay, I'll just go and sleep in the park or something." I smile extra weakly.
"Uhh... Well. Thanks ." I say before walking away to the door.
Just when I'm at the front door I hear Calum sigh.
"Lana wait. You may stay here."...


Hey guys!

I just wanted to say that I didn't got to upload the outfits in Ch. 2 so here they are!

This is the outfit in the beginning where she slams her door and shit.

This is the second. The one who Charlie chose.


@Five seconds of one direction




No probleeemmmsss bub!❤️❤️

Yay!! Thanks love!!
