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One Love

Chapter 39 - Relieved

When I woke up the next morning I am still butt naked. Liam has his arms wrapped around me. Without waking him, I get up and throw one of his t-shirts over my head. Mmm it smells like him. Wow do I really have to pee. I go to the bathroom and quickly make a wonderful discovery. I got my period. I don't think I've ever been so happy. I have to wake Liam up. I run towards the bed, and jump on him, nearly breaking every bone in my body.
"Ergh what time is it?" He groans
"Doesn't matter I have good news." I say
He sits up
"I got my period!!!!" I squeal
"Thank god." He scoops me up in his arms.
"I am so relived." - E
"Me too." - L
"We gotta be more careful next time." - E
"Yes, I think we should at least get married first before we start having kids hun." - L
Hearing him mention the word marriage makes my heart flutter. I am constantly thinking about out future, but I never thought he did.
"I like hearing you say that." I smile
"Say what? Marriage?" - L
"Yes." - E
"Of course I wanna marry you, it's just a matter of when." - L
When he says this I can't help but gasp a little.
"Really?" - E
"Yes why are you so surprised?" - L
"I didn't know you it ever really crossed your mind...that's all." - E
"If you weren't 18, and I wasn't so busy I would marry you right now." - L
Suddenly, tears fall down my eyes
"I am so happy right now." I hug him
"Aww sweetie please don't cry. " he says wiping the tears from my face.
"Your right this is silly I'm sorry. I'm just get emotional and probably will be all week so get used to it." - E
"Great...wanna go get some pizza?" - L
"Yes that sounds great." - E
"Can we make out a little first?" - L
"I thought you'd never ask." - E



@Lets_be_random_together :P
hahahaha that's awesome don't feel stupid I don't know a lot of Gabby's! Twinning!

Omg! This is probably really stupid but in your authors note chapter, you signed your name with Gabby, well the thing is my name is also Gabby! I'm feel very stupid for pointing that out but it was really cool!

There is a sequel I just found it!! Just click on her name :)

Did the sequel come out yet? :) what's the name! Can't wait to read it

Sstyles Sstyles