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Something Good Can Work: Book Two - ON HOLD INDEFINITELY-

Move, bitch.

Can everyone stop yelling?” I said as I sat up, clutching my pounding head.
“What do you mean, of course?” Harry asked, standing up and almost knocking me down.
“Seriously, not the fucking time Haz.” Lucy said finally, stepping between the two.
“What the fucking fuck Summer!” Lucy continued to yell, honestly she was being a twit.
“Look, what the fucking fuck what? I’m so confused, does anyone have a smoke?” I asked looking longingly toward her.
“No, are you serious? I’ve been trying to find you all night and you want to get fucked up?”
“I want to help my headache obviously, it’s medicinal.” I defended.
“You slutty dance on Elliot, fight with him in the kitchen while you finish off a bottle of vodka and then tell me you want to go home and fucking disappear? Please tell me that you understand how shitty that was.” She spat, full of attitude.
“Slutty danced?” Niall chimed in, arching a brow at me.
“She was trying to make me jealous lucky charms, calm down.” Harry said glaring at him.
“Lucky fucking charms, so original” He said as he mockingly laughed.
“Honestly, do I need to separate you?” Lucy said glaring daggers at the both of them. Harry threw his hands up in surrender and stepped back. Niall rolled his eyes.
“Clearly I was abducted then Lucy if you lost me.”
“Lost you!—‘
“You weren’t lost, you told me you wanted to go to your grans and I had to take you.” Harry said, cutting Lucy off.
“Honestly?” I said, holding in a laugh.
“Yes, then you practically raped me in the back seat before saying you needed to make a call and disappearing.” Harry said as he pointed at the red lipstick stains on his neck.
“To call me.” Niall interjected.
Why does this feel like a game of clue?
“Did I have the candlestick!?” I mocked.
“You told me you wanted me to come get you because you missed me.” Niall said with a scoff.
“No. Me? Couldn’t be.” I said with a melodic incline as I stood up and walked toward the kitchen. This was too heavy for Saturday Morning. I ignored their bickering and couldn’t deny the grin on my lips when I spotted the perfect pick me up. I grabbed the half drunk bottle of vodka and took a large gulp before having glass shoved into my mouth.
“What the fuck Harry?” I yell as I quickly move my hand to my mouth which is now throbbing.
“You’re drinking? What is wrong with you?” He asked, clearly disappointed in me.
“I don’t know how else to deal with you all. This is why I left.” I said with a huge roll of my eyes. I shoved past Harry and let my fingers walk across Niall’s chest, sealing the tease with a wink.
“Oh fuck you” Harry said angrily, he pushed past Niall and grabbed me – lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed as I beat my fist against his back.
“Put me down you barbarian!” I yelled, trying to kick my way off his shoulder.
“You’re not doing this. I fucking refuse” He said as he pushed through the front door and I felt the harsh sunlight in full effect.
“What are you doing!?” Lucy yelled as she stopped in the door way.
“I’m taking her where she needs to be, fucking rehab. I’m going to Grans.” He said as he opened the passenger door and tossed me in.
“Luce!” I yelled, looking at her to help me.
She just crossed her arms. I watched Niall look at me with a perplexed expression. Was he mad? Sad? Happy? I couldn’t tell.
“Niall, PLEASE!”I said as I fought against Harry while he enabled the child safety.
He just shook his head and turned around.
Harry slammed my door and walked to the driver side. “I’ll call you.” He said to Lucy before slamming his door and cranking the engine.
What a fucking waste.


Sorry that took so long to update, life is busy af.
You know what I like, feedback!!
Let's have some.


hmmmm Harry harry harry... i haven't figured him out quite yet... but i wish Niall was here too :(

Allie Miller Allie Miller

Dun. Dun. Duuuuuunnnnnnn

megsworld megsworld

Oh snap! Shit is about to hit the fan

Allie Miller Allie Miller

Shit is about to go down uh oh

sugarcube. sugarcube.


Allie Miller Allie Miller