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Secrets Within

Chapter Thirty

I woke up to bright lights being shone in my face.

“We have movement; she’s waking up” I hear a woman say

“Emerson? Can you hear me?”

“Mmm hmm” I hum groogily

“Hi my name is Doctor Lowe. How are you feeling?” he asks

I try to stay awake to converse but I can’t. whatever they have done to me makes me pass out again. Eventually I do wake up long enough to carry a conversation with Dr. Lowe who informs me that I had been shot in the leg. Apparently the bullet hit a major artery and I lost a shit load of blood which is why I passed out in that god forsaken closet. Roland found me and had me air lifted to the nearest hospital by helicopter. I was immediately taken into surgery to repair the artery. So now I have forty three stitches on the inside of my legs and fifteen staples on the outside of my inner thigh. After talking to Dr. Lowe he gives me some pain medication and back to dream land I go.

Two Hours Later: 1:30 am

I wake up to sharp pains in my leg. I remember talking about the surgery earlier this evening. I look around the room and can see nothing but darkness. I press my nurse call button then hear a deep voice from the corner

“Em are you ok?”

Roland gets up and comes to my bed side. His eyes are dark and red rimmed like he has been crying.

“Daddy?” I say

“Yes Emerson, I’m here love”

It feels good to know that I have found my real dad although it still hurts losing the parents who raised me. Everything that I went through with Louis, my parents, and now Harry, my dad and sister is a whole new experience. Everything has changed. Speaking of Harry what happened to him? Before I could ask my dad the nurse comes in to answer my call.

“Hello dear how can I help?”

“Um could you give me something for pain?” I ask sheepishly

“Oh yeah here ya go” she says handing me a small tube with a red button.

“What is it?” I ask

“This is a morphine pump” she says handing it to me

I take it and hit the red button like she showed me. I can hit it every twenty minutes if I need to. Thankfully it doesn’t take long for the medication to kick in either.

“Dad where’s Harry?” I ask sleepily

“Harry uhh… he’s in surgery still honey” he tells me

My heart sinks and I instantly feel sick to my stomach as I start to cry. I knew it, I knew something happened to him when the line got disconnected.

“Oh Emmy don’t cry hunny. You get some sleep and Anne will come fill us in when she knows more about Harry ok” Roland tells me

The Next Morning: 10:00 am

I wake up feeling really foggy and sore, but I can remember last night all too well. My mind instantly worries about Harry and if Anne has any news yet. My heart starts racing as I look around the room for Roland.

“Dad?” I say

He doesn’t answer but someone with blonde hair walks around the corner.

“Niall?” I say shocked

He flashes me his one in a million smiles and sits on the side of my bed.

“Hiya Em. How ya feelin?” he asks

“Eh, I’ve felt better I tell him.

“Yeah you’ve looked better too” I hear Tessa say

The three of us sit and gossip about the last 48 hours and Niall fills me in about Harry and the past with the band and all. Even though Niall tells me I want to hear it from Harry. Speaking of him I wonder how he’s doing. I ask Niall about his condition and he tells me that Harry was shot four times. Twice in the chest which one bullet punctured a lung causing it to collapse. He took one in the shoulder and one in the arm. Niall says he barely made but is in the ICU on a ventilator until further notice.

There isn’t anything I can do but sit her and wait. According to Dr. Lowe I will be here for quite a while too. I know one this is for sure and that is I am not leaving this hospital let alone the country without Harry. That just isn’t going to happen.

That I can PROMISE


Hey all i hope you like it! this is the last chapter but the journey is not over!!! i will have the sequel up very very soon and it picks up a couple weeks after this scene. :)


No problem :) hope you enjoy it

Allie Miller Allie Miller

@Allie Miller
Thank you so much! :)

Secrets within is first then its sequel is His Best Kept Secret


Allie Miller Allie Miller

Secrets within is first then its sequel is His Best Kept Secret

Allie Miller Allie Miller

Should I read this book first or its there a specific order?