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Safe and Sound

Great News

I stood still. Not moving. Not breathing. I had to be ready.

Silence took over the room. That was until the first knife had been thrown. It had come from behind me. I heard someone grunt as they threw it, I quickly spun around, catching it inches before my face before throwing it in the direction it had come from. I saw a man completely dressed in black fall, blood gushing from the blade that had just pierced in between his eyes.

Next thing i knew another two men ran at me. The first attempting to punch me in the fac but i arched back,dodging out of they way before catching his fist in my hand. I twisted it around before pushging myself up straight once again, extending my foot out in front of me connecting with the other man's jaw. he fell, knocked out cold. I pushed the only remaining guy up against a wall tightly so he couldn't escape.

"Where the fuck is she?" I asked, he remained silent, but he was trembling so I could tell he was scared. "Don't make me hurt you". I stated bluntly before tighting my grip as he caved. "She's in the next room.tied up-" before he could continue. I whacked him round the side of the head knocking him out.

I sprinted to the next room to find a little girl curled up in the conter, her hands and feet were bound as well as pieces of cloth tied around her mouth, she was crying her eyes out.

"I'm here to take you home sweetie, I promise i won't hurt you." I assured her with a soft tone of voice, she just nodded in repsonse.

I removed the cloth from her mouth first before taking off the ropes around her wristsand ankles. She lunged at me, wrapping around my neck letting the tears flow down her face. I wrapped one arm around her to lift her up and used the other to cradle the back of her head into my neck.

"Shhh..." I repeated while rocking slightly at an attempt to calm her down.

I couldn't even imagine what she was feeling right now. I mean, she must of only been 8 yet she's been put threw this.
I broke the lock of the window and pushed it open as far as I could for us to climb out. We were on the ground floor so climbing out was easy. I jogged back to my Porsche which I had hid around the corner, I seated her in the passenger seat and secured her belt. She was looking at me with these chocolate brown eyes full of relief.

"Get some sleep sweetie, you'll be home soon." I smiled and she smiled back as she nodded and close her eyes. I took off my jackrt and wrapped it round her to keep warm her warm then took my place in the drivers seat and set off back to base.

When we arrived back at base, I wlaked to the elevator still holding her in my arms, she hand't woken up and I didn't have it in me to wake her up yet, god only knows how long she has went without sleep. When we reached 30, the top floor"base is beyond gigantic but i suppose it need to be" the doors dinged open and there stood the little girl's parents and the director. Her parent's faces immediately lit up as they pulled her into their arms. She obviously woke up then and she too began crying and smiling.

Watching them all stand there reunited made everything worth it, they looked so happy. The director smiled at me with a nod as a gesture of 'good job kiddo'. that was his signature phrase for me.
I began following the director into his office but I was stopped by the little girl wrapping her arms around my legs. I smiled and got down on my knees so we were the same height. She engulfed me in a tight hug whispering "thank you" into my ear., when she pulled away she pulled off one of the bracelets around her tiny wrist and placed it into my hand. It was black string with red and white beads that read CHLOE.

"I'll never forget you" she beamed at me with her gorgeous little face and I whispered "I'll never forget you either Chloe."

Her parents joinged in with "thank you" but they had no need to thank me. I was just doing my job. We finished our goodbyes and I proceeded to follow the dorector into his office.

I suppose I should do a little explaining. My name is Arianna. Otherwise known as agent 10. Very few people know my real name now that i think about it. I'm 19 years old and I work for a secret agency called "Whiteout" but I just refer to it as base., we are located just to the north-west of Northern Ireland in the UK., I know it may sound strangle becuase most of you might not know where that is, but thats kind of the point, it's unobvious. So technically I'm a secret agent,but I don't work for the government. The government are clueless to what we do but on the other hand, so is everybody else.

I have been in the program from when I was basically old enough to start trainging but I didn't actually qualify to be an agent until I was 11. Young, I know. The youngest ever to be exact. But you'll hear more about that later.

The director is the main boos man, he controls everything and I mesn e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Trust me, you don't even sneeze without the director knowing, he's like a mini version of God. Me and the director had always been a lot closer than what most of the other agents but he always felt that little bit of extra responsiblity for me, I suppose it was just becuase of everything we had been through together.

Now, this is where everything gets a little wierd. You see, in the buisness we handle the typical kidnappings and protection missions when weh have time but on most occasions we deal with the supernatural. I'll give you a mintue to process that. You've probably heard the stories about vampries and werewolves and just thought were legends. Well, you thought wrong. They are everywhere in the world but they can manage to disguise themselves as humans. They are currently at war with each other, over a few different issues but mainly power. They are searching for this so called 'Prodigy.' which is meant to be able to give them the power to take over the world. So the director being the good soul that he is set up Whiteout hundreds of years ago to stop them. Oh yeah, the director's kind of immortal.

"So Arianna" he began, offering me a seat facing him as he took his seat behind his desk. "you have another mission my dear and it's a big one. You leave tomorrow night."

"Already?" I smirked, raisng my eyes up at him. usually it was at least a week between my missions.

He sighed but smiled at me, fully aware that it didn't really bother me and continued. "I think you are going to like it." I shot him a weird glance clearly confused. He opened the drawer on his right and handed me out a beige file marked classifed on the top in red ink.

I opened the file and began reading, my eyes widened and I turned straight back to the director my face face pouring with excitement.

"Please tell me this isn't a joke!" I Shrieked, I was a teenage girl after all, I was allowed to act this way to exciting news.

He responded "No joke my dear, you are going to work for One Direction."


Hey guys! Have another story for you! I am writing this with my good co-writer Kiyah_Malik! Hope you guys like the first chapter and keep reading! :D


I'm liking his story already I hav a feeling that it's going to be one of those cool ninja stories but you never know, looking forward to the update
LiveLoveLaugh LiveLoveLaugh
Thank you and yes we will :)
Ray Ray Ray Ray
lol thx we will and ur wlcm :)
Kiyah_Malik Kiyah_Malik
:D oh ya first comment lol. I loooovvveee this story :D plz update soon lol thank u
EmilyluvsU EmilyluvsU